Overview of NCP Hafeez-ur-Rehman HOORANI – DG NCP March 7, 2016ISS
Vision & Aim of NCP – As stated in the Charter “The Centre will evolve into a Centre of Excellence in the area of Physics and would establish itself on the lines of Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.” VISION “To foster, through training and research, the progress of all branches of physics, paying special attention to the needs of Pakistani universities and R&D organizations.” AIM March 7, 2016ISS
Fostering advanced scientific research, especially in frontier areas of physics and allied subjects such as:- 1)Condensed Matter Physics 2)Particle Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology 3)Fluid Mechanics & Plasma Physics 4)Atomic & Laser Physics, Nuclear Physics 5)Advanced Computing for Scientific Research 6)Mathematical Modeling and Simulation 7)Any newly emerging areas in Physics Focus – As stated in the Charter March 7, 2016ISS
March 7, 2016ISS No.Expected OutputsIndicators 1.Producing world-class science & research in areas mentioned in the Charter a.Research Publications b.PhD/M.Phil Students c.Patents 2.Developing facilities and laboratories for the basic & goal-oriented research a.State of the art Labs - User-oriented facilities b.Strong and conducive Infrastructure 3.Breaking the scientific isolation of Pakistani scientists by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and dissemination of knowledge a.Scientific collaborations b.Involvement in international science projects c.Scientific events (conferences, workshops & schools) 4.Human Resource Developmenta.Hosted Researchers/Associates b.Training Events c.Exchange Programs 5.Revamping and awareness of physics and allied disciplines a.Physics Education b.Lectures by Eminent Scientists c.Outreach – attract the young talent
Publications in 2015 March 7, 2016ISS Sr.Subject Papers with IF Papers without IF Total Papers Total IF 1Theoretical Physics Experimental High Energy Physics Nano Sciences & Technology Atomic Physics Experimental Physics Vacuum Science & Technology Earthquake Studies0110 Grand Total
Events Organized by NCP March 7, 2016ISS EVENTSEVENTS Y E A R
Hosted Researchers March 7, 2016ISS Categories Year Guest Researchers Visiting Scientists NCP Associates Visiting Researchers M.Phil/PhD Students Post Doc / IPFP-Fellows Research Collaborator Internees Total
Cumulative Distribution based on Universities March 7, 2016ISS
KPK March 7, 2016ISS
Prof. Fayyazuddin – Distinguish Scientist Dr. Mohsin Siddiq – Director Dr. Ali Ahmed – PSO Dr. Shahid Ali – AP Dr. Ahsan Zeb – SSO Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed – SSO Researchers Researchers = 20Staff = 02 March 7, ISS Theoretical Physics Department
User’s Oriented Research Facilities 1.Nano Sciences and Catalysis Department (NS&CD) for the synthesis and characterization of diverse nano materials 2.Collaboration with CERN – CMS since 1995, detector physics laboratory 3.High Performance Computing – 10 Teraflop cluster with 350 TB storage exists 4.15 SDH-2 Pelletron Atomic Accelerator and an associated experimental Physics laboratory for training and research in applied fields 5.National Institute of Vacuum Science and Technology (NINVAST) 6.The Centre for Earthquake Studies (CES) is established to forecast major earthquakes by studying and analyzing multidisciplinary earthquake precursors phenomena 7.Constructing a Light-Source and Beamline(s) for users of synchrotron radiation in the country March 7, 2016ISS
March 7, 2016ISS Locally fabricated Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer
X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer March 7, ISS Installation and Training on XPS system completed. Now performing XPS analysis of samples received from different institutes/ organizations in conjunction with other characterization tools Research article ready for submission
Schools on LHC Physics at NCP (2009 – 2014) 14March 7, 2016ISS
Grid Node to access LHC data Processing of huge amount of LHC/CMS data needs a lot of computational power, hence resources First Pakistani Tier2 was deployed in June 2004 (operational 24/7 even during severe blackout in Pakistan) Immediate access to wealth of LHC data with up-to-date CMS software releases CPUStorageNetwork Connectivity TB1 Gbps March 7, 2016ISS
Tandem Particle Accelerator Facility Model:5MV-5UDH-2 (NEC, USA) Ion sources: Two (SNICS and RF) Ion beams:H, He, C, Si, Ni, Cu, & Au Beam energy: Up to 30MeV Beam lines: Two (15 o and 30 o ) Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) RBS crystal channeling (RBS c) Particle Induced X ray Emission (PIXE) Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) Particle induced Gamma rays emission Ion implantation for materials modification TECHNIQUES FOR ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS APPLICATION AREAS Semiconductor Industry, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Biology, Earth Sciences, Archeology, Nuclear Physics, Industry, etc. March 7, 2016ISS