Pengenalan Ilmu Komputasi
Computational Science??
Charles D Swanson (Krell University) Computational science and engineering (CSE) is an interdisciplinary field that applies the techniques of computer science and mathematics to solving physical, biological, and engineering problems.
US President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee Computational science is a rapidly growing multidisiplinary field that uses advanced computing capabilities to understand and solve complex problems. Computational Science fuses three distinct elements: Algorithms (numerical and non-numerical) and modeling and simulation software developed to solve science, engineering, and humanities problems Computer and information science that develops and optimizes the advanced system hardware, software, networking, and data management components needed to solve computationally demanding problems The computing infrastructure that support both the science and engineering problem solving and developmental computer and information science
SIAM Working Group on CSE Undergraduate Education Computational Science and Engineering is defined as a broad multidisciplinary area that encompasses applications in science/engineering, applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer science.
Computer models and computer simulations have become an important part of the research repertoire, supplementing (and in some cases replacing) experimentation.
Going from application area to computational results requires domain expertise, mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, algorithm development, software implementation, program execution, analysis, validation and visualization of results. CSE involves all of this
Although it includes elements from computer science, applied mathematics, engineering and science, CSE focuses on the integration of knowledge and methodologies from all of these disciplines, and as such is a subject which is (in some sense) distinct from any of them.