Sir Tristram Alley John Ehinger November 26, 2012
Location Google Earth; JE
Apparent Vagrant Camp Several adjacent residents report years long problem of people in secluded area behind Sir Tristram alley May be criminal, homeless, or youth or combination thereof Area littered with trash and apparently human feces with toilet paper Recently used as camp for some purpose Significant property crime, vandalism and theft from vehicle in adjacent areas of CH and Carrollton Also recent fire in adjacent resident’s truck
Gym bag, dumped paint and … meat? JE photos from area - 11/23
Tent, ski mask GS photos from area
Possible Criminal Activity (Lewisville PD) (5/26 to 11/26) – layers for “theft from vehicle”, “other”, “property”
Possible Criminal Activity (Carrollton PD) (5/26 to 11/26) crime map – all crimes for police bead 343
Challenges No fence on CH side Fence on Quail Creek alley Hedges on Sir Tristram alley and QC fence conceal camp area Ownership of property is uncertain – maybe old RoW for Polser Rd. Property appears to contain the 5-foot strip of Lewisville surrounding CH May also include Town of Hebron 5 foot strip
Challenges Aerial Photo
DCAD Map showing details of parcel – no ownership indicated
City Limits per DCAD
Plat (CHB Farms)
Plat (CH Ph 1 A)
Possible Solutions 1.Trim hedges at bottom to increase visibility – Quail Creek fence and top of hedges will still create privacy for both neighborhoods 2.Add fence along hedge – Can be climbed but residents feel area is used as a base for petty theft and vandalism due to ease of ingress/egress – Physical barrier of HOA style fence like 1-D’s fence on Polser may eliminate this ease of access
Possible Solutions (cont.) 3.Work with property owners to close access from west, close gaps with Quail Creek fence along south and east 4.Identify and resolve any ambiguities of ownership, jurisdiction 5.Short term: – Iron Guard patrols – Paid LPD weekly patrols – Ask LISD to prohibit some parking at Polser ES – Get adjacent property owners to post and enforce no trespassing – Coordinate with City of Carrollton, Carrollton PD and Quail Creek HOA
Go Big? Remove hedges and replace hedges with green space – possibly extend asphalt path Consider making pedestrian only connection to Quail Creek allowing pedestrian access to Polser ES and Castle Hills ES Could further extend path along Sir Lancelot alley to provide medical office buffer