Capital Improvement Program Background First adopted in 2010 the City’s CIP proactively addresses the City’s long-term needs for major capital improvements as well as upgrading and maintaining aging facilities with the goal of continuing to provide high quality services and maintaining a diverse economic base for our City.
Narrowing to Key Priorities Remaining Useful Life Infrastructure Importance Redundancy Environmental Enhancement Regulatory Requirement Impact on Annual Maintenance and Operation Cost
Planning for the Next 5 Years Highest Priorities Staffing Capacity 5 Year Project Commitment
Water Water Fund2014/ / / / /2019 Water Line Replacement$750,000 $375,000 Additional Water Storage Zone 1$620,000$20,000 $600,000 Water Tank 9 Replacement$575,000$550,000 Westwood 4" AC water line replacement- east side$565,000$125,000$440,000 Water Fill Stations$85,000 Eureka 14th Street$115,000 Aldergrove / West End Road Tie In$639,000$25,000 Heindon Station$75,000 Alliance Transfer Station PV$58,000 Tank Coating (Interior and Exterior)$150,000$30,000 Pumps, motors, lift stations$160,000 $40,000 Corp Yard Relocation ( and )$525,000$165,000$360,000 Total$4,537,000$990,000$870,000$530,000$728,000$665,000 Grand Total$3,783,000
Wastewater Projects Wastewater Fund2014/ / / / /2019 Inflow and Infiltration Reduction $7,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 1st street pump and motor rehabilitation $195,000 Lift Station Rehabilitation (Meadowbrook, others) $280,000 $140,000 Lift Station SCADA and CCTV $105,000 $50,000 $30,000 Ultra Violet Disinfection Process / PV System $1,075,000 Development of Treatment Marsh 7 $175,000 WWTP Reconfiguration to single pass $2,300,000$300,000$2,000,000 Influent Screw Pumps Replacement $180,000 Bar Screen Replacement $200,000 Grit Chamber Replacment $250,000 Sludge Clarifiers, pumps and digester $4,045,000 $3,245,000 $800,000 Pond 2 Upgrades $155,000 Pond 1 Effluent Pipe and Weirs $275,000 Outfall 001 Long Term Disinfection $275,000 Corp Yard Relocation ( and ) $525,000 AMIC Improvements $125,000 Total $17,160,000$545,000$7,625,000$3,865,000$4,925,000$175,000 $17,135,000
Water and Wastewater Financing Wastewater Financed through the State Water Resources Control Board. Current Rate 2.1%. Estimated at 2.3% for 20 years Total Capital Financed $17 million Water Bond Financing, Energy Financing and Private Placement Financing Estimated up to 4.5% for 20 years Total Capital Financed 3.7 million
Comparison of Rates Water /Sewer Combined Inside City for 6 units of water or 4488 gallons/month2014/2015 Arcata $67.35-$ Crescent City$86.12 Eureka$81.34 Fortuna$69.30 Fort Bragg$ McKinleyville$59.80 Ukiah$ Willits$104.68
Average Rates: Water and Wastewater Charges / / / / / / % Rate Increase 8% Rate Increase Water Inside City $ $ $ $ $ $ Water Outside City $ $ $ $ $ $ Sewer Inside City $ $ $ $ $ $ Sewer Outside City $ $ $ $ $ $ Calculated at 6 units or 4488 gallons per month
Next Steps Send Information to residents about rate increases and public meetings. Hold public meetings to talk in depth about the history of the system, current state, proposed projects and timeline for rehabilitation. Hold final public hearing.