Contract Increase & Award Pier 7 Structural Repairs Request authorization to expand the scope of existing A/E Contract No and award Contract No , for work associated with the Pier 7 Structural Repairs, Project Nos. E8153/E8154.
PORT OF TACOMA Site Condition overview Bulkhead Repairs Request Wharf Repairs Request Briefing Pier 7 Structural Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Pier 7 on the east side of the Sitcum Waterway consists of four berths, A through D, with a timber railroad trestle and ancillary timber deck to the south of Berth A. The pier supports 54 acres for International Containers and 22 acres for Port Operated Terminals. Berths A, B and C were originally built in the mid 1960s as an all timber wharf. Background Pier 7 Structural Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA The outer 40-foot section of the wharf was damaged by fire in the mid 1960s. Portions rebuilt with concrete and completed in Based on condition surveys completed in 2003 and 2009, the timber portions of the bulkhead and wharf are in need of repair. The design of the bulkhead and wharf repairs will be accomplished by two independent consultants. All repairs will be completed under one construction contract. Background Pier 7 Structural Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Charred Surfaces
PORT OF TACOMA The outer 40-foot section of the wharf was damaged by fire in the mid 1960s. Portions rebuilt with concrete and completed in Based on condition surveys completed in 2003 and 2009, the timber portions of the bulkhead and wharf are in need of repair. The design of the bulkhead and wharf repairs will be accomplished by two independent consultants. All repairs will be completed under one construction contract. Background Pier 7 Structural Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Bulkhead Repairs Spot Repairs Area Lease Line PIER 7 PROPOSED REPAIRS
PORT OF TACOMA Proposed Schedule Pier 7 Structural Repairs Completion of Design May 2010 Call for BidsJuly 2010 Construction BeginsAugust 2010 Construction EndsMay 2011
PORT OF TACOMA In 2003, BergerABAM conducted a pier condition survey and developed a two-phase repair plan. Phase I included immediate repairs required to the timber deck and support structures to restore it to the original design load capacity. Phase II included repairs to the bulkhead. Phase I repairs were completed in Phase II bulkhead repairs were identified as not impacting the wharf capacity, but would need to be completed within three to five years. Background Bulkhead Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA In August 2009, the Port contracted with BergerABAM to provide design services to develop final design documents and provide construction support services. This request is to expand the consultant’s design to allow for the partial removal and replacement of the deck above the bulkhead. This will provide a more efficient construction methodology and is expected to reduce construction time and cost for both bulkhead and wharf repairs. Background Bulkhead Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Bulkhead Deterioration
PORT OF TACOMA Expanded Scope of Work Bulkhead Repairs Review of existing records pertaining to the design and configuration of the deck at the bulkhead Design and calculations for the deck replacement above the bulkhead Develop plans, sections, details, and technical specifications for the construction methodology (i.e., demolition and replacement of the deck) Provide bidding assistance and construction support services for the additional deck work
PORT OF TACOMA ITEMCOST Original Design$46,676 Construction Methodology Design$18,000 Revised Authorized Amount$64,676 Contract Costs – BergerABAM Bulkhead Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA The Q3 Update of the 2009 Program Budget, Planned Category, Container Line of Business, Olympic Container Terminal Program allocates $3,750,000 for Project No. E8153; and Port Operated Facilities Line of Business, Port Operated Terminal 7 A/B Program allocates $4,750,000 for Project No. E8154, for a combined total of $8,500,000. The total amount includes work for the bulkhead repairs, wharf repairs, and other upgrades to Pier 7. The bulkhead repairs are one component of the overall budget. Work is on a time and materials basis. Source of Funds Bulkhead Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Request authorization to expand the scope and increase the authorized amount of Contract No with BergerABAM by $18,000 for a revised not-to-exceed value of $64,676 for work associated with the Pier 7 Structural Repairs, Project Nos. E8153/E8154. Request #1 Bulkhead Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA December 2008, the Port issued an emergency contract to BergerABAM to perform a condition survey of the timber portions of the wharf at Pier 7 due to a significant deck failure that had previously occurred. Investigation identified a significant number of failed and rotted pile caps, piles and deck members. Subsequently, the Port fenced off 1.43 acres of the wharf. Background Wharf Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA In July 2009, the Port issued a Request for Qualifications to select a consultant to design repairs identified in the condition survey. Parametrix, Inc. the most qualified of ten firms that submitted a statement of qualifications. Background Wharf Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Pile Cap Failure
PORT OF TACOMA Deteriorated Timber
PORT OF TACOMA Provide support for Environmental permitting Field verification of structural repairs Prepare construction plans and specifications Prepare construction cost and schedule for wharf repairs Scope of Work Wharf Repairs Staff will return for Commission Authorization for construction support services upon completion of the design.
PORT OF TACOMA The estimated cost for these services is not-to- exceed $160,000. The Q3 Update of the 2009 Program Budget, Planned Category, Container Line of Business, Olympic Container Terminal Program allocates $3,750,000 for Project No. E8153; and Port Operated Facilities Line of Business, Port Operated Terminal 7 A/B Program allocates $4,750,000 for Project No. E8154, for a combined total of $8,500,000. The total amount includes work for the bulkhead repairs, wharf repairs, and other upgrades to Pier 7. The bulkhead repairs are one component of the overall budget. Work is on a time and materials basis. Contract Costs Wharf Repairs
PORT OF TACOMA Request authorization to Award A/E Contract No with Parametrix, Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $160,000 for work associated with the Pier 7 Structural Repairs, Project Nos. E8153/ E8154. Request #2 Wharf Repairs