Education Specialist Intern Program Overview & Supporting Programs California State University, Los Angeles Charter College of Education Office for Student Services 5151 State University Drive | Los Angeles, CA 90032
About the CCOE The Charter College of Education (CCOE) at Cal State L.A. is the only public college of education in the United States with the distinguished “charter” identity offering an extensive portfolio of 57 academic programs of differing types including undergraduate, graduate (including a joint Ph.D. with UCLA and an Ed.D., the first-ever independent doctoral-level program offered at the university), teaching & professional credentials, as well as academic certificates. 2
Program Overview Education Specialist Intern Program The Education Specialist Intern Program was established to provide candidates with specific support while teaching and completing requirements for the Education Specialist preliminary credential. California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA), through the Charter College of Education (CCOE), collaborates with the employing school district or non-public school to provide guidance, professional support, and supervision while the intern completes a two-year program of accredited coursework and supervised fieldwork.
Program Options Offered Birth to age 5 Early Intervention, All disabilities, Autism Early Childhood K – 12 th grade (up to age 22) Learning Disabilities, Intellectual disabilities, Autism, ADD, Emotional Disturbance Mild/Moderate K – 12 th grade (up to age 22) M/S Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, M/S Emotional Disturbance, Multiple Disabilities Moderate/Severe Birth- to 12 th grade (up to age 22) Physical/Orthopedic Impairments, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury Physical & Health Impairments Birth- to 12 th grade (up to age 22) Visual Impairments, Blindness, Deaf-Blindness Visual Impairments AVAILABLE PATHWAYS Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency Program Education Specialist Preliminary Teaching Credential (x3) Integrated – Traditional – Intern
Program Features & Benefits Interns receive accredited university graduate units for academic coursework taken Interns can complete a preliminary credential program alongside a Special Education M.A. CSULA is one of only two schools in California that offer teaching credentials in both Visual Impairments and Physical & Health Impairments CSULA is centrally located in the greater Los Angeles basin and to LAUSD Most classes are offered in the evenings
Program Eligibility Requirements & Deadlines B.A./B.S. degree from an accredited institution of higher learning Admission to Charter College of Education Credential Program Passing CBEST score Subject Matter Verification (Appropriate subject matter examination (CSET) or approved subject matter waiver program) U.S. Constitution Communication 150 (or equivalent) Interview with and recommendation for admission by intern advisor Successful completion of pre-requisite coursework: EDSP 300, EDSP 408 & EDSP 400 OR Valid Multiple or Single Subject Preliminary/Clear Credential Admission to Charter College of Education Credential Program Campus Admission Deadlines –Summer Quarter 2016 CCOE Application & CSET/Subject Matter Verification: May 6, 2016 –Fall Semester 2016 Priority: 4/15/2016 Final: 6/15/2016 –Spring Semester /15/2016
Summer Quarter 2016 May 6: Application Deadline (CCOE App / CSET) –Students must meet with Dr. Menzies for clearance –CSU Mentor will be made available for eligible students Late June to July: Take EDSP 300/400/408 –Students who complete ALL courses & admission requirements will be intern-eligible for August 2016! Late August: Begin SPED Intern Program (while working with LAUSD) Contact: Dr. Holly Menzies:
Traditional Intern Admissions Procedure 1.Apply online for admissions to CSULA for the respective quarter/semester of interest via CSU Mentor: ( 2.Apply for admissions to the specific program through the CCOE. 3.Submit completed CCOE admissions application to the Office for Student Services: King Hall D Meet with Jennifer Revilla, CCOE Special Education Intern Advisor, to determine intern program eligibility (including paperwork and interview). Jennifer Revilla:
Current Cal State LA Undergrads Complete current BA program –Can apply to the preliminary credential program a semester BEFORE completing BA/BS CBEST must be attempted by application deadline For intern eligibility, CSET/Subject Matter Verification is required Group Advisement Information Sessions are offered by the CCOE 3 times a quarter –Next one: Friday, March 25 | 3pm | King Hall D2072 Integrated (Blended) Teacher Preparation Program Students –Apply during your junior year –Meet with CCOE Office of Student Services advisors before completing program or as directed by faculty advisor
Community College Students SB Associate Degrees for Transfer –creation of Associate in Arts Degree (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) Degree transfer programs –student is eligible for guaranteed transfer admission with junior standing into the California State University (CSU) system –Requirements Minimum GPA: minimum CSU transferable units (GE or IGETC Breadth Pattern) Golden 4 Integrated (Blended) Teacher Preparation Programs –Co-current enrollment in BA & Education Specialist Credential coursework Become intern eligible upon BA completion –Options Child Development, Chicano Studies, Liberal Studies, Urban Learning
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Agustín Cervantes Director, Office for Student Services Charter College of Education California State University, Los Angeles