Ing. Alena Bujnová, Head of Water Policy Department Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
SK as EU Country 1. may 2004 Surface area cca km 2 No. of inhabitants cca 96% Danube river basin district, 4% Vistula river basin district SK – 8 regions SK –2890 towns (140) and villages Average allowance SK - cca. 900E (1/3 EU average allovance) Water prise is arround 2% of consumer basket
Sewerage 2004 – 56,5 % 2010 – 60,4 % 2014 – 64,6 % Water supply 2005 – 85,3 % 2010 – 86,6 % 2014 – 87,67 %
EC HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE 21 May 1991 This Directive concerns the collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste water and the treatment and discharge of waste water from certain industrial sectors. The objective of the Directive is to protect the environment from the adverse effects of the abovementioned waste water discharges.
In the accession negotiations with the EU have been for Slovakia in the field of public sewerage agreed transition periods (with particular emphasis on the years 2010 and 2015) in compliance pursuant to Art. 3,4,5 (2) of the Directive to all biologically removable pollution produced in all agglomerations over E in compliance pursuant to Art. 3 and 4 of the Directive to all biologically removable pollution produced in the agglomerations of 2000EO
sent to the EC - VI / 2006 written response EK negotiations with the European Commission - 01/31/ Clarification of the formal and material circuits for the implementation of the Directive and fulfillment of the obligations of the Slovak Republic (the definition of "agglomeration")
„Terms and definitions of the urban waste water treatment directive (91/271/EC)“ The document has been endorsed at the UWWTD-REP working group meeting on 20 December The document may be used as guidance for the reporting process under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC). Relations between agglomeration and WWTP (screenplay) n: 1 (number of agglomerations: WWTP number)
Article 2 (4) - Condition: An area with a population or economic activity "Sufficiently concentrated„ Article 5 - sensitive areas....SR all Act. 364/2004 Z.z. G Act. 617/2004 Z.z.
1st proposal in 2006 based on Development Plan for Public water supply and public sewerage EC comments, bilateral meeting Final list 04/2007 includes 356 agglomerations Agglome- ration PE Above PE Total PE cca cca cca Number of aggl
Revised and amended, sent to the EC 30/04/2007 Until in SR 3,075,500 inhabitants living in houses connected to a sewerage network - e.g. 57.1% of the total population of Slovakia Number of agglomerations: PE 19 - from 10,001 to 15,000 EO 55 - from 15,001 to 150,000 PE 6 - over 150,001 EO - along with over PE = 80
Art. 3 waste water from all agglomerations in Slovakia are discharged, respectively, if other appropriate systems transported to the WWTP Art. 4 in conjunction with Article agglomerations in accordance with this article = about PE Art. 5 (N and P) of 80 agglomerations meets 41 agglomerations (43% of the total pollution agglomerations above PE) At present, a large number of wastewater treatment plants and sewerage networks is under implementation, after its completion we expect significant progress in fulfilling the commitments
Ownership State enterprises transformation to j.s.c. owned by municipalities Operating system 95% Regional Water Companies (j.s.c.) 5% municipalities (qualified person) 3 Water Operating Companies (private sector) OPE RONI Unified price for households and industry regulated activities (eligible expenses + profit) OPE
SK Regulation 296/2005 and 269/2010 incorporated both the end-of-pipe approach (UWWD) and the water quality approach (WFD) good quality of water in defined river basins Obligations for municipalities - Act. 369/1990 Coll. on Municipalities, as amended drinking water supply from VV disposal and treatment of waste. water VK emptying the contents of a home. cesspools
Act No. 442/2002 Coll. It imposes obligations – ◦ owner of public water supply and sewerage ◦ public water supply and sewerage operators ◦ producers of waste water The owner of a public sewer system ◦ continuous and safe removal of waste water and treatment ◦ public sewer system ► meet the technical requirements of the Decree MoE SK No. 684/2006 Coll. ◦ public sewer system development in accordance with the „development plan public sewer system in SR“
EU funds, Envirofund, own resources
ISPA ( )/ CF ( ) OPE ( )/OPQE ( )
Water supplySewerageWWTP m 3 /year ISPA 401 km people 781 km people 18 pcs CF 519 km people 796 km people 17 pcs
Objective 1.1 drinking water EUR - in one trench with sewerage or - quality or quantity problem Objective 1.2 waste water EUR - WWTP must comply with the limits laid down in Decree 269/2010
applications – 470 approved applications – 191 projects – 191 One unfinished project - phasing and funding of OPQE 2014 to 2020
ProjectBudgetSubmission / Approval DateActual status Ružomberok / Physical progress: 100% Financial progress: 59% Ilava / Physical progress: 88% Financial progress: 53% Trenčín / Physical progress: 98% Financial progress: 70% Orava II. stage / Physical progress: 94% Financial progress: 68% Podunajsko / Physical progress: 95% Financial progress: 73% WWTP North / Physical progress: 28% Financial progress: 1% Bytča / Physical progress: 80% Financial progress: 39% Bodva / Physical progress: 91% Financial progress: 71%
Alocation 400 mil. EUR water treatment (water treatment plants, watter supply) waste water (145 agglomerations and more, WWTP)
Receiver – corporate entity, physical entity, which are provided by the state budget funds and the Cohesion Fund to co-finance the project in order to: - Municipalities, associations of municipalities, corporate entity, physical entity licensed to do business
In recent years, Slovakia was considerable progress in the collection and treatment of urban waste water. Attention is currently is focused mainly on the construction of new wastewater treatment plants and sewerage networks, including the reconstruction of WWTP and sewerage networks. SR ensured, especially increased protection and improvement of the waters, aquatic ecosystems, progressive solution of ecological and water management needs protection and human health due to the development of municipal infrastructure (increase in the number of inhabitants living in houses connected to public sewerage), which has a positive impact on regional development the whole society while maximizing positive environmental impacts on the environment.
To fulfill the commitments of the Slovak Republic still needs about 700 million E, of which 400 million E allocated in the OPQE and after their expendition will be resolved additional financial resources from public and possibly private sources.
Thank you for your attention