EBSCO Discovery Service
EDS Background –Years in the making –Extraordinary technical development resources pre-launch –By far the main technical focus of EBSCO post launch (EBSCO is not diverted by ILS, instead choosing to partner with existing ILS vendors): –Sophisticated relevance and value ranking algorithms refined through unparalleled user research EDS is next generation technology:
Discovery Service Adoption Worldwide EBSCO stands as the front-runner, with a long lead of 5,612 library subscribers to EDS. OCLC reports 1,717 libraries with access to WorldCat Local, though a smaller number use it as their primary discovery interface. Ex Libris has licensed Primo to 1,407 libraries. ProQuest reports 673 libraries using Summon. American Libraries April 15, 2014 [Marshall Breeding] “ ”
Open Relevance Ranking
EDS Relevance Ranking Ingredients 1.Matching word frequency 2.Metadata field weighting 3.Value ranking 4.Exact field match boost 5.Local collections weighting No simplistic formula for relevance ranking– multiple factors blend to deliver relevant results.
Metadata Field Weighting Some metadata fields count more than others for scoring. 1.Subject headings 2.Title 3.Author-supplied keywords 4.Abstract 5.Author 6.Journal title 7.Full-text More fields than these are used for field weighting. We tune the weighting of these fields on an ongoing basis.
Metadata Field Weighting Some metadata fields count more than others for scoring. 1.Subject headings 2.Title 3.Author-supplied keywords 4.Abstract 5.Author 6.Journal title 7.Full-text More fields than these are used for field weighting. We tune the weighting of these fields on an ongoing basis. Keyword matches across multiple metadata fields contribute most to relevance scoring.
Value Ranking Specific content attributes of matching records contribute to relevance scoring. Publication date Publication type Peer reviewed or not Document length More attributes than these are used for value ranking. We evaluate new options on an ongoing basis.
Value Ranking Specific content attributes of matching records contribute to relevance scoring. Publication date Publication type Peer reviewed or not Document length More attributes than these are used for value ranking. We evaluate new options on an ongoing basis. Publication date: EDS will prioritize ranking of newly published content over older content. Publication date: EDS will prioritize ranking of newly published content over older content.
Value Ranking Specific content attributes of matching records contribute to relevance scoring. Publication date Publication type Peer reviewed or not Document length More attributes than these are used for value ranking. We evaluate new options on an ongoing basis. Publication type: Certain publication types (e.g., journal articles) are prioritized over others (e.g. book reviews). Publication type: Certain publication types (e.g., journal articles) are prioritized over others (e.g. book reviews).
Delivering Relevant Results All these factors combine to produce a composite EDS relevance score for all matching records for the user’s search query. No simple formula for relevance ranking, but a multitude of factors that blend to deliver the best ordered set of results for the user query.
The Discovery Service Advantage MetaData
Metadata, Metadata, Metadata Citation metadata –Title, Authors, Publication Date, Volume, Issue… Descriptive metadata –Publication Type, Document Type, Subject Terms, Abstract, Author-supplied keywords, Lexile level… Source metadata –Publisher, Content Provider, Database… Identifiers –ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, Call Number…
Technology & Metadata are both advantages of EDS EDS already incorporates the features and approach necessary for inclusion of the most important third party databases EBSCO obtains the highest quality metadata by listening to and responding to the needs of content providers
EDS is the only one that is integrated with a delivery platform…We can be assured that it is stimulating use [of PsycINFO], not substituting for it. Linda Beebe Senior Director, PsycINFO Stakeholders Strive to Define Standards for Web-Scale Discovery Systems By Michael Kelley on October 11, 2012 “ ”
PsycINFO Professional indexers with psychology backgrounds do the indexing 5 to 15 psychology-specific subject headings are assigned to every article Indexing is done from a thesaurus of more than 8,400 controlled psychology terms and cross-references Includes nearly 50,000,000 references in 1,153,213 journal article, book, and book chapter records Indexing from 1597-present, with comprehensive coverage from the 1880s to present Summon & Primo Central: X X X X X
Subject Index Providers & Discovery The overwhelming majority of subject index providers share the same policy as the organizations outlined here. Abstracts of Music Literature CAB Abstracts Index Islamicus
Studies have been published comparing discovery services
Comparative user experiences of next-generation catalogue interfaces. Library Trends. 2012;61(1): Rice Majors (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Usability: Comparing the Three Major Discovery Services If I were doing my own research, I would be able to find what I needed using this discovery platform EBSCO Discovery Service Primo Central Summon Strongly Agree 40%0%17% Agree 60% 67% Neither 0%20%17% Disagree 0%20%0% Strongly Disagree 0%
Usability: Comparing the Three Major Discovery Services The discovery platform I used today is easy to use EBSCO Discovery Service Primo Central Summon Strongly Agree 20%0%17% Agree 60%40%0% Neither 20%40%17% Disagree 0%20%50% Strongly Disagree 0%
The discovery layer provides the first experience most users will have with the library website, and it is critical for that defining moment to be successful.” With EBSCO’s attention on user-focused development and user-friendly interface, we believe EDS will provide the Texas A&M community with an ideal solution not just for finding books, but for discovering articles and other sources of great benefit to their research needs.” Susan Goodwin Associate Dean for User Services Texas A&M University Libraries “ “
Superior relevancy ranking was a factor in the committee’s selection of EDS. EBSCO’s focus on search terms’ occurrence within subject indexing is seen as a positive and productive portion of an overall fine relevancy ranking algorithm.” John Schumacher Electronic Resources Coordinator SUNYConnect “
For us, relevancy ranking is important but what truly makes it work for us is the cooperation of including metadata from so many other vendors. EDS allows us to find the relevant content no matter what platform it is on.” Chris Kowalczyk Electronic Resource Librarian Idaho State University “
EDS is the most technically open discovery service
EDS fully integrates major knowledgebases / link resolvers The library chooses its knowledgebase and link resolver: –EBSCO “Full Text Finder” –Ex Libris “SFX” –ProQuest “SS360” EBSCO integrates any of these into EDS and automates future updates, so the library may update a single knowledgebase with no additional staff time
d users? Easy Linking toFull Text
Instant Access to Full Text (Exactly what the user wants)
EDS fully integrates OPAC functionality Via ILS partnerships –Innovative Interfaces (Sierra) –Kuali (OLE) –OCLC (WMS) –SirsiDynix (Horizon, Symphony) Via customer technical collaboration –Ex Libris (Aleph now fully integrated; Voyager & Alma in development)
The EDS API works with many front ends Blacklight Encore Enterprise Koha VuFind Many others
Blacklight and EDS
EDS is fully mobile
Optimized for all devices, including: smartphones, tablets, etc.
EDS Anticipates User Intent
62,000 “Research Starters” provided by Salem Press PhDs & Encyclopedia Britannica
Curriculum Builder Instructors stay within the Course or Learning Management System, and can easily add EDS content into their courses Released Mid 2014 Student reading lists in Moodle, Blackboard, Sakai, and more
Features Coming in 2015
EDS will enable users to link to the native database, with its authorities, limiters, field search, etc.
Shang Gao indeed proved the Pythagorean theorem—also here “moment” should not be interpreted as a rectangular By: Cai, Yue Jiang; Guo, Yun Ting In: Mathematics in Practice and Theory, 2011, vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 1–5. Database: MathSciNet Link to Database Search Platform (MathSciNet Example) 1.
51K05 51 (1980-now) Geometry [For algebraic geometry, see 14-XX] 51K (1980-now) Distance geometry 51K05 (1980-now) General theory Database: MathSciNet – Classification Codes 51K10 (1980-now) Synthetic differential geometry 51K99 (1980-now) None of the above, but in this section 1. User selects authorities from top menu. 2. Browse for code. 3. Classifications can be expanded to see sub- levels. Selecting “Explode” allows user to search top heading and all sub- headings together.
Video is desired by some university users University EDS search logs are analyzed regularly User research is conducted with undergraduates, graduate students and faculty Discovery end users are looking for more than just journals & books EDS indexes Alexander Street Press and Films On Demand for mutual customers EDS is also adding metadata and full access to videos from another provider…
Coming in 2015 EDS will include the Associated Press video collection The Associated Press is the world's leading video news agency EDS customers will receive complimentary access to the following: –340,000 videos –Updated daily, with 7,000 new videos added each year –Metadata (no subscription required) –Full viewing rights for each video (no subscription required) –Full text transcripts (no subscription required) –Closed captioning (no subscription required)
Option for “Bento Box” Result List Coming in 2015
What is your direction? An open, interoperable infrastructure that: –Enables library choice –Streamlines workflows EBSCO Open You choose. We optimize. –Optimizes user experiences –Maximizes budget
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