Jan 26, 1837:Michigan becomes the 26 th state to join the Union. Jan 14, 1994:Gov. Engler signs Michigan’s Charter School Law. Jan 29, 2009:Dr. Howard Fuller speaks at the Charles Wright Museum of African American History. Jan 4, 2010:Gov. Granholm signs the Race To the Top Bills. KEYJANUARY DATES
THE FIRST 15 YEARS: CHANGING THE PARADIGM Paradigms Never Change Without Challenge –Political –Media –Legal –Regulatory –Operational
THE FIRST 15 YEARS: CHANGING THE PARADIGM “Era of Assignment” to “Era of Choice” Removed the district’s exclusive franchise Schools without boundaries Fund students, not schools Empowering parents Choice and competition Dual accountability
SCHOOL CHOICE IN MICHIGAN: GROWING TO MEET PARENT DEMAND Sources: House Fiscal Agency, Senate Fiscal Agency, Education Policy Center at Michigan State University School Year School Year School Year (est.) School Year Change, to Number of students in charter schools12,04766,986104,127116,80092,080 Percent of students in charter schools0.7%3.9%6.5%7.4% Number of interdistrict choice students7,83641,23879, ,395 Percent of students in interdistrict choice0.5%2.4%4.9%--- Total number of students using choice19,883108,224183, ,475 Percent of students using choice1.2%6.3%11.4%--- Total Number of Michigan Students1,646,7471,713,1561,612,4251,580,100-34,322
“THE FUTURE ISN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE.” Baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berra
“ Instead of rewarding failure, we only reward success. Instead of funding the status quo, we only invest in reform — reform that raises student achievement; inspires students to excel in math and science; and turns around failing schools that steal the future of too many young Americans, from rural communities to the inner city. In the 21st century, the best anti- poverty program around is a world-class education. And in this country, the success of our children cannot depend more on where they live than on their potential. ” — President Barack Obama State of the Union Address 1/27/2010
BUILDING NEW CHARTER HIGH SCHOOLS Multiple K-8 charters could enter into “matriculation agreements” to feed into a charter high school, immediately creating a student body for the high school. HOW “MATRICULATION AGREEMENTS” CAN WORK EMPOWERING PARENTS WITH HIGH SCHOOL OPTIONS A K-8 charter could enter into multiple “matriculation agreements” with many charter high schools, providing parents with an array of options for their child’s secondary education. GROWING EXISTING CHARTER HIGH SCHOOLS A K-12 charter school could enter into matriculation agreements with multiple K-8 charters, facilitating the K-12 charter’s growth in high school grades.
THE NEXT15 YEARS: RESULTS FOR KIDS Raising student achievement –Kids are learning Improving productivity –Measuring student/school performance More choice and competition –Empowering parents with options Transition pain
FINAL THOUGHTS Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Warren Bennis Leadership is influence. John Maxwell Trust is the foundation of leadership. Violate your people’s trust, and you’re through as a leader.