Umbrella term to describe number of progressive disorders which affect the brain Alzheimer’s Disease Vascular Dementia Dementia with Lewy Bodies Frontal Lobe Dementia Other forms of Dementia – include Huntington’s Disease; Alcohol – related Brain Disease; CJD; HIV and Aids related Dementia Currently 700,000 people living with Dementia in the UK (66,000 in Scotland)
To call for assistance Help them to remain safe in their own house or out of doors Unwelcome visitors Harassment or hate crime For people who pose a risk to themselves when they go outside or cannot find their way People who forget to turn off devices or may be at danger of extremes of hot/cold People who forget to turn off taps – risk of flooding At risk of falls Forget to take medication Are not orientated to time or place Unable to use devices such as the phone or carry out simple tasks
Range of devices to support people with Dementia – each product must be evaluated to ascertain suitability for individual Must be accepting of the equipment Some equipment may cause more problems Loud noises Auditory hallucinations Important to find a balance between ensuring safety and protecting privacy Introduce as early as possible Must identify who will respond or take responsibility for equipment
All carers are entitled to an assessment Research has shown that telecare can reduce stress levels Many carers are unaware of telecare Provides peace of mind Carers views must be taken into consideration Can reduce strain in relationships Must be willing to monitor Require adequate information, training and support Use of mobile phones and internet is widespread but cannot assume people are familiar with these technologies Paid staff may have concerns regarding job security – may open other opportunities for new or different roles
Any intervention should be discussed with person and family in a clear manner and guidance notes left to reaffirm consent to use technology – must be willing to accept No equipment is 100% reliable – same can be said for “human” service Faults – on call service – 48 hour response Equipment which relies on mobile phone signals, internet access or landlines can experience lapses – back up and testing Interoperability – equipment manufactured by one company does not work with call centre New voluntary standard Scotland Excel Ensure risk assessment and risk management programme in place
Ethical issues are not unique to telecare Occasions when the introduction of telecare raises issues of capacity and consent What are the legal issues over riding their right to choice and consent Decisions made on behalf of an individual should be time limited and regularly reviewed and limited to particular decisions Be aware of own personal and professional values which may conflict with person and family Procedures designed to protect person’s right to choose, dignity, privacy and confidentiality Ascertain view of person and carers – do they understand what you are saying? Is telecare the correct choice – are their alternatives? How are decisions recorded? Has a record been provided to everyone who should have one? Review date.
Need to understand the unique experience and impact of dementia on each individual Effective and efficient outcomes – focussed assessment – essential if potential of telecare to be maximised Documentation (SSA) prompts consideration of telecare Individual needs identified – potential personalised response Must involve person and family/carers (with permission) Consider mainstream equipment and other solutions: Signage Reminder Boards Orientation Clocks Good assessment of physical health: Consider infections Medication Changes Physical Pain Consider what is in place and persons willingness to change
Environmental considerations Availability of telephone lines, wireless networks etc Thickness of walls and distance signals have to travel Equipment to enhance assessment Lifestyle monitoring Monitor movement Means support, protection and care arrangements can be targeted in more accurate person centred way Always consider risk as well as need