111 Right for Yerington. Right Place. Right Time. Right People. Right Way. Proposed Acquisition of BLM-Administered Land To Transfer to the City of Yerington
222 Proposed BLM-Administered Land To Be Transferred to the City of Yerington Lands Proposed for Acquisition
City of Yerington, Lyon County and Nevada Copper Propose to Acquire and Transfer BLM-administered Federal Lands to the City The City Will Annex Acquired Lands Lyon County Formally Supports Acquisition and Annexation to the City Acquisition Will Expedite Mine and General Economic Development, And Provide Lands for Open Space Buffers and Recreational Purposes The Transfer of Lands to Municipal Entities Is Consistent with BLM Policy to Dispose of Lands to Local Rural Communities for Economic & Community Development Land Acquisition to be Implemented Through Congressional Legislation Consulted with Local Leaders and Businesses and They Wholeheartedly Support the Land Acquisition Consulted with Senator Harry Reid, Senator Heller, Congressman Horsford, Congressman Amodei, Congressman Heck and They Support the Proposed Land Acquisition Supported by Governor Sandoval and Lieutenant Governor Krolicki (Governor's Board of Economic Development) and They Support the Proposed Land Acquisition Proposed Land Acquisition
Future Pumpkin Hollow Mine Land Acquisition Benefits Benefits of Mine Capital Expenditure to Build Mine of Over $1 BILLION 900-1,000 People Directly Employed 1,500 Indirect Jobs Created $35-50 Million Annual Payroll $15-20 Million In Annual Property & Mining Taxes City Receives Share of Annual Property Tax Revenues City Receives Share of Annual Net Proceeds of Mines Tax Revenues Minimal Impact to County Tax Revenues Without The Land Acquisition City Would Not Receive Either Property Taxes or Net Proceeds of Mines Taxes
Land Acquisition Benefits Area has Very Low Natural Resource Values and Other Land Use Conflicts. There Are No Endangered, Threatened Or Sensitive Plants or Animals, No Special Habitat Qualities and No Surface Water
Economic Development Area ~880 acres In a Natural Amphitheater Shielded from Adjacent Land Uses for Multiple Purpose Recreational Events Center (Concerts, Rodeo, Off Road Events, Camping, Parking & Other Permanent Services Infrastructure) Access Via Common Route that Serves Mine and General Economic Development 2,500 acres for Mining & General Economic Development 1,560 acres of Existing Private Lands (Nevada Copper) for Pumpkin Hollow Mine Development 3,800 acres of Transferred Land for Pumpkin Hollow Mine Development Combined Patented and Surrounding Transferred Land Creates Unified Block of ~ 5,400 acres for Mine Development and Future Conversion of Mine Facilities to Other Post- Mining Economic Land Uses Unified Land Management Area Under Local Control - General Trails, Motocross Race Course & Connection to Adjacent Private Lands Sustainable Development
Provides for An Integrated Land Area Under Local Jurisdiction with a Specific Purpose of Mine Development, Other Economic Development and Recreation Land Acquisition Benefits
Development Of The Entire Area Tiers Off Of Infrastructure That Is Planned For The Mine Roads Power Water & Sewer City to Provide Water and Sewer Services to Mine and Economic Development Area Land Acquisition Benefits
Provides Opportunities for Concurrent Industrial and Commercial Uses (Sustainable Development) Maximizes Opportunities to Convert Mine Facilities to Other Post-Mining Uses Future Solar Potential Case Study: After the Flambeau Mine operations in Wisconsin were completed, the mine buildings and a rail spur were converted for other uses in collaboration with the local Industrial Development Commission. Other lands were reclaimed and converted to a park. Current Solar Potential Land Acquisition Benefits Potential To Convert Buildings, Water Ponds, Electrical, Water Infrastructure Commercial Potential
Lyon County Economy Suffers With Chronically High Unemployment Fewer People in the Labor Force Unemployment Rates are the Result of the Decline in the Number of People in the Labor Force. Yet the Number of People Employed Continues to Decline
Other Rural Counties with Mining Operations Have Lower Unemployment While Other Rural Nevada Counties Realize Significant Benefits From Mining And Typically Have High Mining Activity As Shown by Mining Sales Taxes Paid Lyon County with Minimal Mining Operations Has Significantly Higher Unemployment And Has Very Minimal Mining Sales Taxes Paid
Generation of Solar Electricity Mason Valley Has the Highest Solar Irradiation Potential in Northern Nevada 7.25 kWh per Square Meter per Day ~ 4,000 kWh per Acre per Day ~ 400,000 kWh per 100 acres per day Mason Valley ` Land Acquisition Benefits
Confirmed Yerington’s Need for Land Suitable For Economic Development 2007 Reviewed Classification of Lands Per The BLM Carson City Resource Management Plan ( ) No Sensitive Habitats, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern No Native American and Cultural Resources (Detailed Cultural Survey Completed) No Endangered, Threatened or Sensitive Plants or Animals Evaluated Property And Net Proceeds of Mines Tax Distributions (County, City & State) 2008 Congressional Action (In Progress) Develop Proposal for Legislation (Joint Effort By Yerington, Lyon County and Nevada Copper) Prepare Legal Description of Lands to be Transferred (2010) Prepare & Introduce Congressional Bill by Nevada Congressional Delegation (2011) Perform Formal Evaluations and Prepare Reports on Resource Elements To Support Congressional Review and Decision ( ) Formal Appraisal of Value (Upon Passage) Nevada Copper to Finance Payment For Lands Pass Bill 2014 !?!?!? (Seven Years Since Start!) Land Acquisition Timeline