Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare Introducing the Poem Literary Focus: Shakespearean Sonnet Feature Menu
Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare
Click here to listen to the first quatrain. “ When, in disgrace with Fortune... ”
At the beginning of Sonnet 29, the speaker describes some volatile emotions: envy, self- pity, and self-hatred. Consider what you know about Shakespeare and about poetry. Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare [End of Section] Do you think the entire poem will be about envy and self-pity? If not, what do you think it will end up being about?
A sonnet is a fourteen-line lyric poem, usually about love. Sonnet 29 Literary Focus: Shakespearean Sonnet The English, or Shakespearean, sonnet consists of three quatrains (rhyming four-line units) followed by a couplet (a pair of rhyming lines) at the end. The three quatrains often express related ideas. The couplet sums up the poet ’ s message.
Each line consists of five unstressed syllables alternating with five stressed syllables. Like most sonnets, the Shakespearean sonnet is written in a particular meter, or rhythmic pattern, called iambic pentameter: Sonnet 29 Literary Focus: Shakespearean Sonnet From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven ’ s gate —Sonnet 29, line 12 ˘ ′ ˘ ′ ˘ ′ ˘ ′ ˘ ′ = unstressed syllable ˘ ′
The typical rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg. Sonnet 29 Literary Focus: Shakespearean Sonnet When, in disgrace with Fortune and men ’ s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself and curse my fate —Sonnet 29, lines 1–4 First quatrain b a b a
As you read Sonnet 29, notice Sonnet 29 Literary Focus: Shakespearean Sonnet where each quatrain begins and ends which words rhyme in the quatrains how the couplet is used to sum up the message [End of Section] Click here to listen to the entire sonnet.
Shakespeare ’ s greatest nondramatic poetry is in a group of 154 sonnets. These sonnets Sonnet 29 Background have a vast richness of language and imagery show an unusual depth of perception and feeling extend beyond the conventional subject of love to a contemplation of the beauty of life and the mortality of man
In his first 126 sonnets, Shakespeare celebrates his devoted friendship with a young man. Sonnet 29 Background [End of Section] He considers this relationship higher and less selfish than his passionate love for the “ dark lady ” who is the subject of the remaining 28 sonnets.
Meet the Writer
William Shakespeare (1564– 1616) is best known for his brilliant success as a playwright. However, had Shakespeare written no plays at all, his reputation as a poet would still have been immense. His sonnets—all 154 of them—are regarded as some of the finest poetry ever written. More About the Writer Sonnet 29 Meet the Writer [End of Section]