Family Friends of Scouting Presenter Training Great Southwest Council, Boy Scouts of America
Thank You!! Thank you for taking the time to participate in this training and your devotion to the Family Friends of Scouting campaign As a presenter, you represent your district and our Council, helping make a critical difference in the future of Scouting You will help others make an “Investment in Character”
Key Contacts You’re not alone! There are people who will help you be successful in this presenter role, including: – Your District Executive – Your District’s Family Friends of Scouting Chair Call the Great Southwest Council Service Center if you need contact info for either – Campaign Staff Advisor – Kevin McClelland or
Roles of the Family FOS Presenter 1.Representative of the District and Council Remember the Scout Oath & Motto Be Prepared On my honor I will do my best 2.Catalyst for Success Your energy, enthusiasm, and effort Your belief in the Scouting program 3.A Volunteer You will receive no monetary compensation In addition to your own contribution, you are pledging your time As a volunteer, you represent the success of Scouting
Before the FOS Presentation 1.Start preparing for your presentation now. Review your presenter’s outline, your role, and the purpose of our campaign Start your presentation outline and notes NOW! Make your 2016 Friends of Scouting contribution REMEMBER! There are lots of resources to help available at
Before the FOS Presentation (cont.) 2. When contacting units, request the specific presentation date, time, location, and room set-up. Establish the date, time and location Know the room set-up and adjust your presentation accordingly (stadium style, round tables, outdoors, etc.) Determine the number of families attending (be sure to secure adequate supplies from your district executive) Know what the unit contributed last year. Challenge the unit to do better in 2016!
Before the FOS Presentation (cont.) 3. Approximately two to three days prior to the presentation, call the unit leader to make sure you are expected, and request the unit leader introduces you and endorses our campaign. Ask to be placed early in the program. This will enable you to make the presentation and collect pledges throughout the event. Ask for assistance from the oldest unit youth members in distributing and collecting pledge forms at the appropriate time. Double check your presentation materials and supplies. BE PREPARED!
Before the FOS Presentation (cont.) 4. Practice your presentation. Remember, you are a representative of Scouting and a guest of the unit. Practice, practice, practice! Keep your presentation to no more than 10 minutes. You must stay on time, as it will contribute to a quality presentation and our ability to be invited back in the future!! If possible, dress in your full Scouting uniform. You represent the best of the Boy Scouts of America
Before the Presentation (cont.) 5. Obtain the presentation supplies from your district executive Take time to organize your supplies. You’ll be glad you did! 6. If the presentation meeting is cancelled, please immediately schedule another date and then contact your district executive. Follow up is very important, as a reschedule may be with very short notice, which may cause challenges
Sample Presentation
After the FOS Presentation 1.Call the unit leader and thank him/her for his/her cooperation in making the presentation a success. 2.Complete the audit sheet.
After the FOS Presentation (cont.) 3. Attach all payments to pledge forms with paper clips. 4. Return all pledge forms, payments, and audit sheet(s) to your district executive. Do NOT mail the envelope to the Council Service Center. Your district executive will pick up these items from you at a convenient time and place.
After the FOS Presentation (cont.) 5. Review what went well and what did not go as planned. Refine your presentation as needed. 6. Replenish supplies in preparation for your next presentation, or if completed, return the excess supplies to your district executive.
FOS Presentation Packet Checklist 1 – 10”x13” envelope (to hold supplies) 1 – Audit Sheet (on 2-part NCR paper) 1 – Presenter’s Guidebook 25 – Brochures (with tear-off FOS pledge forms) NOTE: larger quantity will be needed for some presentations 12 – Pens (in a box) 12 – Paper clips (in a storage bag) 1 – Unit ribbon (for the unit’s participation) 12 – Council FOS Shoulder Patches (for $130 FOS contributor recognition)
Introduction Thank the unit leader, other leaders, families, and friends for allowing you this time to present. Introduce yourself. Describe your current role in Scouting. You may be a parent of a current or past Scout. If so, tell them! Emphasize that you are a volunteer, just like many of them.
Describe the Purpose of FOS Our Council is moving towards self-sufficiency. Council funding from the United Way has declined. Emphasize that this campaign accounts for 26% of the Council’s annual budget. Request their help and describe what we want them to do. Give them strong encouragement to support our program through and “Investment in Character”
What is FOS and What Does It Do? This campaign exists to raise the critical component of revenue for our Council’s $1.6 million operating budget. This campaign also provides the critical difference between other income sources and our council’s budgetary needs. Emphasize that this campaign accounts for 26% of the Council’s annual budget
Council Operating Revenue Council operating revenue comes from 7 sources. They are: Camping & Activities36% Friends of Scouting26% Popcorn Sales18% Donor Designated Giving8% Foundations & Trusts6% Special Events4% United Way1%
Council Expenses For every $1.00 raised: 88 cents provides direct unit support! Stated another way, 88% of the operating budget is spent directly on all units for such things as described on the next slides.
Council Expenses (cont.) Support is provided to units through the following: Full time professional support for all unit volunteers Leader training and support materials District and Council-wide activities (summer camps, camporees, pinewood derbies, etc.) Operation of our Council Service Center Full-service Scout Shop Support for Gorham Scout Ranch to keep camping fees low.
Why is FOS Important? According to a Harris Associates study of youth nationwide: 54% had cheated on homework 25% had shoplifted 29% had been drunk 17% had used druges
Why is FOS Important? (cont.) Meanwhile, Scouts with tenure are more likely than non-Scouts to: Assume a leadership role in school Put the needs of others before themselves Make the most honest, not easiest, decisions Value education and the environment
Why is FOS Important? (cont.) Results among adults are even more striking. Men who were Scouts with tenure as boys are more likely than men with no Scout experience to: Graduate from high school (98%) Graduate from college (40% vs. 16%) Hold management positions (66% vs. 33%) As you see, Scouting builds strong values, which provides for strong leaders!
Help by Making an Investment in Character By supporting FOS, you provide direct support to our program. Simply, yet powerfully stated, your pledge to FOS helps ensure our program continues for many years to come. Invite each family to make a pledge to FOS. Encourage a pledge, no matter how small. If they believe in our program and what it accomplishes, it is easy to find a way to make some sort of pledge (give up a weekly meal out, or a cup of coffee)
Help by Making an Investment in Character Pledges may be a ONE-TIME gift, or a pledge OVER TIME (select a convenient payment schedule that best fits your family’s budget) Request the family goal amount of $130 per year. (this is only $10.83 per month or just 36 cents a day) Recognize that some families may do more, and some will do less. Request a pledge form from everyone. Give assurance that any amount will help
Help by Making an Investment in Character Note that the contribution/pledge is tax-deductible Review the recognition item - $130 family donor shoulder patch. A small token of our thanks, but also a reminder of the importance of Scouting Describe completion of the pledge form. Ask everyone to complete a form and submit, even if they are not making a pledge. This eliminates an unnecessary phone call later as we try to personally contact every Scouting family during the campaign
Emphasize Unit FOS Incentives Units have the ability to choose free cloth & card rank advancement from the Scout shop for the remainder of the calendar year – or - Rebates for Gorham summer camp and/or cub scout day camp
Closing Thank everyone for the opportunity to address them Indicate how strongly you believe in the program and sincerely appreciate their support Note that you will be available to answer any questions
After the Presentation At the end of the meeting, announce total FOS dollars pledged by the unit and present the unit participation ribbon to the unit leader in front of the entire group Individually thank the unit leader for his/her support
After the Presentation (cont.) Request that the unit leader or other person follows up with the families who were not in attendance at the presentation meeting. Give extra brochures to the unit leader to use in requesting a contribution or pledge Return the completed audit sheet, pledge forms, and payments to your district executive within 24 hours. This is critical, as it allows for the proper accounting of cash and a quick thank you letter to be sent to all donors
After the Presentation (cont.) Do not mail the completed pledges into the Council Service Center. Arrange to hand off all materials directly to your district executive Pat yourself on the back. You did an amazing job!
Completing the Pledge Form Fill in the top portion completely Select a giving level – pledge card MUST be signed! If not paying now, how would donor like to be billed? If donor is paying now, he or she should fill in this section completely
Cub Scout Pack Incentive Pack Friends of Scouting goal is 90% x # of families x $ = goal Packs that achieve this goal by April 15 will receive free cloth & card rank advancements from the Scout Shop for the rest of 2016 AND 10% off Gorham Scout Ranch fees and day camp fees Packs that achieve this goal before February 8 th will receive an additional 5% rebate on Gorham fees and day camp – totaling 15%!
Troop, Team & Crew Incentive Unit Friends of Scouting goal is 90% x # of families x $ = goal Units that achieve this goal by April 15 will receive free cloth & card rank advancements from the Scout Shop for the rest of 2016 OR 10% off Gorham Scout Ranch fees Units that achieve this goal before February 8 th will receive an additional 5% rebate on Gorham fees – totaling 15%!
FOS Ward Incentive Ward Friends of Scouting goal is 90% x # of Scout families x $ = goal Wards that achieve this goal by April 15 will receive free cloth & card rank advancements from the Scout Shop for the rest of 2016 OR 10% off Gorham Scout Ranch and day camp fees Wards that achieve this goal before February 8 th will receive an additional 5% rebate on Gorham fees and day camp – totaling 15%!
Every unit meeting for the year is already planned. We are unable to work an FOS presentation into our schedule. Response: We are only asking for about 10 minutes. The actual presentation is around 7 minutes, and we should be able to collect the pledge forms in a just a few more minutes. We are not intending to unnecessarily delay any part of your program.
We sold popcorn this past fall. Isn’t that enough? Response: Your unit’s participation in the annual popcorn sale is appreciated and an important part of our Council’s overall fundraising effort. Despite the success of the popcorn sale, approximately $400,000 needs to be raised through the Friends of Scouting campaign to meet the revenue needs for the budget.
I give my time as a unit volunteer leader, and many of the incidental expenses have come out of my pocket. Our parents get “nickel and dimed” for uniforms, camping equipment, dues, and activity fees. Why not ask others to pay? Response: Your service as a leader is appreciated and very important. In fact, others are being asked to support this campaign, as we are also approaching the business community. However, we know that is not enough. Similar to a church, those who are most active in a program best understand the benefits of it and will support it financially.
The parents in my unit do not want an FOS presentation. They do not want to give. Response: It has been our experience these presentations are well-received and appreciated by parents. Many are unaware of the services of our Council and the fact that the United Way no longer supports Scouting for the majority of our membership. When the financial needs and services of our Council are explained, many parents are willing to make a contribution. We are just asking for the opportunity to tell the Friends of Scouting story and let the parents make their own decision.
Our Council is supported by the United Way. Why does our Council want more money? Response: Yes, our Council does benefit from the United Way. However, income from the United Way provides 1% of our needed revenues. That means Scouting must raise more money in special events and the Friends of Scouting campaign. In fact, United Way support has been declining. Does this mean the United Way does not view Scouting as important as it was years ago? Absolutely not! With so many organizations in need, there aren’t the resources there once were.
If our Council did not have such a large and expensive staff, they would not need so much money. We hardly see our District Executive. Response: Actually, the size of our Council staff is very modest. Did you know that the ratio of volunteers to professional staff in our Council is about 500 to 1? Much of the support your unit receives from your district executive may come through our volunteers they are working with, such as roundtable, training, and activity staffs. Also, they spend much of their time helping units who need them the most.
How do I know that the Great Southwest Council, BSA is a wise investment Response: You may be assured that contributing to the Great Southwest Council is a wise and safe investment. All funds are monitored by our executive board, comprised of volunteer community leaders from throughout the entire Council’s footprint. Furthermore, all financial records of the Council are submitted annually for an external audit conducted by independent professional accountants.
THANK YOU! Thank you for taking the time to review this material. We hope that it helps you in your preparation for the Family Friends of Scouting campaign. Remember! Your district executive is your support person, and he or she is just a phone call away!
Question 1 – What is the Family giving goal level? $250 $100 $130 $50
Incorrect Please try againtry again
Correct! Question 2 – What do you do with completed pledges & payments after your presentation? Give to your district executive Mail to the Council Service Center Bring to roundtable Drop off at the Scout Shop
Incorrect Please try againtry again
Correct! – Question 3 True or False: Cub Packs that achieve their FOS goal will receive a rebate on Gorham Fees and/or Day Camp Fees True False
Incorrect Please try againtry again
Correct – Last Question What percentage of the Council’s annual budget comes from Friends of Scouting 17% 51% 30% 26%
Incorrect Please try againtry again
Correct – Thank You for Completing this Orientation! Please send us an so that we can record your training completion by clicking In the , please include your name and district.