Adjunct Faculty (New/Returning) August 11, 2011 Yuba College Jan Ponticelli, Ph.D.
1. To recognize and validate the increasingly complex role of postsecondary Instructors in today’s community colleges 2. Participants will construct meaning, draw on and apply knowledge gleaned from session to the development and implementation of SLOs’ in courses, programs, and services
20 TH CENTURY Some go to college Less diversity Patriotism Industrial age Teaching Philosophy Curriculum 21 ST CENTURY All need some PS training Pervasive technology More competition from proprietary schools More diversity Changing nature of workplace/workforce Accountability
Accreditation asks the college for well documented, ongoing processes for evaluating itself including assessment results The State Academic Senate defines SLO’s as specific, observable/measureable results that are expected subsequent to a learning experience Gathering data helps us understand the contributions of instruction and student services to overall student development and learning
What do students need to be able to “DO out there” that we are responsible for “in here??” Yuba College Learning Students Intended learning family Health work Gov Professional community Trades
Communication Computation Critical Thinking Global Awareness Information Competency Personal and Social Responsibility Technological Awareness Scientific Awareness
A broad set of outcomes that students will have achieved when they complete their educational goals at the Yuba Community College District Faculty within a discipline agree on a set of SLOs that students will be able to do upon completion of a sequence or cluster of courses leading to a certificate, degree, or specific body of knowledge
Themes, concepts, and issues as well as skills taught and learned through demonstration, practice and feedback
SLO’s move beyond the recognition and recall of knowledge to what students will be able to do “out there” as a result of their participation “in here.” ENGLISH placement Remedial Student Learning Outcomes 1.Write and speak with confidence about your own and others ideas 2.2. Critically read and interpret literary works 3.Show evidence of personal awareness and creativity Major GE Transfer Intended Roles 1. Upper division student 2.Global citizen
Intended Roles: Upper division students, Employee requiring postsecondary math, Responsible Citizen Placement Test SLO’s 1. Apply quantitative thinking processes 2. Communicate mathematical concepts to varied audiences 3. Use mathematical tools essential for upper division math course 4. Solve problems collaboratively Remedial Major Prerequisites General Ed Economics Sciences Computer Science
Program SLO’s should not be done in isolation but with colleagues and other stakeholders SLO’s focus beyond the classroom to “life-roles and are designed to meet personal, societal and employer needs SLO’s paint a clear picture of what we see our students being able to DO “out there” Course SLO’s are complex enough to define essential content (concepts, skills and issues )
Once Instructors have envisioned and agreed upon what students will DO differently in the community, workplace, etc., we can begin to decide what content is necessary to teach and how it will be assessed.
Defining the content we want to teach in our courses is directed by the course outlines that have been developed and typically entail teaching;A.) Concepts/knowledge B.) Issues C.) Skills
Concepts and Skills Assessment Tasks Learning IssuesOutcomes Leadership theory Group functions Motivation Decision making Goal Setting Issues Management rewards Power/Politics Change process Stress Synthesize to solve problems Apply OB strategies to work and business situations Apply theory and conceptual models to work world Apply oral, written and listening skills Work w/in teams Produce critiques and summaries of OB principles, concepts and theories Make an oral presentation that clarifies and summarizes key information Produce a plan of action including goals and obj. Apply basic principles of organizational behavior to further organizational effectiveness Work collaboratively w/in a team setting to solve basic organizational problems Apply understanding of complex concepts and issues to decision making
Concepts and Issues Skills AssessmentLearning Outcomes Aging/changes Interdependence /dependence Respect Family system Depression Joy Guilt Issues Lack of respect Preparedness Conflicting family roles Feelings of guilt Speak with honesty Recognize early signs of change Monitor health needs Monitor home safety issues Gather and organize essential information Access appropriate community services Listen and observe in earnest and contribute joy to an older person’s life Compile a document which includes legal, medical, financial, home maintenance and family system information that will be useful when dependency increases Engage the older person in his/her own preparation for potential aging changes Observe and respond to subtle changes in living patterns and behaviors Maintain the integrity of family system and define levels of participation in an older person’s life Gather and maintain legal, medical and financial documents for care
Begin with a review of the approved course outline and program SLOs in your discipline Course content/subject matter typically entails themes and concepts, “issues,” and skills Course SLOs paint a clear picture beyond the classroom to life-roles in the community, workplace, family and higher education