A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY Assets Defined Small Value Property - $3, $4, Capital Asset - > $5, Building Code Resources “browse” select “browse for space” then look for the building of interest. Compliance - A compliance report indicating past due inventories will be issued the week after this inventory ends. This report will be sent to this workgroup and Senior Leadership. NEW
A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY Go to PeopleSoft Financials and navigate to Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager OR Query Viewer and run the query called: MCG_AM_CAMPUS_INV_DEPT_SUBMIT. Export to Excel. Enter your department ID at the prompt. Use this spreadsheet for Physical Inventory. Use the page layout tab in Excel to change the page orientation to landscape and set the width at 1 page wide. It can be as many pages ‘tall’ as you need. Users must enter location changes into PeopleSoft. Once all changes have been made, re-print the inventory spreadsheet. It should now reflect all the correct locations. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for each line. Use the Action field to document further needs.
Files and Forms Custodian Form Lost / Stolen Report rtforminstructions pdf Loan Agreement ment pdf People Soft Security Access ssform.pdf
A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY The Assistant Equipment Control Officers make all changes to locations in PeopleSoft. Inventories submitted as complete that still require these changes will be returned to the department Assistant Equipment Control Officer (AECO). Transfers or department ID changes require approval of the department receiving the asset. Include “Controller’s Office” in the subject for returns that require department transfers. Supporting documentation should be turned in with the inventory. Department Heads, Deans, or Department Chairs are required to print and sign the inventory listing submitted for their departments. the complete & signed inventory to before Tuesday, May 6,
A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY Items that are listed but are no longer physically located in the department will require proper documentation to remove them (i.e. Moving Request, Lost/Stolen Report, with recipient copied, etc.). Any equipment found that is not on your inventory list that meets the $3000 asset threshold should be noted on your inventory along with documentation so it can be researched and added. Special Attention: All location changes must be entered by Assistant Equipment Control Officers or Managers in departments. Each asset must have: 1) property tag number 2) valid and complete location Assets returned without this information will be sent back to users for correction.
MCG Components MCG Utilities Use Enterprise Asset Management
MCG Inventory Click Search Enterprise Asset Management NOTE: This will only return 300 items. If your inventory is larger, you will need to use the ‘search by’ box to find by asset ID or tag number.
Enterprise Asset Management NOTE: The system does batch updates throughout the day. Updates will not immediately show in this component, although they will be immediately reflected on the inventory query.
Enterprise Asset Management NOTE: Click the “+” sign to add a record when changing.
A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY Failure to follow Property Control Policies and Procedures may result in disciplinary action ranging from counseling, to written reprimands, to further action up to and including dismissal from employment. Complete inventories are to be returned via to: If you need help meeting the schedule, please contact us for assistance: Property Control: Sharon Bradish Office: Trey SpiveyOffice: Dina WrightOffice: Controller’s Office:Tamisha ThomasOffice: Enterprise Asset Management
What to submit: Inventory Spreadsheet Moving Request Forms to Document transfer to Surplus or Other Documentation for Transfer Approval Lost/Stolen Item Report to Document as Missing Loan Agreements Where to submit: to When to submit: Final inventory is due by Friday, May 6, A NNUAL EQUIPMENT I NVENTORY