Measures for the Young Public Employment Service for Youth/Vienna (up to 21 years) Roman Ranosz „Social Inclusion in VET“,
2 Roman Ranosz, PES for Youth Vienna… due day young registered at the PES for Youth Vienna (15-21 years) –3.703 unemployed jobseekers –1.862 unemployed apprenticeship seekers –6.279 are in training 751 registered offers for apprenticeships ~ 60% of the registered youth have migration background ~ young with no basic school certificate Ø average duration of unemployment: 50 days
3 Career guidance centre (CGC) Maintask: Information and advice about education and training opportunities Information about labour market development and trends support ín professional orientation advice for occupational choice and trainings supports in finding a job, writing CVs and covering letters Information events for special target groups (e.g. school classes) about labour market and trends of the professional world regular information events and workshops (e.g. training of job interviews, strategies for job applications,…) initial consultation and registration for searching apprenticeships for school leavers takes place there psychological diagnostics and psychological advice for certain groups of persons (with negative school certificate – cannot finish secondary school „aptitude examination (EU)“ Organization of PES for Youth / Vienna
4 Roman Ranosz, How does it work ? in the most cases it starts with an interest test including interpretation afterwards educational counseling with or without aptitude test for youth from the last primary school year is offered they show opportunities with regard to interests and requirements clients can use internet and print media for information clients with special needs are recommended to further counseling institutions Organization of PES for Youth / Vienna Career guidance centre (CGC)
5 Career Guidance Center – offers for school groups from the 7th to the 12th school year work with school classes from mo-fr from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. - the offer depends on the wishes of the teachers standard program includes presentation of: CGC services and the PES for Youth education opportunities requirements for school education, apprenticeships, studies, … available support for students to find the right training labour and apprenticeship market situation application workshop strength workshop, preparation for job interviews preparation for acceptance tests Organization of PES for Youth / Vienna
6 Roman Ranosz, Counselling department supports the young who are unemployed (with or without unemployment benefit) with special needs (without or with little work experience, low educational achievement or underprivileged, without graduation) clears up capabilities and potentials Job and apprenticeship placement (main task) estimated time for each counseling session – 15 minutes (!) frequency of further meetings 1 to 5 weeks selects and arranges Trainings (main task) clients are recommended to further counseling institutions Organization of PES for Youth / Vienna
7 Courses offered for the Young Qualification Courses (Sprachkurse, Hubstaplerschein, ECDL, Intensivausbildungen für FacharbeiterInnen, Hauptschulabschlusskurse, Kurskostenförderungen,..) Orientation Courses for young with no career aspiration (Jugendwerkstatt, Berufsorientierung und Coaching (BOCO), Mädchen entscheiden,Orientierung für junge MigrantInnen, …) Training Firms – learning by doing Working in Socio Economic Institutions (Kolping, Come and Work, Ingo, …) Counselling Centers (Sprungbrett, WUK Monopoli, C‘mon 17, …) Training Assistents Trainings for young people with special needs (Potenzial Jugendliche, Jobfabrik, Jobmania) Roman Ranosz,
8 Example for Orientation Course „Produktionsschule Wien“ 1.It starts with one week Clearing 2. bfi Vienna: woodwood textiletextile metalmetal tourismtourism artart electronicselectronics logisticslogistics office workoffice work salessales 2. WIFI Vienna or building industries mediaITstyling electrical installation 3. Goal: apprenticeship
9 Roman Ranosz, Example for Counselling Center Target Group: The young aged between 17 and 21 years without or with little work experience, low educational achievement or underprivileged, without graduation Clients of PES for youth, who are in guidance there for a longer period of time, without any integration into the labour market C‘mon 17 - Case Management Characteristics: Long-term support Individual approach, depending on the personal situation The young choose Case Managers themselves The entrance into the labour market is carried out step by step and „in the pace of the young“ Voluntary service Goal: To integrate the young into the regular labour market Occupational Integration needs Time, Trust Building, Individual Setting, Continuity, Voluntariness
10 Roman Ranosz, Qualification … given by the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection: Every young person who is registered as apprenticeship-seeking with the PES for more than three months will either be offered an apprenticeship on the free market or a training opportunity provided by the PES. Training Guarantee
11 Roman Ranosz, Qualification Target Group young people from 15 to 18 years without apprenticeship only at the PES registered people Duration Duration of apprenticeship, the final examination is included Income 1st and 2nd year Euro 240,- 3rd and 4th year Euro 555,- Fully insured (except pension insurance) Family allowance Business Internship 1st year from 4 to 12 weeks from the 2nd year between 12 to 16 weeks / each year Training Guarantee 1 (TG1) in Training Institutes
12 Roman Ranosz, Qualification Training Guarantee 2 (TG2) in Training Institutes In contrast to TG 1: for higher qualified young people from 15 to 18 years from which we expect that they could find a regular apprenticeship within 1 year apprenticeship contract is only for one year only 20 % training in a Training Institute 80% training in companies After 1 year (if no regular apprenticeship was found): possibility to switch to TG 1 This time 2245 young people are learning 28 apprenticeships in Training Institutes
13 Roman Ranosz, Qualification 1) Version 1: ITG 1 with extension of the apprenticeship (§8b1 BAG) the duration of training is extended up to 2 years Final examination is included This time 788 young people are learning in ITG 1 2) Version 2: ITG 2 with part qualification (§8b2 BAG) Part qualification of an apprenticeship Duration 1-3 years Part qualificaton examination is included For both trainings (ITG 1+2): Income: 1st and 2nd year Euro 240,-, 3rd and 4th year Euro 555,- Fully insured (except pension insurance), Family allowance + Vocational Training assistant is obligatory ! This time 107 young people are learning in ITG 2 Integrative Training Guarentee (ITG) - for the Young with special needs ITG + ÖBB trainees working together
14 Roman Ranosz, Vocational Training Assistant: Information + assistance throughout the Integrative Training Guarantee Setting the educational objectives with the parents, the company (lecture) and the young Assistence with formalities (apprenticeship contract, …) Qualification
15 Thank you for your attention ! Greetings from Roman Ranosz, BA EURES Adviser AMS Gumpendorfer Gürtel 2b 1060 Vienna