Valley Membership Achievement Project VMAP
1. Membership Recruitment 2. New Member Engagement 3. Degree Conferral Proficiency 4. Reunion Experience 5. Scottish Rite Education for Candidates 6. Scottish Rite Education for Members 7. Officers Responsibilities and Engagement 8. Philanthropy and Public Image 9. Membership Retention 10. Valley Organizations
Membership Recruitment Personal Calls inviting prospects to join made by Membership Team Accomplish any 6 of the following The Valley has organized a Membership Team – Lodge Representative Prospective Database of newly raised Masons Invitations mailed to prospects Have a night for inviting SR friends Valley should recognize top line signers to include incentives Assign a Mentor to each new candidate Top Line Signers personally pick up Candidates – Mentor Candidate Valley Secretary mails follow up letters of regret to prospects who do not accept an invitation to join
New Member Engagement Valley establishes a policy to maintain regular communication with new members for a period of three years. Perform 7 of the Following Conduct a survey after Reunion Invitations are mailed to new members informing them of stated meetings and other activities of the Valley Form a Degree Team of New Members A degree performed by New Members Specifically send invitations to New Members to attend Reunion Valley make assignments to New Members (Committee or a volunteer role or some other task within the Valley) Valley presents to each New Member Orientation Package – directory of Officers, calendar of events, web/social media info, volunteer opportunities, and Reunion Class Directory. Valley holds a Patent presentation event for New Members
Degree Proficiency The valley performs at least 5 Degrees at each reunions Accomplish at least 6 of the followings Add one new Degree at each reunion The valley performs 12 Degrees per reunion The valley performs 18 Degrees per reunion The valley performs 29 Degrees The Degree production program has a Valley supernumerary dept. providing volunteers for a range of non speaking parts Degrees not conferred are communicated either by memory or are delivered extemporaneously by Brethren well studied in the lessons Wardrobe dept. keeps paraphernalia in good order Acting classes offered to Degree Participants The Degree production program includes music for each degree A Valley technology dept. exists to provide quality sound, lighting and equipment upgrades as needed All character parts are memorized Props are organized and expediently placed during degrees
Reunion Experience A recognition ceremony is held honoring new Masters of the Royal Secret with a certificate, cap and 14 Degree ring. Each Reunion consists of formal opening/closing, Degree Conferals, Degree Education, Social time and Group activity. Any 5 of the Following At least one Reunion each year shall consist of more than one day A social event is provided before or during each Reunion – fellowship Music is an integral part – should be at each Degree Each candidate writes a personal response to the legacy question as traditionally required by the 5 th degree and returns the same to the Class Director before the close of the Reunion Each Candidate writes his own moral testament – 30th Degree Valley Membership Committee, Class Directors, Education Committee are actively engaged The Valley officially registers all Reunion attendees
Scottish Rite Education - Candidates Candidates are provided break-out sessions during Degree weekends in which themes and meanings of individual Degrees are more fully explained and discussed Accomplish 4 of the following Candidates are presented a written history of the Valley Candidates are presented pertinent facts on Scottish Rite Candidates are presented – Bridge to Light Candidates are presented - Morals and Dogma Candidates are provided an interest and expectations survey The valley establishes a “passport "program, encouraging members to see all twenty nine Degrees
Scottish Rite Education - Members Masonic or other appropriate education programs are presented at every stated communication of the Valley Accomplish 6 of the following Valley members are currently enrolled in Master Craftsman I Valley members are currently enrolled in Master Craftsman II Valley members are currently enrolled in Master Craftsman III Valley offers and conducts MC Group study for members Valley members are currently enrolled in College of the Consistory The Valley maintains its own functioning College of the Consistory The Valley has a Education Committee that plans and carries out education The Valley maintains a library and maintains it holdings Masonic Education is presented via papers, essays, speeches, guided discussions at each stated meeting Scottish Rite education programs for members on the themes and lessons of the SR Degrees are conducted in break-out sessions during valley reunions.
Officer Responsibilities & Engagement The Presiding Officers of all four bodies officially open their respective Bodies at each Reunion Accomplish 5 of the following Valley maintains a list of duties and job descriptions for elected Valley maintains s list of duties and job descriptions for appointed Valley Officers plan and conduct annual Feast of Tishri Valley Officers plan and conduct annual Feast of Remembrance and Renewal Valley Officers plan and conduct annual Feast of Kadosh Valley Officers plan and conduct the required Feast of Consistory Valley Officers perform the statutorily required ritual openings as stated in Statues, Art XV Sec 9 for all four Bodies
Philanthropy & Public Image The valley maintains an up-to-date website of Facebook page with current calendar, contact info. Accomplish 5 of the Following Valley participates in JROTC/ROTC program Valley conducts fundraising programs for charities – Rite Care Valley participates in Celebrating the Craft web cast Valley submits at least one news item for inclusion in Supreme Council publications annually. Valley maintains a donor recognition program for Valley specific charities Valley holds a community recognition program for teachers, first responders, veterans etc. Valley participates in at least one public service project per year Valley offers to provide a Degree Team to assist Blue Lodge ritual ceremonies upon invitation
Member Retention Establish a structured Membership Retention Team within the Valley the MRT must include a member of each lodge in the valley Accomplish 6 of the Following Contact delinquent members by letter, social media, , phone in in person every month A list of delinquent members is distributed to the MRT no later than June of each year. The valley provides a reporting form for each member of the MRT to insure that monthly communication of delinquent members is maintained A list of delinquent members is again distributed to the MRT at the Valley’s Fall Reunion Personal calls are made by the MRT during October and Nov with a reporting mechanism to the Valley to report results and status of delinquent members. Valley Secretary follows up with personal calls to all delinquent members during December Valley sends some form of Newsletter at least twice per year. Conduct a exit survey for departing members
Valley Organizations – at least 20 Banquets and DiningDegree Communications Blue Lodge Degree TeamDeMolay Scottish Rite Chapter Dads Building and GroundsEducation and Rite Night Committee Business and Professional Men’s GroupMasonic and SR Education Call a Brother (Brother to Brother)Entertainment Child care during ReunionsEsotericists/ Esoteric Forum Cigar Club and EventsEstate Planning Class Reunions for prior classesFriends and Family Entertainment Class Roll DirectorsGolf Clubs/ Sponsored Tournaments College Fraternity LiaisonHobby Nights College Music ClubsHunting Clubs College of the Consistory CampusInn Keepers Credential ad RegistrationInternet Club
Valley Organizations – at least 20 Knights of St AndrewReunion Transportation Spouse’s AssociationRose Croix Memorial and Remembrance Library CommitteeScottish Rite Club Lodge RepresentativesService Knights MakeupSkeet/ Trap Shooting Club Masonic Music/Musicians ClubSojourners Contact Group Masonic Youth Group SponsorSpeakers Bureau Media ProductionSpecial Productions MembershipStage and Properties Military Veterans LiaisonSupernumerary Motorcycle ClubTemple Greeters Museum and ArchivesTop Line Signers Club Peer to Peer Contact/ MentoringTour Guides Personnel RecordsWardrobe PhotographyWeb/Processing Public Relations/ Public ImageWidows Outreach