March 12, 2008 District Library Proposal Prepared for the Budget Study Committee
March 12, 2008 The Research Nineteen states and one province provide convincing evidence that libraries are the single best investment an educational system can make for increased student achievement.
March 12, 2008 Our District’s Library Data (Sept. ‘07 to Feb. ‘08) Classes Scheduled: Book and E-Book Catalog Searches: Books Checked Out: Database Searches Conducted: Database Documents Retrieved: 2007 Funding Per Pupil: $ Funding Per Pupil: $0.00 (budget freeze)
March 12, 2008 Our Proposal We will allow the district to discontinue our Proquest online subscription database We will weed and sell surplus books We will relinquish our supply budgets We will give up additional databases We will help with computer competency testing We will make a concerted effort to reduce electricity use by shutting down computers nightly
March 12, 2008 Eliminating Database Subscriptions This will impact the ability of students to perform college-level research. Teacher-Librarians and Classroom Teachers will need to increase instruction on how to locate, analyze and use information obtained from the free web. Teacher-Librarians will need to increase cyber-safety instruction. We can encourage students to use public library databases for research. We will need to make sure students understand the difference between online databases and the free web without having access to databases. We will also need to teach database citation without this access.
March 12, 2008 Weeding and Selling Surplus Books Our collections do need to be weeded. Usually after weeding there is a subsequent purchasing of new materials to support the curriculum. When the financial crisis ends, Teacher-Librarians will seek funding to replace outdated materials. Teacher-Librarians will need to consult with Classroom Teachers to see which books should be weeded based on Classroom Teachers’ projected curricular needs for research projects. Teacher-Librarians are exploring several ways to sell books. Teacher-Librarians will need to dedicate time to deselection of materials.
March 12, 2008 Relinquish Supply Budgets District Libraries receive supply budgets to cover paper, toner, mending materials and other necessities. Teacher-Librarians will need to find other ways to procure these supplies.
March 12, 2008 Computer Competency Testing All District Teacher-Librarians are willing and able to help the district with computer competency testing. Teacher-Librarians currently support all students in technology. Teacher-Librarians are also willing to mentor other teachers in technology.
March 12, 2008 Save Electricity District Libraries will be dedicated to making sure that every workstation is shut down nightly.
March 12, 2008 Thank you for your time and attention.