The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Monday, November 1, 2010
Richmond in Ruins April, 1865
Lincoln Entering Richmond April 3, 1865
Lee surrenders to Grant April 9, 1865
Our American Cousin Play at Ford’s Theater
Laura Keene Star of Our American Cousin
Mary Todd Lincoln Wife of Abraham Lincoln
General Ulysses S. Grant and wife, Julia Refused the Lincoln’s invitation to go to the theater
Edwin Stanton Lincoln’s Secretary of War Also declined the invitation of Lincoln
Major Henry Reed Rathbone Accepts the invitation with his fiancee, Clara Harris
Clara Harris Fiancee to Henry Rathbone
Ford’s Theater Washington, D.C., 1865
Presidential Box Ford’s Theater
William H. Crook Regular Bodyguard of President Lincoln Was haunted by final conversation with Lincoln
Where was John F. Parker? National Park Service Sketch of Hallway that led to Lincoln’s Box
Ford’s Theater Taltavul's Star Saloon on Right
Edman “Ned” Spangler Will be Sentenced to 6 years in Prison
“Peanut John” holding Booth’s Horse
Alley behind Ford’s Theater
John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s assassin
Lincoln Assassination
Reported by Harper’s Weekly
The Murder Weapon
Booth’s Blade Knife used to injure Major Rathbone
Booth’s Escape
David Herold Booth Co-Conspirator Will Help Hide Booth after the Assassination Also leads co-conspirator, Lewis Powell/Payne to Secretary of State, William Seward’s Home
William Seward Lincoln’s Secretary of State Injured Badly by Lewis Powell/Payne
Lewis Powell/Payne Attacked Seward
Struggle at the Seward’s
George Atzerodt Supposed to kill Andrew Johnson
Vice-President Andrew Johnson Survives due to Atzerodt’s failure to carry out plan
Dr. Charles Leale Seated below Lincoln’s Box First Doctor to Attend to the Injured President
Dr. Albert King Attended to the wounded president
Dr. Charles Sabin Taft Doctor who attended to wounded president
The Petersen Boarding House Lincoln is carried here after doctors determine he cannot recover from his wound
Lincoln at the Petersen House
Mary Surratt’s Tavern Booth’s First Stop
Mary Surratt Only Woman Executed in Lincoln Conspiracy
Dr. Samuel Mudd Sets broken leg of Booth Will be Sentenced to Life in Prison
Samuel Mudd’s Farm House
Samuel Arnold Lincoln Conspirator Sentenced to Life Imprisonment
Michael O’Laughlen Lincoln Conspirator Sentenced to Life Imprisonment Died in Prison
John Surratt Fled to Canada Never Tried for His Suspected Role
Lincoln’s Deathbed Taken Minutes after his death
Lincoln’s Hat Found in his box at the theater
Contents of Lincoln’s Pockets
Booth’s Escape
The Garrett Farmhouse
Garrett Barn is Set On Fire Booth vows not to be taken
Sergeant Boston Corbett Shot Booth in the neck Leads to the death of Booth
Mortally Wounded by Boston Corbett, Booth is dragged from the burning barn
A dying John Wilkes Booth on Garrett’s Porch