Service Analysis and Simulation in Process Mining Doctoral Consortium, BPM14’ Arik Senderovich Advisers: Avigdor Gal and Avishai Mandelbaum
Contents Introduction: o Services o Operational process mining Research Goal Research Outline Preliminary Work: o Queue Mining: Predicting Delays in Services Future Work 2
Services economic interactions between customers and service providers that create added value in return for customer’s time, money and effort. Service management – operations, strategy, and information technology (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2006) What are services? 3
Services in Call Centers 4
Services in Emergency Departments 5
Services in Transportation 6
Characteristics of Services Services require participation (of both sides), perish if not handled online and cannot be stored (lost business) Scarce resources and uncertainty in demand formulate Queues in front of service activities: 7 Service
The Essence of Process Mining Process-Aware Information-System Process Modeling and Analysis Data Mining Process Mining Extract non-trivial information on business processes from event data Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and Enhancement of Business Processes (van der Aalst, 2011) 8
PM: Compliance vs. Performance Illustration by Wil van der AalstWil van der Aalst 9
Types of Performance Analysis We aim at data-driven: o Capacity analysis (e.g. utilization of resources, bottleneck identification) o Time analysis (e.g. predicting delays, sojourn times) o Sensitivity analysis (directions for process improvement) o Optimization with respect to some goal 10
Operational (Data-Driven) Analysis Event Log Model Specification Discovery Business Process Validation Events Operational Goals Data-driven Model Valid Model Operational Support Selection Improve/Predict/Recommend Model, e.g. QNet, PNet Up-to-date Event Log Event log 11
Mind the Gap Queues are not treated separately from service activities in analytic and simulation performance models (e.g. for time prediction) 12 Sojourn time = Activity Time + Delay 1.Control-flow perspective 2.Resource perspective 3.Time perspective 4.Queueing perspective Agent Mean=30 seconds
Research Goal Integrating service analysis techniques (e.g. Queueing Theory) into process mining by discovering analytic and simulation models from event data Service Analysis and Simulation in Process Mining 13
Research Outline Queue mining: discovery and analysis of service processes via analytical or approximated queueing models Discovery of simulation models of service processes from event data Development of a single modeling framework for discovery, conformance and performance analysis of business processes with queues that combines: o Current process mining perspectives (e.g. control-flow, time, resources) – at the instance level o with the queueing perspective – at an aggregate level o Simulation being the common denominator 14
Queue Mining “Queue Mining – Predicting delays in service processes” (CAiSE14’) 15
Data Mining Queue Mining Service Modeling and Analysis via the queueing perspective 16 Queue mining – predicting delays in service processes (Senderovich, Weidlich, Gal, Mandelbaum, 2014)
Goals of the Preliminary Work Introducing the queueing perspective to process mining Showing that queue mining techniques improve prediction accuracy in service processes Validating well-established results in Queueing Theory against real-world data 17
Steps towards our goal 1. Target a relevant operational problem: online delay prediction 2. Explore Queueing Data (Q-Log) that comes from a real-world service process 3. Consider delay prediction methods 4. Empirical evaluation of the methods 18
Online Delay Prediction A target-customer arrives into the queue: Problem: Predict the waiting time of the target-customer o Important in service processes o Simple, but not too simple (can be generalized) 1 s 19
Steps towards our goal 1. Target an operational problem 2. Explore Queueing Data (Q-Log) that comes from a real-world service process 20
Queueing Data (Q-Log) ILDUBank (Israeli Daily Updated Bank) data, coming from the Technion SEELab Focus on a single customer type o “General Banking” (70% of bank’s customers) Training log of delays; test log of delays (January-March, 2011) 21
Q-Log: Example 1 s Queue Service Abandonments 22
Steps towards our goal 1. Target a relevant operational problem (e.g. the online delay prediction problem) 2. Explore a real-life Q-Log 3. Predict delays via several methods: o Extensions for existing Process Mining techniques o “Classical” queueing models o Heavy-traffic approximations of queueing models 4. Empirical evaluation of the methods 23
Method 1: Transition System Based on van der Aalst et al., Delays ={45,4,56,78,…} Predictor is the average over past delays; suitable for systems in steady-state
Method 1 vs. Real Data 25
Method 2: Extending the Transition System 26 QL&Delays ={(10,45), (12,4),…} Prediction based on K-Means clustering of queue-lengths
Method 1 vs. Method 2 (RASE) 27
M3: Queue-Length Predictor Based on the G/M/s+M model (Whitt, 1999) 1 s Queue Service Abandonments 28
Statistical vs. Queueing Model (RASE) QLM is accurate for Moderate Load (model assumptions) 29
Approximations of queueing models (Heavy-Traffic) “Classical” queueing models suffer from oversimplifying assumptions: o Exponential service times/patience o Poisson arrivals Realistic queueing models are rarely tractable mathematically; however these models can be approximated The idea: analyzing the queueing model under limits of its parameters 30
M4: Last-to-Enter-Service (Armony et al., 2009; Ibrahim and Whitt, 2009) A target-customer arrives into the queue: The last customer to enter service waited w in queue Prediction: the target-customer will wait w 31
Results (Root Average Squared Error) 32 Queueing models and their approximations are valuable when mining service event logs Current process mining techniques can be extended with queueing features Model assumptions are of essence and must be validated before using the model
Operational (Data-Driven) Analysis Event Log Model Specification Discovery Business Process Validation Events Operational Goals Data-driven Model Valid Model Operational Support Selection Improve/Predict/Recommend Model, e.g. QNet, PNet Up-to-date Event Log Event log 33
More on Queue Mining Work-in-progress: o Delay prediction in queueing networks (buses) / multi- class services (call centers) o Mining RTLS hospital data Future work: Automatic model selection from a possible set of analytical queueing models o Search for analytically tractable queueing networks (somewhat analogous to searching for sound PNets) o vs. search for simple models that aggregate complex realities yet work well in practice 34
Towards Data-Driven Simulation Models of Services (and Business Processes with Queues) 35
The need to Simulate Service Processes 36 Complex service environments often result in analytically intractable queueing models Solutions: o Approximations (e.g. snapshot principle) with (sometimes) unrealistic assumptions o Simulation
Discovering Simulation Models of Services Service network structure (control-flow from both a customer and a resource perspective) 2. Building blocks (arrival rates, service times, routing probabilities) 3. Scheduling protocols (rules by which customers and resources are matched with each other) o “Mining Resource-Scheduling Protocols”, BPM14’
Long-Term Future Work: Business Process Simulation with Queues Business process simulation (Rozinat et al., 2009) Simulation mining of services Data-driven simulation models of business processes with queues 38
Business Process Simulation with Queues 39 Defining a unified modeling framework (combination of instance level and aggregate level models) Discovery of queueing information from event logs without explicit queueing events Discovery, conformance checking and performance analysis methods for all process mining perspectives (control-flow, resources, time, queues,…) Main challenges:
Thank you! 40