Children's Services Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector Review 2015/17 Post Consultation Briefing Wednesday 24 th February 2016
Recent changes Recap of consultation process to date Share: – Final report details – Highlight the changes Next steps Support available
Recent Management Changes John Daly
Council Budget Update February 2015 the council approved budget reduction programme for 2015/16 and 2016/17 Government settlement on 17th December 2015 Grant to reduce by £2m more than forecast - £19m total Recommendations will be discussed at the Full Council meeting today - Shortfall identified from one-off corporate budgets to balance budget
Consultation Process
Recap of process to date * Detailed proposals approved for consultation on 12 th October 2015 * Formal consultation ended 14 th December 2015 * Final report including amendments approved by Council’s Cabinet on 15 th February 2016
Overall, organisations and groups understood the Council’s financial position and are committed to providing services to the children and young people of Bolton. An acknowledgement that the proposals will have varying impact on the groups including reduction in paid staff hours, increased use of volunteers. There is an increased need to fundraise and to seek other sources of funding. An acknowledgment by the groups and organisations that there is still an over reliance on Council funding and a recognition that organisations must move to a more sustainable financial model. It was generally felt that more time and practical support is needed to help the sector achieve financial sustainability. Concern was raised about not receiving any future grant funding and that this might mean some services may close, unless enough alternative funding to support activities is identified. Uncertainty about the ability to provide a high enough level of quality to the children and young people using services. Both CVS and Bolton Together both raised the issue of the £1m annual turnover or income limit and the restriction for some Bolton based organisations to apply for grant funding through this process. Rhe £50k upper limit for grants is overly restrictive. 64 days consultation Director Children’s and Adult Services met with: Bolton Under Fives Forum, Bolton Together and CVS Bolton Together Members at the AGM Two provider consultation sessions 1:1 discussions (8 organisations) Paper-based and online questionnaire: All currently funded groups/organisations Bolton CVS and member organisations (2000) Bolton Together and member organisations (36) Consultation report available via: The Council’s CVS’s website Consultation Activity
General Comments More time and practical support needed to help achieve financial sustainability Some services may close There will be an impact on quality Will need to reduce paid staff hours Need to increase use of volunteers Need to fundraise and to seek other sources of funding Recognise that there is an over reliance on Council funding
Questions about grant administration Will applications with match funding e.g. Big Lottery, be looked on more favourably? Are consortium bids accepted? What are the limits and would the funding cap apply? Other grants opportunities e.g. Public Health are they doing the same thing? using the same processes? making cuts?
What would help Support to help: - change the business model - secure alternative funding - develop new ways of working. Capacity and support for management: - including trustee development - submit grant applications. Removal of £50k cap £1m turnover exclusions. More time to seek alternative sources of funding.
Final proposals
Finance Budget 2016/17 Budget Category £ Youth and Play Services Positive Activities £194K Short Breaks for Disabled Children and Young People £200K Vulnerable Children and Young People £245K Early Years 0 – 5 £358K Total£997K
Responses Extended lead-in time for existing contracts Threshold of £1m only applies to organisations whose Head Office is not in Bolton The upper limit for a grant will remain at £50k – procurement rules apply.
Commissioning intentions Seek to minimise the impact on the most vulnerable – Protect Derian House Hospice funding Revised Grant Outline Target those most in need Prioritise deprived areas Early Years (0-5): – recommission services as part of the review of Children’s Centres and Early Years Tender statutory services with revised specifications
Programme Plan 2016 Budget Category Revised Timescale 2016 Contracts start from Grants Programmes Youth and Play Activities (5 -19’s) Apr – June 1 st July 2016 Short Breaks for Disabled Children Tendered Services Vulnerable Children & Young People July – Sept 1 st October 2016 Early Years (0 – 5’s)
Grant Applications Proportionate – Full application up to £50k – Small application up to £5k Balanced – Easy to complete v sufficient detail to make decision Transparent and Efficient Outcome-focused
The Outcome Triangle The reason why you are proposing the activity: – “Why” Strategic Outcome The difference you want to make or the change you want to bring for your service users:– “What” Intended Outcome The activities that bring about the outcomes – “How and When” Activities
Final report approved: 15 th February 2016 Post Consultation Briefing 22 nd February 2016 Grants Workshop 4th April 2016 Posted on the Chest 4 th April 2016 Return deadline of 22 nd April 2016 Evaluation Panel Moderation w/c 2 nd May Recommendations and Approval Report June 2016 Issue Grants 1 st July 2016 Contract Monitoring August – September 2016 KEY DATES
CONTACT NUMBER Assistant Director: Adrian Crook or Project/Service Manager: Kath Smith or
Grants Application Process Recap
Proposal for application process You complete an application form and send it to us. We will only consider one application from your organisation at a time. A Panel assess your application (Relevant Commissioning Officers) The Panel and an independent Moderator - makes recommendations. Elected Members make the final decision. We tell you the decision A grant offer is conditional on you signing and returning an offer letter and accepting our terms and conditions of the grant The Chest Award
Who Can Apply? Bolton Based Constituted Voluntary and Community Groups Registered Charities Registered Social Enterprises Exclusions Statutory Sector Organisations Private Sector Organisations Individuals
What is in the guidance? General information about the fund – What will it fund? – What wont it fund? – The appraisals process Basic guide to applying for ANY funding Step by step guide through form (with scoring guide) Common mistakes to avoid Next Steps
Application Sections How can we get in touch with you?Tell us about your organisation?What difference will you make – What are the outcomes?How do you manage your service and your future plans?How much funding are you applying for?Tell us about sustainability and risk managementHow do you protect vulnerable people?Declaration
Darren Knight Chief Officer Bolton CVS (Community and Voluntary Services) The Bolton Hub, Bold Street, Bolton, BL1 1LS. Telephone: Mobile: Fax:
Provides advice and support to help your organisation find and apply for funding Provides learning and personal development opportunities on a wide range of subjects Supports volunteers and promotes good practice to volunteer involving organisations Administers a number of small grants for voluntary and community groups, on behalf of a variety of funders Promotes and develops the Big Bolton Fund, to support small voluntary groups in their work.
Community Empowerment Fund The £500,000 Community Empowerment Fund was launched - November 2014, To reduce demand on council services and to enable local volunteers, community groups and businesses to become more involved in improving their local area. Either a one-off investment of up to £2,000 to try out an idea, or Larger investment of up to £40,000 over two years to develop an innovative scheme further. To address council priorities and reduce demand for council services, Either by making improvements to the environment or meeting the needs of young people, and how they would continue with their proposal after the Council’s funding ends. 10 groups have now been awarded funding totalling £270,387. Further information on how to apply please visit