National workshop Pilot testing of Guidelines for updating of national implementation plans to address the new persistent organic pollutants in Abuja, Nigeria 7-8 March 2012 Maren Mellendorf UNIDO, Vienna, Austria
Contents of this presentation- Reviewing and updating of NIPs 2 Why review and update the NIP? What is the process and what are the resources available?
Why review and update the NIP? 4 Article 7 of the Convention: “Review and update, as appropriate, its NIP on a periodic basis and in a manner to be specified by a decision of the COP.” Decision SC-1/12 Idenfication of internal and external triggers
5 Types of change Changes in obligations arising from amendments to the Convention COP decisions that may affect how a Party implements the Convention (e.g. adoption of guidance) Changes in availability of financial and technical assistance Changes in access to infrastructure External factors Internal factors Reporting under Article 15 Change in national priorities Significant change in national circumstances Inventories of POPs, after improvement or updating, indicating a change in the scope of the problem addressed New chemicals added to the Convention: 9 new POPs in new POP in 2011
Timeline for review and update of the NIP 6 17 May 2004 Entry into force of the Convention 17 May 2006 Due date for transmission of NIPs of first 50 Parties 26 August 2010 Entry into force of amendments to Annexes A, B and C of the convention 26 August 2012 Due date for transmission of revised and updated NIP
7 Listing of new POPs Guidelines on updating of NIPs have been developed Guidance for the inventory PBDEs listed under the Stockholm Convention Guidance for the inventory of PFOS and related chemicals Guidance for socio- economic assessments Guidance for action plan costing Guidance for developing a NIP UNIDO/UNITAR/SSCGEF funding NIP updating Inventories Guidance for the control of the import of POPs Guidance for strengthening the regulatory framework to enable regular monitoring products and articles that may contain new POPs Guidance for BAT /BEP for production & use of PFOS Guidance on labelling of products or articles that contain new POPs or use new POPs during manufacture Action plan development Guidance for BAT /BEP for recycling & waste disposal of articles containing PBDEs Revised
9 Elaborated process for reviewing and updating NIPs 1. Identification of the need to review or update NIP 2. Initiate process to review/ update NIP 3. Coordinating mechanism and process organization 4. New POPS inventory, prioritization and objective setting 5. Formulation of revised/Updated NIP 6 Endorsement 7. Transmission Annex to decision SC-2/7 Purpose Approval Structure and support for NIP updating process Structure and support for NIP updating process Baseline situation Objectives of NIP Baseline situation Objectives of NIP Action plans for new POPs management Action plans for new POPs management Agreement
10 Guidance for developing and updating a NIP Guidance for developing a National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention Guidance for the review and updating of NIPs (annex to decision SC-1/12) Elaborated process of reviewing and updating national implementation plans (annex to decision SC-2/7). Revised
Step 1: Identification of the need to review and update the NIP 11 External factors Internal factors Changes in obligations arising from amendments to the Convention COP decisions that may affect how a Party implements the Convention (e.g. adoption of guidance) Changes in availability of financial and technical assistance Changes in access to infrastructure Reporting under Article 15 Change in national priorities Significant change in national circumstances Inventories of POPs, after improvement or updating, indicating a change in the scope of the problem addressed
12 Step 2: Initiate process to review/ update NIP 12 Internal procedures to trigger the process at the national level Financing may be obtained through enabling activity (ea) projects, funded by the global environmental facility (GEF): request by the party, endorsement and financial commitment letter approval from GEF and implementing agency if the party applies through one (for example, UNIDO acts as implementing agency for about 30 countries) funding: up to USD 250,000 time of project: 12 months
13 Step 2: Initiate process to review/ update NIP EA Outcome: The EA project will focus on the attainment of the following outcomes: The updated National Implementation Plan (NIP) endorsed and submitted by the Government to the Stockholm Convention Conference of Parties (COP); Participating stakeholders able to manage the additional POPs with newly developed technical skills, expertise and awareness. 13
The already existing institutional base and national capacity will be maintained; The Steering Committee for the development of the original NIP will be re- established and strengthened with relevant stakeholders on new POPs 14 Step 3: Coordinating mechanism and process organization
15 Step 4: New POPS inventory, prioritization and Objective setting
16 R esources for inventories of new POPs Properties of the new POPs Information on production, use, waste management Methodologies for data collection and management Guidance on inventory of industrial POPs: PBDEs PFOS Guidance on inventory of industrial POPs: PBDEs PFOS New
Priority assessment and objective setting Criteria for prioritizing health and environmentals impacts of new POPs based on the inventory data, assessment reports and recommendations made by the working groups will be developed; These criteria will also take into account socio-economic impacts and the availability of alternative solutions to new POPs, as well as original POPs prioritization. 17
18 Step 5: Formulation of revised/updated NIP ● Action plans and strategies for each of the new POPs ● Consider requirements of the Convention that apply specifically to new POPs ● Adjust and update existing plans and strategies
19 Existing guidelines: BAT/BEP for Annex C chemicals Toolkit for quantification of dioxin and furan releases Waste disposal of POPs (Basel Convention) Guidance for action plan costing
New POPs 20 Guidance on new POPs: Regulatory framework for monitoring of new POPs Control of import Labelling BAT/BEP production & use of PFOS BAT/BEP recycling & waste disposal PBDEs Guidance on new POPs: Regulatory framework for monitoring of new POPs Control of import Labelling BAT/BEP production & use of PFOS BAT/BEP recycling & waste disposal PBDEs
21 Step 6: Endorsement ● Validate NIP ● Endorsement by appropriate bodies
Step 7: Transmission to COP ● NIP should be officially transmitted through the Party’s COP or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
New guidelines on NIP updating GEF funding Stockholm Convention webinars Resources for support
24 Tentative schedule of webinars on NIP updating Types of webinars (in English) 2012 FebMarchAprilMayJuneJuly Augus t Lindane in pharmaceutical uses X Coordinating mechanisms X BDES inventory X PFOS inventory X New POPs pesticides inventory X BDEs BAT and BEP X PFOS BAT and BEP X Priority setting Import control X Regulatory framework X Labeling X
26 Thank you! For more information, please contact: Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention 11-13, Chemin des Anémones Châtelaine, Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0) Fax: +41 (0) Website: