SURF BEACH CATCHMENT, KIAMA Floodplain Risk Management Study & Draft Plan Community Information Newsletter March 2016 The study area investigated in the Flood Study (Image THE CURRENT STUDY PREVIOUS STUDY Kiama Surf Beach (Image What is the Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan (FRMS&P)? The FRMS&P follows on from the Flood Study The Floodplain Risk Management Study will assess flood risk in the study area, and assess measures to reduce flood hazard Mitigation measures may include: Structural improvements – modifying channels, culverts etc. Planning measures Response measures – improving community response during a flood event Flooding in Kiama Kiama has a history of both mainstream and overland flooding Like most of the Illawarra Region, Kiama experiences frequent intense rainfall, particularly over short durations High rainfall intensities combined with small steep catchments can generate floods that may seem characteristically large, but are in fact a natural feature of the Illawarra Region Introduction In 2012 Kiama Municipal Council undertook the Surf Beach Catchment Flood Study This report used modelling to define flood levels and identify flood issues Council has recently appointed engineering consultant WMAwater to undertake the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan What happens next? Collection of community input via the attached questionnaire and Community Workshop (see overleaf) The Study will investigate and assess a number of mitigation measures Results will be published in a draft report that will go on public exhibition for community feedback The Floodplain Risk Management Plan will be formed from selected mitigation measures to be implemented Newsletter Issue 1: March 2016 Farmer Street Culvert (Image Kiama Library, 21/3/2011) 1
How can I have my say? Community involvement in the Study is important. The Kiama Floodplain Management Committee includes members from Council, Office of Environment and Heritage, the State Emergency Services and local residents who will oversee this Study. A questionnaire is included with this newsletter so that your views and ideas can be included in this Study. You are also invited to attend a community workshop where we welcome you to provide input into potential flood management options in more detail as well as to discuss the Study. Catherine Goonan Project Engineer WMAwater Level 2, 160 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Ph: Contacts If you would like to know more or have any information on flooding which would assist in this Study, please complete the relevant sections on the questionnaire and return using the provided ‘postage paid’ envelope. Additional information and comments can be attached to the questionnaire when you return it or provided to the contact below: Complete this Questionnaire A questionnaire is enclosed with this newsletter. Please complete this and return with any photos/attachments in the envelope provided or to: WMAwater Reply Paid Sydney NSW 2000 No stamp required Please make sure that all surveys are returned before 8 th April 2016 or they may not be able to be considered in the Study. You may also complete the survey online at: March 2016 Surf Beach Catchment, Kiama Floodplain Risk Management Study Newsletter Issue 1: March 2016 Community Consultation Workshop The easiest and best way to be heard is to attend the community workshop: Date: Wednesday 30 th March Time: 4pm – 7pm Location: Council Administration Building 11 Manning St, Kiama Further Information More information, including a PDF of this Questionnaire and the Flood Study, can be found at: 2
Name : Phone: Address : Can we contact you for further information? Yes No Are you aware of the Surf Beach Catchment Flood Study? Yes No If yes, was your property identified as being at risk of flooding or near a flood area? Yes No Response Form March 2016 Surf Beach Catchment, Kiama Floodplain Risk Management Study 1. Your Details (Please note your contact details are optional, will be confidential and will only be used to contact you for more information regarding this study) Please describe any flooding you have experienced at your property. Include dates, description of approximate depth of water, extent of inundation, any damage to property. Please enclose/ any photos you may have. 2. Your Experience Newsletter Issue 1: March 2016 How long have you lived in the area? Years Months How long have you lived at your current address? Years Months 3
. Surf Beach Catchment, Kiama Floodplain Risk Management Study Response Form March 2016 Proposed OptionImportance 1 = Low 5 = High Improved flood flow paths – Suggested location/other comments: Culvert/bridge enlarging – Suggested location/other comments: Pit and pipe upgrades – Suggested location/other comments: Construction of Retention Basin – Suggested location/other comments: Strategic planning and flood related development controls – Suggested location/other comments: Education of the community, providing greater awareness of potential hazards– Suggested location/other comments: Flood forecasting/warning, evacuation planning and emergency response– Suggested location/other comments: Preferred Flood Risk Mitigation Options Newsletter Issue 1: March Types of Flood Risk Loss of life and injury Costly damage to houses and other buildings Destruction of infrastructure, including: Roads, bridges, water supply, electricity and sewerage Economic hardship during the recovery period Psychological damage to those affected.
. 4. Do you have any other suggestions about how to reduce flood risk in Kiama? If ‘Yes’ can you please describe the location of where you think flood risk could be improved (please provide nearest crossroads or known landmarks or alternatively display on the attached map on Page 6). Yes No Surf Beach Catchment, Kiama Floodplain Risk Management Study Response Form March 2016 Newsletter Issue 1: March Do you have any other concerns regarding flood risk in Kiama? Please Comment: 5
. Surf Beach Catchment 1% AEP flood depth map Please indicate how/ where you would reduce flood risk. Newsletter Issue 1: March