2005 Prosperity Summit Process The Docking Institute Legislative Leadership Business Leaders University Economists Regional Focus Groups
Economic Development Regions
2005 Prosperity Summit Statewide Themes
1. Continued Cooperation Between State Agencies Statewide Themes Break Down Silos Between State Agencies
2. Increased Local Government Control Work to Allow Local Government Cooperation/Collaboration/ Consolidation Statewide Themes
3. Taxes and Incentives for Economic Development Changes to property tax on business machinery and equipment Focus on Business Retention Statewide Themes
4. Workforce Development Deliver a skilled workforce Statewide Themes
5. State Image Market and Use Common Theme Kansas… as big as you think Statewide Themes
Cobalt Boats
Garmin International
6. Transportation Adequately Fund the Comprehensive Transportation Plan Regional Planning Strengthened Relationships Statewide Themes
7. Energy & Natural Resources Widely Understood and Well Coordinated State Policies Statewide Themes
8. Agri/Eco-Tourism Flint Hills Winery Model Public Lands & Trail Development Statewide Themes
9. Biosciences Disseminate Information About Activities of the Bioscience Authority Statewide Themes
10. Health Care Costs Healthy Kansas Initiative Statewide Themes