ZOX Jungle Friends Animal Sanctuary Special Exception
Existing Property Expansion Property
Panorama showing existing cage enclosures and monkey ‘runs’
Primate Enclosure
Primate shelter with links to cages
Portion of new parcel looking west
Proposed area for cage expansion east of present sanctuary
Adjoining Residence: Photo taken from fence line of Jungle Friends Property
Access road along northern property boundary
Approximately 13 Acres 100’ boundary setbacks 75’ wetland buffer 25’ boundary buffer Developable area Wetlands
Applicant Request The applicant is seeking to expand an existing primate sanctuary (Jungle Friends) to incorporate an additional 27 acres beyond its existing 12 acre sanctuary. The applicant provides rescue/rehabilitation to a variety of Class II/Class III primates including tamarins, capuchins, marmosets and spider monkeys.
Issues/Concerns Addressing impacts to surrounding land uses including noise, odors & potential increase in vehicular traffic (especially along NW 142 nd Avenue) Potential impacts to natural resources located on the property including extensive wetlands located on the south side of the property Rectifying an outstanding code citation regarding exceeding the limit on the number of primates as found in the existing special use permit issued in 2001
Staff Response/Recommendations Require primary entrance for all vehicular traffic to occur off of SR 121. Proposed 100 foot wide building setback (this includes cages) along all parcel boundaries Proposed 25 wide medium density buffer as defined in ULDC along all parcel boundaries Removal of most structures presently located in wetlands or wetlands buffers (one year grace period) and enforcement of wetland buffer along southern property boundary
Bases for Staff Recommendation Objective 6.2 (FLUE) of the Plan allows for uses not normally associated with agricultural activities but suitable in Rural/Ag areas such as animal sanctuaries to be approved by the County Commission. Section of the ULDC provides criteria for the granting of a special exception. Staff finds that, as conditioned, the proposed exception is consistent with the Plan and ULDC and will not adversely impact public health, safety or welfare.
Bases for Staff Recommendation Per of the ULDC, the BoCC is allowed to prescribe any conditions to protect the public health, safety and welfare
Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Commission hear the item and recommends approval of the requested special exception with the conditions and bases as noted in the staff report.