24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting1 Status of PMS Sarah Eno
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting2 PMS A fast simulation package for Run II. Similar to the Run I packages CMS (WZ fast simulation), QSIM, the di- boson group fast MC, and the QCD group’s fast simulations. Structure: similar to D0Reco, in that there is a “package” for each particle type. Each ID group is supposed to be responsible for the package for its particle (in practice, only electron and muon groups pay any attention). executables available linked to isajet, herwig, pythia, vecbos to allow generation and simulation in one shot. hope to add cms generator (with help from Josh from Michigan)
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting3 Structure: Packages Utility Packages pmcsMergeKinePkg: does pileup pmcs_setup: reads the mckine chunks and puts into a nice format for the rest of the packages pmcs_output: produces ntuples, root trees, etc pmcs_util: defines classes, utilities of general use to all packages Particle Packages: pmcs_chprt: tracking pmcs_vtx: vertex finding pmcs_em: electrons and photons pmcs_jet: jets pmcs_met: missing Et pmcs_muon: muons pmcs_tau: taus may need in future a b-tag package and a trigger package
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting4 pmcsMergeKinePkg current developers: none status: stable Current Functionality: reads in the mckinechunks from pileup events and adds to event record Plans: none, stable
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting5 pmcs_setup current developers: Sarah Eno and Marco Verzocchi status: sort of stable Current Functionality: reads mckinechunks and puts into a “pmcsInputChunk”. pmcsInputChunk has useful functions to get lists of various sorts of particles. create “pmcsOutputChunk”, which is used for communication between packages, and for people who don’t want to access the information via d0phyobj chunks (request of the NP group). does generator-level jet finding. Plans: move routine that calculates particle position when hits surface of the calorimeter (used in isolation routines and fiducial routines) from pmcs_chprt::buildEvent to pmcs_setup. this routine may also be buggy. debug. move routine from pmcs_vtx that can pick the primary vertex position from a histogram to pmcs_setup. make it so it can do this for pileup primary vertices as well
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting6 pmcs_output current developers: Stephanie Baffioni (root tree, part-time), Elemer Nagy (root- tree, part-time), Sarah Eno, Marco Verzocchi status: under active development Current Functionality: root-tuple, paw-tuple output from pmcsOutputChunk works. output only histograms exists (book and fill a special pmcs class that the user can edit). start of root tree output exists. pmcs_em, pmcs_met, pmcs_chprt can write d0physobj chunks. rest of packages can not write chunks. em_analysis does not work correctly off the electron chunks that are created. other *_analysis ntuple maker code not tried yet. Plans: first priority is to develop the d0physobj chunks, and use *_analysis packages to produce ntules. This should also allow us to use the official code to produce thumbnails and root trees. However, we need A LOT of help from the ID conveners to achieve this (as we are having trouble finding documentation on these chunks), and active developers for each of the particle packages.
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting7 pmcs_util current developers: Sarah Eno and Marco Verzocchi status: stable? Current Functionality: provides utilities, like routines to extrapolate particles in a magnetic field, to do cone isolation calculations at the generator-level. Plans: isolation routine needs some debugging
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting8 pmcs_chprt current developers: Zhong-Min Wang (reasonable fraction of his time), Frank Filthaut (reasonable fraction of his time) status: under active development Current Functionality: acceptance and smearing of charged particles according to tracker resolutions. current routine is not well-tested. However, new routines that includes proper correlations of resolutions are under development by Zhong- Min. Will include separate parameterizations for electrons, muons, and pions. Frank has also developed code that does acceptances for toy silicon and fiber trackers, for RunIIb studies. can create a track chunk. Plans: Zhong Min has found resolutions in 3 of the 5 tracking variables (pt, phi, eta). He needs to extend to include the other 2, and then code his results. We also need to check that the track object that is created being filled in a reasonable way.
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting9 pmcs_vtx current developers: Sarah Eno status: under some development, but needs a real developer Current Functionality: picks primary vertex position as position of hard scatter. can smear z position according to a gaussian Plans: move routine that can choose location of primary vertex according to a root histogram from here to pmcs_setup. find an active developer make d0physobj output
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting10 pmcs_em current developers: Florencia Canelli (wants to move on to other things, part- time) status: under active development, but could do with more manpower Current Functionality: most advanced packages. smears energies and angles according to calorimeter resolutions. separate resolutions for electrons and photons, CC, and EC, with PS and without. tuned using single particle MC. however, does not seem to properly give resolutions in Z->ee events (could be because of inconsistent use of track information in Z events between pmcs and d0reco) Plans: properly simulate dependence of resolution on energy develop tools to measure resolution from Z->ee data (not MC) properly fill all variables in the electron chunk
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting11 pmcs_em Shawn Kwang
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting12 pmcs_muon current developers: Bing Hu (very part-time), Dave Hedin (very part-time) status: under active development, but could use some younger manpower Current Functionality: simulates energy and angular resolution of muon chambers. code exists, but perhaps nobody has checked that its output is reasonable. Plans: write a d0physobj chunk (hedin) add pi/K decay (hedin) (maybe into pmcs_setup, though)
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting13 pmcs_met current developers: Sarah Eno status: under some development Current Functionality: two basic algorithms exists, one similar to the old QSIM algorithm, one similar to the old CMS algorithm. neither is well-tested or well-tuned. Plans: Marco will tune the cms-like algorithm using run I wmass methods check filling of met chunk to see if its reasonable
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting14 pmcs_jet current developers: none status: stagnant Current Functionality: takes generator-level jets and smears with a simple smearing. completely untuned and untested. Plans: Sudeshna Banerjee, with advice from Laurent DuFlot, may try to take this one.
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting15 pmcs_tau current developers: none status: stagnant Current Functionality: none Plans: none
24 Jul 01 Simulation Meeting16 Future Major effort now to put the PMCS output into d0phyobj chunks, and to make sure we understand what the variables in the chunks really are (so we can simulate them properly) See the documentation::design button on d0.fnal.gov/~sceno/pmcs_doc/pmcs.html for a document by Marco and myself that attempts to describe 1) the structure of PMCS 2) what we think the variables in each chunk represent, and how they should be simulated 3) how the resolutions can be obtained for each particle from MC 4) How the resolutions can be obtained from real collider data