Welcome to First Grade
In First Grade We Will… Create a safe and caring classroom environment where every student feels a sense of belonging. Make each student feel part of a community. This is important for all to be successful. Focus on learning how to read, write, and improve our math skills.
Behavior Treat others the way you want to be treated! Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect personal and school property.
Homework **Please check your child’s Homework Folder DAILY and send it back to school.** Math, Reading, and Spelling Return the following day if possible Should take no longer than minutes STRONGLY RECOMMEND daily reading with/to your child for minutes
Plenty of Rest Early bedtimes are very important for your first grader Our days are very busy and we are learning many new things
Appropriate Dress Tennis shoes required for Phy. Ed. Days Snow pants, boots, hat, mittens,and a winter jacket needed for outdoor play Please mark your child’s clothing!!