August 13 & 14, 2015 Big Creek Elementary School District
Key Shifts Year at a Glance 4 Cs Vocabulary Student Engagement Instructional Strategies Unit Planning Universal Theme Assessment Key Shifts Year at a Glance 21 st Century – 4 Cs Universal Themes Student Engagement Instructional Strategies Unit Planning Vocabulary Mathematics & ELA
3 Norms/Agreements
Math Practices What are they? How many are there? Are they important? When do I use them? How will they help me?
A HG F E D C B Math Practices 1. Persevere 2. Precision 3. Reason 4. Argue 5. Tools 6. Structure 7. Patterns 8. Model
1.Partner A solves the first problem, explaining his/her thinking. 2.Partner B watches and listens, check, coaches if necessary and praises. 3.Partner B solves the next problem, explaining his/her thinking. 4.Partner A watches and listens, check, coaches if necessary and praises. 5.Partners repeat taking turns solving successive problems. One paper. One pencil or pen.
A D C B Perseverance Model Reason Argument
E H G F Tools Patterns Precision Structure
1.Students mix in class. Hand up until you find a partner. 2.Partner A asks questions from worksheet, Partner B responds. Partner A record answer. 3.Partner B check and initials the answer. Partner B asks a question and records Partner A’s answer. 4.Partner A checks and initials the answer. Partners shake hands. 5.Students raise hands to find a new partner.
Vocabulary Instruction
Key Shifts Year at a Glance 4 Cs Vocabulary Student Engagement Instructional Strategies Unit Planning Universal Theme Assessment Key Shifts Year at a Glance 21 st Century – 4 Cs Universal Themes Student Engagement Instructional Strategies Unit Planning Vocabulary Mathematics & ELA
What is vocabulary?
Vocabulary is… Not something that can ever fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens over the course of a lifetime. “Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and intentionally through explicit instruction in specific words and word-learning strategies.” (Michael Graves 2000)
Thus, an extensive vocabulary is the bridge between the word-level processes of phonics and the cognitive processes of comprehension (Kamil & Heibert).
Vocabulary Research One of the most persistent findings in reading research is that the extent of a students’ vocabulary knowledge relates strongly to their reading comprehension and overall academic success. (Baumann, Kame’enui, 2003; Becker, 1977; Davis. 1942; Whipple, 1925)
Vocabulary Research One of the most critical services a teacher can provide, particularly for students who do not come from academically advantaged backgrounds, is systematic instruction with important academic terms. (Marzano & Pickering, 2005)
What is Academic Vocabulary? Is defined…as being the words that are used frequently in many different academic areas.
Tier I: clock, baby, happy Tier III: irksome, pallet, retinue Tier II: maintain, fortunate, compute Which words should be explicitly taught?
Academic v Content Vocabulary Academic WordsContent Words Analyze Trigger Enable Guideline Deny Panel Quote Series Contact Exponent Polygon Proton Landowner Monarchy Aerobic Texture Stretching Malnutrition
Direct Vocabulary Instruction
StudentTeacher Writes the term or phrase, neatly, and spelled correctly. Talks about the term, facilitates a conversation, asks who may know or heard of the term Identifies the subject and knowledge level. May show realia, pictures Step 1: Term/phrase Term/phrase:_______________ __ _ My Understanding: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Description:.. Drawing: More ideas: Subject:
1.I’m very uncertain about the term. I really don’t understand what it means. 2.I’m a little uncertain about what the term means, but I have a general idea. 3. I know what the word means and how to use. 4. I know the word means and how to use it in multiple ways. I can teach others this word. Knowledge Level
Step 1: Write, Subject, Knowledge Level Term/Phrase: Mitosis Subject: science Describe: Draw:More Ideas:
Step 2: Description Term/phrase:_______________ __ _ My Understanding: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Description:.. Draw: More ideas: Subject: StudentTeacher Writes a description in his/her own words…does not copy a definition Monitors students for accuracy
Teacher shows diagram and talks about the word
Step 2: Describe Term/Phrase: Mitosis Subject: science Describe: is when one cell divides into two with the same number of chromosomes Draw:More Ideas:
Step 3: Drawing Student: draws what they understand – uses pictures, symbols, or any nonlinguistic representation. Term/phrase:_______________ __ _ My Understanding: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Description:.. Drawing: More ideas: Subject:
Step 3: Drawing Term/Phrase: Mitosis Subject: science Describe: is when one cell divides into two with the same number of chromosomes Draw:More Ideas:
Step 4: Activities Student: engages in activities to add to their level of understanding. may add to ‘related ideas’. Metaphors Comparing Analogy Problems Classifying Organizers Term/phrase:_______________ __ _ My Understanding: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Description:.. Drawing: More ideas: Subject:
Step 4: Activities Term/Phrase: Mitosis Subject: science Describe: is when one cell divides into two with the same number of chromosomes Draw:More Ideas: Mitosis is to _________ as ____________ is to ___________
Step 5: Discuss Student: discusses the term with one another. may add to ‘related ideas’. “Don’t you just love this new way of vocabulary instruction!!!” “Our teacher is really good at vocabulary instruction now that she has been trained in a researched-based method.” “Let’s discuss our new word, mitosis.” Think Pair Share
Step 6: Games Student: Plays games with the vocabulary. May add to ‘related ideas’. Never This Team 1: 180 Team 2: 250 Team 3: 225 Team 4: 310 Team 5: 150 Team 6: 290
47 Quiz Talk-A-Mile-A-Minute or $100,000 Pyramid
48 Quiz - Rules 1.Choose a partner 2.Determine who is the ‘A’ partner and who is the ‘B’ partner 3.‘A’ partner gives the clues – looks at the slide 4.‘B’ partner guesses the term – does not look at the slide 5.‘A’ is not allowed to say any letters or words of the acronym nor any part of the words
Things about Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Draw Activities Discuss Describe Write Games
Things about the Parts of a Cell Nucleus DNA Chromosomes Mitosis Cell division Phases
Revisit Knowledge Level Term/phrase:_______________ __ _ My Understanding: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Description:.. Draw: More ideas: Subject:
Step 1: Provide a description, explanation, or example of the new term. Provide learners information about the term. Determine what the learner already knows about the term. Ask learners to share what they already know as a means of monitoring misconceptions. Ask learners to share what they already know to use this knowledge as a foundation for more learning. Utilize examples, descriptions, but not definitions. Definitions are not a recommended method for vocabulary instruction as they do not provide learners an informal, natural way to learn new vocabulary. Instruct learning of proper noun terms through identifying characteristics of the proper noun.
Step 2: Ask the learner to give a description, explanation, or example of the new term in his/her own words. Remind learners to not copy, but use their own words. Monitor students to determine if any confusion exists. Provide more descriptions, explanations, or examples if necessary.
Step 3: The teacher will ask the learner to draw a picture, symbol, or locate a graphic to represent the new term. Provides learners a nonlinguistic method of vocabulary mastery. Share examples of other learners' drawings or allow students to work in teams to help those who complain that cannot draw. Teach the concept of speed drawing for those who labor too long over their work. Ask learners to share their work. Use graphics from magazines or the Internet. Illustrating terms through symbols, drawing the actual term, illustrating with a cartoon, or drawing an example of the term should be encouraged.
Step 4: The learner will participate in activities that provide more knowledge of the words Use of the 9 effective strategies. Encourage learners to identify prefixes, suffixes, antonyms, synonyms, related words for the vocabulary term as "new info" on the worksheet. If English is a second language to the learner, provide an opportunity to translate the word into their native language. Use words in a sentence. Compare and contrast
Step 5: Student discussion of terms. Periodically engage students in activities such as Think-Pair-Share. THINK: Allow think time for learners to review their own descriptions and images of the terms. WRITE PAIR: Put learners in pairs to discuss their descriptions, images, and any new info related to the terms. WRITE SHARE: Provide opportunity for groups to share aloud and discuss conceptions and misconceptions. Monitor as learners help each other identify and clear up confusion about new terms. WRITE
Step 6: Games: Set aside time each week or intersperse throughout the day to reinforce terms. Jeopardy Pictionary The $100,000 Pyramid Charades Password Skits
Writ e Discuss Draw Describe Writ e Game s Activities Completed when a word is introduced
Writ e Discuss Draw Describe Writ e Game s Activities Completed when a group of words have been introduced
1. Revisit Year at a Glance. 2. Define some skills/concepts for each trimester. 3. Study Unit 1 of Engage NY. 4. Identify the content of column Determine the content for column Select the content for column Think (decide) about column Check the timeline.