Lesson Starter What organs are involved in the circulatory system? What organs are involved in the digestive system? What organs are there in a plant?
Lesson 13- Body invaders Cells Alive
Today we are going to.. Different types of micro-organisms and examples of each
Think.. Pair.. Share What do you think a “MICROORGANISM” is?
Microorganisms Very tiny living things- you need to use a microscope to see them They are all around us- in the air, on our bodies and in the water Some microorganisms are HARMFUL but others are HELPFUL
Invasion Our bodies are under constant attack from microorganisms looking to take advantage of our nutrients and resources to help them grow
Microorganisms There are three different types of Microorganism: - Virus - Bacteria - Fungus
Viruses What do you think of when we mention a virus?
Viruses In order to survive, a virus must infect a HOST They invade host cells and use the cell’s resources to make copies of themselves which then infect your other cells Viruses can spread easily from one person to the other
Viruses Viruses usually only affect one type of cell: Eg- The HEPATITIS virus affects only liver cells The HERPES virus affects skin cells
Other examples of viruses Mumps virus Measles Virus The common cold
Bacteria Bacteria are groups of small single celled organisms They are everywhere- in the bread you eat, the soil that plants grow in, and even inside of you. Harmful bacteria can infect your body and cause disease and illness
Bacteria Bacteria can infect different cells in your body: The Streptococcus Pneumoniae can infect the brain causing meningitis or it could infect the lungs causing pneumonia.
Common Bacteria Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) food poisoning and urine infections Salmonella food poisoning and typhoid fever S. Aureus spots and boils, pneumonia, or meningitis
Bacteria aren’t all bad.. Not all bacteria are bad and make you ill. Some bacteria help to keep you healthy Lactobacillus are bacteria found in the gut that help the body in digesting food. These bacteria are commonly found in pro-biotic foods like Actimel
Fungi Fungi are single cells organisms that usually infect the outer layers of your body They generally cause infection in the skin (occasionally can be breathed in and cause lung infection) They rely on the host for resources to survive
Common Fungi The Trichophytan family of fungi cause infections like athletes foot and ringworm
Some fungi are useful Yeast is an example of fungi- What do you know that is made using yeast?
Yeast is used in Baking and Brewing
Other useful fungi Penicillin Quorn Mushrooms
Write In your own words: describe what is meant by the word “microorganism” Talk about the 3 different kinds of microorganism (if they’re good or bad, the type of infection they cause and examples if you can remember)