AGENDA Overview of HCM Community Meetings HCM Project and Trainings Back to Basics Training Poll Retirement Talks Payroll & Benefits Updates Listen
WELCOME BACK! HCM Community meetings: Provide in-person updates Basic training opportunities Solicit help to disseminate information Listen to your feedback
HCM IS LIVE Project management triangle: choose two and make sacrifices on the third time quality quantity
IMPROVING HCM TOGETHER Command Center –Applied strategic approach. –Improved reporting of your feedback, needs. Stats and Dashboard –Using data to identify system vs user errors. –Identifying the largest, most pressing needs and giving them priority.
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Step-by- step guides Job aids Quick reference guides Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Webinars Recruit & Hire Manage Employee Data Pay Employees Manage Performance Separation30000 Reports60000
TRAINING Course TitleAMCBoulderDenverSpringsSystem Grand Total CU: HCM Fundamentals CU: HCM Managing People and Jobs CU: HCM Paying People CU: HCM Position Data and Non- Person Profiles CU: Recruiting with CU Careers
WHAT’S NEW? A refresher on new HCM tools.
TRANSACTIONS: HRMS VS HCM HRMS: data entry into many tables with multiple approval steps. HCM: data entry via a transaction page allows data entry at one time and once approved, updates multiple tables.
TRANSACTIONS: HRMS VS HCM HRMS: users could enter inaccurate data into the system. HCM: within a transaction page, tools are put in place to catch errors and not allow inaccurate data to move forward into the system.
TRANSACTIONS: TIPS & HINTS Check Dates: Many transactions fail because they have the wrong effective date. Tabs: Always use the tab key to navigate and allow the field to refresh before moving on. Do not do your transactions separately. The advantage of transaction pages making several changes at once. Try, try again will not work. If you get an error, stop. Then call or for assistance. Errors: We’re working on a list of common errors.
TRANSACTIONS: RESOURCES HCM Community Blog: Transaction pages: dos and don’tsTransaction pages: dos and don’ts Coming soon: A Prezi that walks you through how transactions work.
PAY GROUPS: HRMS VS HCM HRMS: There were two pay groups – BW and MON. HCM: There are now 19 pay groups within two pay frequencies – Biweekly or Monthly.
PAY GROUPS: RESOURCES Reference Guide: paygroup-mapping.pdf paygroup-mapping.pdf HCM Query: “Employee Pay group Search” lets you look up a pay group based on earnings code, or earnings codes based on pay group.
EARNINGS CODES: HRMS VS HCM HRMS: a list of earnings codes was provided and hard coded into MyLeave and Time Collection. HCM: earnings codes are tied to pay groups and were not hard coded in MyLeave or CU Time at go-live.
EARNINGS CODES: TIPS & HINTS Earnings programs are tied to pay groups and define the earnings codes that should be used. 106 earnings codes
EARNINGS CODES: RESOURCES Job Aid: Common Earnings Codes and Their Pay GroupsCommon Earnings Codes and Their Pay Groups Off-cycle earnings codes: gs%20Codes%20for%20Offcycle.xlsx gs%20Codes%20for%20Offcycle.xlsx
ACTION / REASON CODES: HRMS VS HCM HRMS: Several hundred action/ reason codes. HCM: Simplified to fewer than 100 codes.
ACTION / REASON CODES: TIPS & HINTS ePAR ActionsAction Reason ePAR Pay Rate Change Data Change Demotion Promotion Temp to Permanent To Classified To Faculty To Student To University Staff Pay Rate Change Base Pay -Decrease In Pay Base Pay - Increase in Pay Percent of Time Change Restore Pay Temp Pay - Increase in Pay Temp Pay - Decrease in Pay ePAR TransferTransfer To Another Department Transfer To Another Campus
ACTION / REASON CODES: RESOURCES Quick reference guide: Transaction Pages and Action ReasonsTransaction Pages and Action Reasons
QUERIES VS. REPORTS: HRMS VS HCM HRMS: Reports were run and viewed in PDF format. HCM: Queries are the new way we deliver reports to you.
More flexible than PDF reports. They can be cloned and customized based on your preferences. They are more data friendly as the lines are visible in the query immediately and can be exported in a variety of formats. Faster: Running the query and exporting it is quicker than the old way of using Control ID then creating a PDF.
FINANCIAL WELLNESS Upcoming slate of retirement talks coming to your campus.
RETIREMENT TALKS Dates: Feb. 16: UCCS, University Center, Theater (room 302) Feb. 18: CU Anschutz, Research 2, Krugman Hall Feb. 24: CU Boulder, Student Rec Center, Ice Overlook Room Feb. 25: CU Denver, Lawrence Street Center, Terrace Room
RETIREMENT TALKS Tables, Talks & Times: PERA Information Table: 9:30-10:30 a.m. Preparing for Retirement with PERA: 10:30 a.m.-noon Understanding the 401(a) and Investment Options presentation: 12:30-1:30 p.m. TIAA-CREF Information Table: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Note: You can schedule a visit from PERA or TIAA-CREF for your next department meeting. Visit seminars to put in a request. seminars
BENEFITS & PAYROLL Updates on W-2s, biometric screenings and more.
IT’S W-2 TIME! Have an active employee who didn’t get their W-2? –Direct them to the portal (my.cu.edu). Have a former employees who needs theirs? –We will have information out on how former employees can access ADP.
IT’S ALSO 1042-S TIME. What’s a 1042-S? –Let us translate: It’s an IRS form for international employees with tax-treaty exempt income or nonqualified scholarship. When will they be mailed? –These must be mailed no later than March 15 but our goal is to have them out by mid-February.
IT’S ALSO BIOMETRIC SCREENING TIME. Biometric Screenings will be held on each CU campus from late February to April. These 15-minute tests allow can determine your risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other chronic conditions. Posters are heading your way to promote participation among your department. Please hang them up!
IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR OPEN ENROLLMENT Open Enrollment is slated for a three-week period, from April 25 to May 13. We’ll have more information during the next HCM Community meetings.
SEE YOU NEXT TIME! The next HCM Community meetings will be held in March.