LL: Your projects are due NOW. Please be sure that they are in the appropriate SHARES folder for your class. This includes any links I may need. If it’s on Google, then share it with me. Turn your rubric in NOW. Rubric side up with your NAME on it. See me immediately if yours isn’t finished. It will go over FAR better if you talk to me than if you just sit there and say nothing because then you’ll have to deal with me later. Today, I’ll encourage you to get it done. Later? I’ll probably be annoyed that I had to work harder for your grade than you did.
5/10/16 (Day 1); 5/11/16 (Day 2) Discuss the following questions with your group and be prepared with answers in 3 minutes: What is INTERNAL CONFLICT? What is EXTERNAL CONFLICT? What are the different FORMS of EXTERNAL CONFLICT? Be prepared to TAKE NOTES. Objectives: To demonstrate understanding of key ideas and details in literature (I08.A-K.1.1) To demonstrate understanding of vocabulary and figurative language in informational text and literature (E08.A-V.4.1)
HLL Literature Circle Due Dates SectionsOddEven Book Thief: Parts 1-3 House of the Scorpion: “Youth” and “Middle Age” Something Wicked...: Ch That was Then...: Ch. 1-4 Monday, 5/16Tuesday, 5/17 Book Thief: Parts 4-7 House of the Scorpion: “Old Age” and “Age 14” Something Wicked...: Ch That was Then...: Ch. 5-8 Friday, 5/20Monday, 5/23 Book Thief: Parts 8-end House of the Scorpion: “La Vida Nueva” Something Wicked...: Ch That was Then...: Ch Thursday, 5/26Tuesday, 5/31
LL Literature Circle Due Dates SectionsOddEven Dairy Queen: p Slam: p When Zachary Beaver...: p Stargirl: p Sleeping Freshmen...: p Monday, 5/16Tuesday, 5/17 Dairy Queen: p Slam: p When Zachary Beaver...: p Stargirl: p Sleeping Freshmen...: p Friday, 5/20Monday, 5/23 Dairy Queen: p Slam: p When Zachary Beaver...: p Stargirl: p Sleeping Freshmen...: p Thursday, 5/26Tuesday, 5/31
CONFLICT Definition: A struggle between opposing forces. Can have multiple types of conflict within the same story. There will always be a MAIN CONFLICT in a story. No conflict = no plot = no story
INTERNAL CONFLICT: Character vs. Self Character has a struggle WITHIN HIS/HER HEART AND MIND Will most often be seen in the PROTAGONIST (main character) Can impact other characters or just the one who is facing the issue Issues might include: Morals (sense of right and wrong) Ethics (sense of playing by the rules) Peer pressure Decision making Negative emotions (guilt, fear, anger, sadness, worry) Secrets Sense of duty Confidence Self-esteem Loyalty Trust
INTERNAL CONFLICT Take 3 minutes and: 1. Devise a scenario with your group of a realistic INTERNAL conflict to share with the group. 2. Come up with an example of an internal conflict that is faced by a character in a popular movie and how that character resolved the conflict. Example of NO internal conflict:
EXTERNAL CONFLICT: Character vs. Character A struggle between two or more characters. Often a struggle for power. TASK: Take one minute to brainstorm an example of a movie with a CLEAR Character vs. Character conflict and be able to explain why it fits that category. Examples:
5/12/16 (Day 3); 5/13/16 (Day 4) Please take out your notes on internal/external conflict. You will have your assessment for your first reading section the next time you have class. HLL: PLEASE BEGIN TAKING PROJECTS HOME. Thanks! Objectives: To demonstrate understanding of key ideas and details in literature (I08.A-K.1.1) To demonstrate understanding of vocabulary and figurative language in informational text and literature (E08.A-V.4.1)
EXTERNAL CONFLICT: Character vs. Society A struggle between a character and the elements of the WORLD CREATED BY PEOPLE (e.g., government/law, social classes, cliques, culture). Example:
EXTERNAL CONFLICT: Character vs. Nature A struggle between a character and the NATURAL WORLD. Examples:
EXTERNAL CONFLICT: Character vs. Supernatural A struggle between a character and elements that are BEYOND SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING (e.g., ghosts, vampires, werewolves, magic). Example:
Conflicts in Combination What different types of conflict do you see here?
To Do: Read.
HLL Literature Circle Due Dates SectionsOddEven Book Thief: Parts 1-3 House of the Scorpion: “Youth” and “Middle Age” Something Wicked...: Ch That was Then...: Ch. 1-4 Monday, 5/16Tuesday, 5/17 Book Thief: Parts 4-7 House of the Scorpion: “Old Age” and “Age 14” Something Wicked...: Ch That was Then...: Ch. 5-8 Friday, 5/20Monday, 5/23 Book Thief: Parts 8-end House of the Scorpion: “La Vida Nueva” Something Wicked...: Ch That was Then...: Ch Thursday, 5/26Tuesday, 5/31
LL Literature Circle Due Dates SectionsOddEven Dairy Queen: p Slam: p When Zachary Beaver...: p Stargirl: p Sleeping Freshmen...: p Monday, 5/16Tuesday, 5/17 Dairy Queen: p Slam: p When Zachary Beaver...: p Stargirl: p Sleeping Freshmen...: p Friday, 5/20Monday, 5/23 Dairy Queen: p Slam: p When Zachary Beaver...: p Stargirl: p Sleeping Freshmen...: p Thursday, 5/26Tuesday, 5/31
5/16/16 (Day 5); 5/17/16 (Day 6) Clear your desks of everything except a pencil and your book. Objectives: To demonstrate understanding of key ideas and details in literature (I08.A-K.1.1) To demonstrate understanding of vocabulary and figurative language in informational text and literature (E08.A-V.4.1)
Discussion Take ten minutes to talk about the question with your group. You WILL be sharing and MUST provide context when you share. WHAT INTERNAL CONFLICTS ARE THE CHARACTERS FACING? HOW ARE THEY WORKING TO RESOLVE THOSE CONFLICTS (OR NOT)?