Using the Resources in the Depository of Curriculum-based Learning and Teaching Resources to Introduce Text Types in English Language at Primary Level Ms CHAN Lai-shan, Lowetta
What is text type? Class of text (e.g. abstract, news report, light fiction, commentary) with specific characteristics of style, sentence formation, terminology, etc (1) Texts differ in both purposes for which they are produced and how they are structured (2) The term can be used to refer to different variety of spoken or written types of text which serve different purposes, take different shapes, and embody different linguistic and stylistics features, e.g. , poems, advertisements, telephone conversations. (CG, Glossary)
Categories of Text Types CG, pp.17
Questionnaire What text types you have covered in KS1 / KS2? Please do the questionnaire
Why do we introduce text types at primary level? Learners need to acquire familiarity with different text types and structures that they use, and be able to use them in their own real-life. Text type provide authentic and meaningful context within which learners can learn how grammar works for purposeful communication. (CG, pp.15-16) Children need to write everyday. Teachers need to seize every opportunity to give them real experiences in writing for different purposes and audiences, e.g. messages to colleagues, sporting lists, reminder boards, class news, daily calendars… (3) As a part of literacy framework to introduce a range of text types for 3 genres, narrative, non-fiction and poetry (4) All text types are useful in achieving certain purpose in the many domains of life, and by understanding these purpose and the way they are constructed, one can identify them in the wider community, comprehend the context in which it exists and react accordingly (5) Students could conform the same rule in writing (6) The core of the syllabus is an emphasis on language as a resource for making meaning. (7)
How to teach text types? Conscious learning and explicit teaching in context of tasks For teaching: Purpose within the curriculum and society Structure Grammatical and language features Ensuring that we know and understand the metalanguage used in teaching For learning: (3) Context: purpose and audience Text: Language features (structure, vocabulary, grammar and cohesion) Process: plan > draft > edit > proofread > publish Presentation: format, layout, graphics, diagrams …
Suggestions of different text types Categories of Text Types Examples of Text Types for KS1 Additional Examples of Text Types for KS2 Social Purpose/sTypical Grammatical Features Narrative Texts Stories Poems Biographies Journals To entertain To retell an event or series of events and /or reflect Past tense Emotional language Time sequences Information Texts Charts Personal description Announcements News reports Weather reports To classify and describe a phenomenon or a particular class of things Technical terminology Adjective phrases General nouns Exchange Cards Personal letters s Formal letters To exchange or response to message Formulaic expressions, address, date, salutation Procedural Texts Directions Instructions Procedures Recipes To provide clear directions to help the readers perform a set of specific actions to complete a specific outcome Use of imperatives Action verbs Adverbials of time manner, place, reasons etc Explanatory texts Captions Illustrations Explanations of how and why To describe the processes whereby phenomena works/ why it works Action verbs Technical terminology Exclusion of personal nouns Persuasive texts Advertisements posters Brochures Discussions Expositions To persuade someone of a point of view Modal verbs Action verbs Evaluative language
Depository of Curriculum-based Learning and Teaching
Resources in the Depository of Curriculum- based Learning and Teaching Resources Depository of Curriculum-based Learning and Teaching Resources > Key Emphases > Development of Language Skills Depository of Curriculum-based Learning and Teaching Resources Tools Writing Fun Writing Fun 2 Publish projects 2 Publish projects Story maker Story maker Write your own play Write your own play Capital letters and full stops Capital letters and full stops References Text types Text types Types of texts Types of texts
Sample tasks of teaching text types Shopping list KS1 – In the Shop Letters / postcards KS1- My Friends KS2- Send a message Procedures KS1 – Bright Ideas KS2 – We can Cook Biography KS2- Special People, Special Things
Shopping List Text Type: Information texts – lists Resources: (KS1) Suggested Modules and Units > KS1 > Places and Activities > In the Shop Buying thing Shopping List Hands on: Shopping List, e.g. shopping list for school picnic (sample) Shopping List sample
Letter / Post cards Text type: Exchanges – personal letters, formal letters Resources: (KS1) Suggested Modules and Units > KS1 > Me, My Family and Friends > My Friends Making Friends Letter Generator Resources: (KS2) Suggested Modules and Units > KS2> Relationships > Send a Message Writing friendly letters Formal and informal letter Hands On: DIY – Fill in the BlanksFill in the Blanks
Procedures Text Types: Procedural Texts – instructions, procedures Resources (KS1) Suggested Modules and Units > KS1 > Fun and Games > Bright Ideas List and instructions We can make things Resources: (KS2) Suggested Modules and Units > KS2> Food and Drink > We can Cook Making strawberry muffin Food and Drink Hands On: DIY – ProceduresProcedures
Biography Text Type: Narrative texts – Biography Resources: (KS2) Suggested Modules and Units > KS2 > We Love Hong Kong> Special People, Special Things Special people, special things Steps to write a biography Hands on: DIY – Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension DIY – Jumbled SentencesJumbled Sentences
Tools for vocabulary Learning TV Shows Comprehension exercise Comprehension exercise Crossword Puzzles Crossword Puzzles Animals Word Search Word Search
Conclusion We need to teach text types explicitly and in context Use different resources for students to expose, comprehend and understand features and language structure of text types For more exploration, browse resources in the Depository e.g. KS2> Happy Days > A Bag of Laugh For making resources
References: 1) 2) rces/english/englishcontinuum/englishglossaryl-z.htm#t rces/english/englishcontinuum/englishglossaryl-z.htm#t 3) ) /results/nav: /results/nav: ) 6) 7) yl.pdf yl.pdf