INTRODUCTION Origin of Ferrocement dates back to It witnessed decline in consequent years due to limited research work back then. We have used the same product in an innovated manner called ‘Ferrocast Products’. The large number of toilets required in the country, was seen as an opportunity to implement this system. The various advantages that this system has over its counterparts, makes it the only option available to meet the demand in the stipulated time.
NEED OF THE HOUR! In India, it’s easier to find cell phone coverage in the most backward villages than a proper toilet. 626 million people in the country (the highest in the world) defecate in the open. The consequential health hazards would be beyond imagination.
NEED OF FERROCAST SYSTEM Our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has cited the immediate need of toilets, having a clean India in mind. The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation has set a target of 12.5 million toilets for This accounts to constructing one toilet per second. Such a huge demand in a short span is not possible using conventional R.C.C.
ADVANTAGES OF THE SYSTEM Light weight sections, ensuring ease of erection in large numbers. Structurally sound design. Permanent structure with a life of 50 years. Entirely precast, thus eliminating delays due to human errors. Seemingly the only option for the huge demand of toilets in the country would be precasting the same.
DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNOLOGY Ferrocast sections are cast in the casting yard under expert supervision. Each panel weighs a maximum of 120 kgs, enabling ease in handling and erection. The panels once taken to site, are connected to each other by means of bolts and anchor fasteners. High strength bonding mortar is used for positive bonding and waterproofing. A team of 6 people is sufficient for erection of one unit including septic tank, IN HALF A DAY.
Manufacture of panels can be done in bulk depending on the number of moulds. Panels for 2 toilet units can be manufactured in one single day, which can easily be doubled by using twice the number of moulds and larger yard space. Erection work can be done simultaneously at different locations by multiple teams, for early completion of the target. To increase productivity and reach, large number of casting yards are required at different geographical locations all over India.
WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The waste management technology used is ‘Packed media anaerobic digester with facultative and anaerobic bacteria growth’. The packed media is used such that, it develops attached growth of facultative bacteria which decomposes the organic matter in the waste.