October 2013
Penetración de principales servicios finales | Penetration rates for final services (lines/100 inhabitants) 2
| Household average expenditure in the most representative services (Euros/month) Household average expenditure has decreased significatively in the last yeras. For example, the double pack (fixed voice and BB) expenditure has decreased by 18% in the last year, and expenditure in mobile services (contract modality) decreased 23%. Household average expenditure in the most representative final services 3
| Number of contracted bundles (millions), June 2013 Bundling of services 4 Fixed telephony and fixed BB 6 3,2 0,3 9,7 Mobile voice + data (BB) 1,2 4 play 5 play 3 play Pay TV The 4 play reached 3,2 million bundles (June 13) A total of 12,9 million subscriptions bundle mobile BB together with voice services
555 Mobile BB By June 2013 a total of 2,2 million lines connected to mobile BB- exclusively data suscriptions (USB/modem/dongles). Additionally, 26 million suscriptions made use of mobile BB with a smartphone (usually these subscriptions are bundled together with voice services). | Mobile broadband users, (millions)
66 Fixed broadband lines, based on underlying technology (million lines) 6 | Fixed BB lines (million) In June 2013 a total of 11,7 million fixed BB lines were active (y-o-y growth of 5,5%). 12% of these BB lines were NGA (providing speeds at 30 Mbps or higher).
7777 NGA active BB lines | NGA fixed BB lines active (thousands), providing 30 Mbps or higher -By June 2013 a total of 1,4 million fixed BB lines had a (download) nominal contracted speed of 30 Mbps or higher. 54% of them were provided by cable operators (with Docsis 3.0). -Cable operators have done the upgrading to Docsis 3.0 in practically all their deployed connections. -Recent significative advance in FTTH very high BB speed
8 Market shares in the fixed BB market Altnets (using ULL or indirect based access) are the winners in the last year competition in fixed BB, increasing their market share by 2 pp. | Market shares in the fixed BB market and y-o-y percentage points change (Junio 2013) (+2 pp) (-1 pp) (-0,9 pp)
9999 Deployed NGA connections | Deployed NGA connectionms by technology (thousands) By June 2013, practically all of the cable operators network connections had been upgraded to Docsis 3.0 A total of 14,3 million fixed connections were already capable of offering very high speeds (NGA). + 13,2% junio-12 a junio-13
10 Pa TV subscribers and and its distribution 10 | Pay TV subscribers market shares and its y-o-y variation rate. (June 2013) (-1,9 pp) (+2,6pp) (-1,9 pp) (+1,1pp)