MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Strategy Team Petri Plants March 25, 2013 Karen D. Somers EO
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Strategy Team (TST) Products The purpose of the TST is to define and/or baseline the: Training Objectives Training Curriculum Training Time Trainer Type and Fidelity Training Tools and Development Schedule Instructor Selection and Certification Plan Overall Schedule (Level 4)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Other Training Products The TST also oversees development of: Lesson Plans (Payload Instructor) Courseware (Payload Instructor) Training Tools Procedures & agreement on how they are validated Displays Usability Test/Trial Training Equipment Payload Simulator Test Procedures Baselined Training Data Set (submit ECRs to NPOCB)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Operational Concept Experiment Organization Payload Op Nom: Petri Plants Launches on SX-3 (Nov 28, 2013); Target descent on SX-3 Dr. Anna-Lisa Paul, University of Florida Managed by CASIS (National Lab) at KSC Continues fundamental plant physiology studies from previous APEX studies, but does not utilize ABRS Flying Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in petri plates on agar media Reflown hardware Using LMM for on orbit imaging
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Operational Concept Hardware Ascent: 20 petri plates wrapped in black cloth launched at +4C 10 KSC Fixation Tubes (KFTs) Harvest Kit Tools to harvest plants LMM Fixture Descent: 10 KFTs frozen (Everything else trashed) Petri Plates Wrapped in Black Cloth KFTs Harvest Kit
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Operational Concept Crew Time: 3.5 hrs total for Petri Plants ops + ~8 hrs total for LMM session (2 sessions desired) Activate Plant Growth Cloth removed from all petri plates to expose to ambient light for 1 – 12 hrs Petri plates deployed to wall via Velcro 10 plates re-wrapped and returned to stowage Remaining 10 plates exposed to ambient light for 11 days Photograph Plants Light-exposed plates (10) photographed 3, 6 and 9 days after initial light exposure All plates photographed just prior to harvesting Image Representative Plate in LMM One representative plate installed in LMM 5 (ideal) to 8 days after activation Uses fluorescent microscope Timed to occur when ACE is not in LMM Requires installation (and later removal) of Petri Plate holder in LMM (each session is 1.5 – 2 hours for install/remove) Additional imaging session of same plate desired 8 (ideal) to 10 days after activation Harvest Plants Plan use of ABRS Photogrid and MWA KFTs are actuated, stored ambient for 24 hrs, then frozen Videos and photos desired Actuate KFTs
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Operational Concept Operational Constraints: Plates seeds stable for up to 30 days at ambient after plating (L-3 days typically) Plates are stored ambient Actuated KFTs transferred to MELFI at -80C about 24 hrs after harvest Ground controls will be run simultaneously at KSC Ops monitoring in SLSL at KSC Petri Plate Imaged in Green Fluorescent Light
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Proposal - Crew Training Curriculum and Hours Petri Plants OBT 1/1 Objectives 1. Science Objectives and Lay Summary (1 min.*) 2. Overview of Hardware and Operations (3 min.) ** 3. Conclusion and thanks (0.5 min.) On board training via video Training Tools: N/A Concerns/Issues: Crewmember assigned to Petri Plants may need to be LMM-trained. Coordination with LMM trainers on video production/content. * Times given here are only approximations/best guesses to provide some idea of how long each objective may take to be covered in the video. Typical video OBTs are about 6 minutes with the normal range falling between 4 and 8 minutes long. ** Includes discussion of off-nominals or “gotchas.”
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Proposal – PD Supplied Equipment TrainerFidelityQuantity N/A for Video-based OBT
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Proposal – JSC Supplied Equipment Training Facility at JSC: Payload Training Complex (PTC) - Building 5 Rack Buildup Area (RBA) RBA is a locked room dedicated to POIF EXPRESS Rack Simulator, tables and chairs Includes power and Ethernet LAN Hardware can be on table or “in” EXPRESS Rack Computer projector and external power supply available International Procedures Viewer (IPV) Flight-like use of procedures on an EXPRESS Laptop Available in all training facilities, but must be requested Tools Station tools and support equipment available N/A for Video-based OBT
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama On-Board Training (OBT) OBT Products can be in the form of presentations/overviews, videos, video conferences with certified instructors, On-board Computer-Based Trainers (OCBTs) or other approved training materials. May be used as a supplement to or in place of ground-based training. Reasons for OBT: simple crew-tended operations, proficiency, optional refresher, just-in-time training due to lack of available hardware or training time prior to launch. Duration for lessons is taken from Payload’s on-board operation allotment and requirements are input into the Planning Data set (URC). OCBTs must follow a template required by the On-Board Training Working Group. OCBT courseware used for training must have been through a payload training dry run and is configuration-controlled by the JSC On-Board Support System (COSS) integration group. (Video OBTs no longer have to go through the COSS group.)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama On-Board Training Development Process TST makes the decision to use OBT for a payload. Ops Lead provides PD with Video OBT Guidelines and SOPs. PD provides OBT Outline and Lesson Plan, along with development plan, to the Ops Lead at ~ L- 6 to 4 months. Lesson Objectives Script Outline Supporting hardware required Schedule of video development User develops the OBT product and holds iterative evaluations with Ops Lead and Crew Office Representative. Video OBTs require a PTDR (L-4 to 2 months) before final delivery. (This is a desktop evaluation conducted by Crew Office with Ops Lead concurrence.) Video OBT delivered to POIF via OCR L-1 month.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Instructor Selection and Certification Requirements Who will be the instructor? N/A Will there be a backup instructor? N/A Are multiple instructors needed? N/A Payload Instructor(s) are certified by successfully performing a Payload Training Dry Run* for each lesson. * PDs should plan to attend the Payload Training Dry Run (PTDR) to support as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) N/A for Video-based OBT
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Training Data Set What is the training data set? Payload Training Requirements – Entered after TST Curriculum Requirements – Baselined after PTDR How to access it? PDs Need POIF Account (Ops Lead will provide access info) PDs Need URL of Training & Crew Ops Web site Who populates it? Ops Lead (PD will verify information) When and how to baseline? 1 ECR for PTU Requirements Post-TST (as soon as we all agree; in schedule on next page, it is the first item, ”Dataset Baseline”) 1 ECR for Curriculum Requirements Post-PTDR*
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 15 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama 2013 Training Development Milestones Training Strategy Team MeetingMarch 25 Draft Procedure Delivery to Ops LeadJune 20 Procedure Team Integrated Review (TIR)July 18 Video OBT Outline/Lesson PlanJuly 22 Submit Procedures ECRAugust 15 OBT Product DeliverySeptember 23 Baseline Crew ProceduresSeptember 26 OBT PTDRSeptember 30 Dataset Baseline – Class Curriculum/Duration October 7 OBT Baselined, On BoardOctober 28 Launch of SpX-3November 28
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Backup Charts
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 17 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Acronyms CDRCritical Design Review CTCCrew Training Coordinator ECREngineering Change Request ERCEnvironmental Research Chamber JSCJohnson Space Center KFTKennedy Fixation Tube IPVInternational Procedures Viewer ISSInternational Space Station IVAIntravehicular Activity LANLocal Area Network MELFIMinus Eighty Degree Freezer for ISS MITPMission Integrated Training Plan MSFCMarshall Space Flight Center NPOCBNASA Payload Operations Control Board OBTOn Board Training PDPayload Developer PDRPreliminary Design Review PDRTPayload Displays Review Team POIFPayload Operations Integration Function PSAT Post Shipping Assessment Test PTDR Payload Training Dry Run PTCPayload Training Complex PTUPayload Training Utilization RBARack Build-up Area SMESubject Matter Expert TAGESTransgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression System TRRTest Readiness Review TSTTraining Strategy Team
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 18 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PTU Classes/Component Fidelities Component Fidelities Total Fidelity (T): All functional and physical characteristics representative of the flight design Functional Fidelity (F): All functional characteristics representative of the flight design; physical characteristics are not represented Physical Fidelity (P): All physical characteristics representative of flight design; functional characteristics are not required Envelope Fidelity (E): Mockup with exterior shape and color representative of flight design Visual Fidelity (V): No operational/functional capabilities; front panels representative of flight design
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 19 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 20 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 21 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama LMM Petri Holder Concepts Mechanical Version Mass <= 1.2 kg Envelope = 6.1 x 18.9 x 10 cm Hold down method: mechanical Pros Consistent petri placement Less dust or FOD from velcro Cons More complex Slightly heavier Requires additional hardware or modification to hold other petri dish types (See back up charts) Velcro Version Mass <=.8 kg Envelope = 6.1 x 18.9 x 10 cm Hold down method: black velcro (pile) Pros Simple Easily adaptable for other petri dish designs Petri sample may be positioned/re-positioned as needed Cons Less consistent petri placement FOD or dust from velcro Velcro wear 6.1 cm 18.9 cm 10 cm 18.9 cm 6.1 cm
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 22 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Petri dish area = 8100 mm^2 Visible area = 4872 mm^2 (60% of total) LMM Petri Holder Concepts