Welcome to FIRST Grade!. I graduated from the University of Michigan – GO BLUE! I attended Berkley Schools. I taught Kindergarten for the past two years.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to FIRST Grade!

I graduated from the University of Michigan – GO BLUE! I attended Berkley Schools. I taught Kindergarten for the past two years. I have an adorable fur baby, Bear. I LOVE what I do! MEET MISS BISSETT

We are fortunate to have these lovely ladies as our Room Moms this year: Maggie Heath Angela Betteridge They are asking for a $15.00 donation to cover the cost of class parties, ice cream social basket and teacher gift. ROOM PARENTS THANK YOU!

I use parent/family volunteers in many ways: in the classroom on a regular basis, every once in a while, prepping work and projects from home, etc. If you’d like to help out in any way, please note what works for you on the sign-up sheet and I’ll find a place for you! More volunteer opportunities will come up as we get into the swing of things. I will be in contact. *All Angell volunteers must agree to a background check.* (Return signed volunteer form.) Additional form for chaperones. HELP WANTED!

Please refer to the handout titled: “Morning Meeting” We begin each day with a meeting. It helps to set the tone in a positive way! Please note the sharing schedule. It will start next week! Please do not send toys or anything valuable to school. MORNING MEETING

Please refer to the handout titled: “A Day in the Life of a First Grader” This goes through what a “normal” day will look like. This schedule will differ slightly each day depending on specials and other pre- planned or unplanned circumstances and events. A DAY IN THE LIFE

In addition to our full Reading block, the first grade team splits up the students, according to their needs, for targeted instruction. They will focus on a phonics skill at their specific level. The other first grade teachers are: Miss Bissett Miss Dinko Mr. Wilhelmi We hope to have additional support from our Teacher Aids, as well. This will happen daily. LITERACY GROUPS

Monday: PE and Media Tuesday: Music and PE Wednesday: Art and Music Thursday: Library and Respect Circle Friday: Music Library books should be returned on Thursdays! Please be sure to send your children in gym shoes on Monday and Tuesday. SPECIALS SCHEDULE

Please send your child with one HEALTHY snack a day. I do not provide snack if it is forgotten. Please keep your child’s snack separate from their lunch. They are expected to take out their snacks from their backpacks in the morning and place them in their mailbox for later. Having snacks packed separately helps minimize confusion and save time. Water bottles only are permitted at snack time. They are not required. The children are allowed water fountain breaks. SNACK

Homework will be sent home Intermittently for Math (starting soon!) Weekly for spelling (October) Bi-weekly for Reading (October) Math homework should be turned in the following day. Reading logs should be returned every other Friday. Spelling homework should be returned on Wednesday. Occasionally, there will be “other” homework, but not often. Homework should never be frustrating for your child. If your child is struggling, please let me know. HOMEWORK

There have been some changes to our Math Curriculum, due to alignment with the Common Core State Standards. Please pick up EDM login cards as you leave tonight. This is a great tool to enrich our math curriculum at home. Math Center is done weekly to assess math facts. Students work at their own level. EVERYDAY MATH

Be safe. Be kind. Be productive. 3 MAIN ANGELL SCHOOL RULES

Kind reminders are for students to use when another child is bothering them. Step 1 – Give the child a kind reminder “I do not like it when you poke me.” Step 2 – Give a more serious kind reminder “If you don’t stop poking me, I’m going to have to get help from the teacher.” Step 3 – Tell an adult KIND REMINDERS

If your child brings home a Think Sheet that means he or she has had at least two reminders, but continued the behavior. Please discuss the situation with your child at home and feel free to contact me with any questions. THINK SHEETS

These should be brought back to school each day. Please look in your child’s folder each night. Be sure to empty items to be left at home and help your child return homework on time. It is your child’s responsibility to turn in any notes or homework from their purple folders into the “turn-in bin” each day. If you are finding that homework/lunch money is not being turned in, please let me know. A monthly calendar will always be in the front of the folder. If you would like an extra copy, one will be posted on my classroom website each month. You may also use this folder to communicate with me through any notes, concerns, reminders. PURPLE FOLDERS

Whenever you send in money with your child, please make sure it is: 1. Sealed in an envelope or bag 2. Labeled with his/her full name and my name Lunch money can be paid online. Please contact the office if you have any questions on how to access your account. MONEY

Respect Circle is every Thursday afternoon. It is meant to: Recognize the good things happening at Angell Inform the students on upcoming events Discuss any concerns that affect the whole school One student from each class will be given an award at each Respect Circle. RESPECT CIRCLE

Speed Drills are a fun way for the kids to learn and recognize their sight words. I will need 1 or 2 parent volunteers to help us out. (See sign up.) Children are given 2 minutes to read the list of sight words. They only pass the list if they are able to read each word on the list in under two minutes without any help. I have had great success with this in the past! SPEED DRILLS

Please see the handout titled: “Star of the Week” A note will also be sent home the week prior listing everything your child will need for their special week. Your child has something special he/she will get to do each day. A 12x12 scrapbook page can be sent home with your child from me. You are welcome to purchase your own, if you wish! STAR OF THE WEEK

If you are interested in ordering books from Scholastic they are available to purchase online. A note will come home about every month with information about ordering books. Directions for how to purchase on-line can be found on our classroom website. Be sure to use our classroom code. SCHOLASTIC BOOKS

At this point, we are planning to go on the following field trips: Troy Historical Museum (mid-October) Detroit Zoo (likely in April) Ford Community & Performaning Arts Center (mid-May) Walk to the Dairy Queen (June) We’ll have detailed information on the Museum trip in the coming weeks, along with an invitation to help drive/chaperone. Please note there is an additional chaperone permission slip to be signed this year before you may accompany us. You will get this when you sign up. FIELD TRIPS

“Any person who volunteers to work with the District shall be screened…” This paperwork should be filled out by any parents/family members who plan to volunteer in ANY capacity at Angell this year. This includes visiting as a guest reader, attending a class party, spending any period of time in the school. (Please see handout.) VOLUNTEER RELEASE FORM

Please remember to: Sign-up for Fall Conferences and volunteering in and out of the room Write the class a note on the large piece of paper. (They LOVE this!) Pick up any paperwork you may have missed and EDM logins. Turn in any paperwork, $ and/or notes that you brought with you tonight. SIGN-UP

Our classroom website can be found at Please feel free to contact me via phone or . ( is best.) My phone number is My address is THANK YOU!!!