Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 1. A personal pronoun referring anaphorically to its referent. King Saud University is considered as one of the best universities in the middle- east. It is ranked among the 500 top universities in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 2. A personal pronoun referring cataphorically to its referent. Because it was ranked among the 500 top universities in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, King Saud University is considered as one of the best universities in the middle- east
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 3. An object pronoun referring anaphorically to its referent. King Saud University is considered as one of the best universities in the middle- east. I chose to join it for its high ranking amongst the 500 top universities according to the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 4. A possessive determiner referring cataphorically to its referent. Due to its ranking amongst the 500 top universities in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities, I chose to join King Saud University.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 5. A possessive pronoun referring anaphorically to its referent. My major is English while my cousin’s major is French. However, mine is more demanded in the labor market nowadays.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 6. A demonstrative pronoun functioning as a head and referring cataphorically to its referent. Do you know the course I enjoy most? That is translation.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 7. A demonstrative pronoun functioning as a determiner and referring anaphorically to its referent. King Saud university is considered as one of the best universities in the middle- east. In fact, this university is ranked among the 500 top Universities in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 8. A demonstrative neutral determiner with a lexical item representing a whole class. The rich should help the poor.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 9. A general comparison using an adverb to express similarity. That student speaks English as fluently as a native speaker of English.
Text Linguistics/Homework 1 Write texts (of your own) as examples for the following: 10. A general comparison using an adjective to express difference. This course is different from other courses I am specialized in.
Good Luck