Electricity and Circuits I can describe an electrical circuit as a continuous loop of conducting materials. I can combine simple components in a series.


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Presentation transcript:

Electricity and Circuits I can describe an electrical circuit as a continuous loop of conducting materials. I can combine simple components in a series circuit to make a game or model - SCN 1-09a.

Today we are going to find out… What electricity is What uses electricity What an electrical circuit is And we will… Be able to give some examples of things which use electricity Understand how circuits work Make our own electrical circuit using different components

Electricity is a form of energy that helps make lots of useful things work! What do you think electricity is?

You and your family use lots of different things, called appliances, that use electricity every day. Can you think of any examples?

All of these electrical appliances contain circuits. You might have heard of circuits before, maybe when thinking or cars racing around a track!

In electricity, a circuit is a closed loop of materials that let electricity flow freely through them.

Only certain materials let electricity flow through them. These materials are called conductors. Copper is an example of a material which conducts electricity

Other materials don’t let electricity flow through them. These materials are called insulators Plastics are an example of insulators. This is why electrical cables are covered in them!

Circuits can be made of different parts, which are called components. Batteries Bulbs Wires Switches Are all examples of components. All of these conduct electricity.

In this circuit, the components are the batteries, the bulb and the wires.

All circuits need a source of electricity. Electricity can either come from a battery or it can come from the wall, which is called the mains supply. If the appliance gets its electricity from the wall, it will have a plug! How many points/ ‘pins’ are there on plugs where you live?

The source of energy is the cell. The wires provide a route for the electricity to flow around. If joined up correctly, the bulb lights up! In this picture…

Switches come in lots of different shapes and sizes – But they all do the same job! What do switches do?

Switches are useful when you want to turn something on and off at different times. Can you think of come examples of switches? How do you think switches work? More switches…

Lets look at some circuits… Would the bulb light up in this circuit? Why?

Would the bulb light up in this circuit? Why?

What would we need to make sure we did to turn on the bulb in this circuit?

Your teacher will now let you do some experiments with your own circuit components! Your Turn!