Management, Supervision, and Decision Making Chapter 2
Increasing Management Effectiveness : Management Roles Management role – is a common set of activities that make up an important part of a manager’s job. 3 Roles of Managers are : Communicators : gather, use appropriately, and share information, frequently and clearly. Relationship Builders : OUTSIDE - represent their organization and maintain effective relationships with others. INSIDE – develop a positive, motivating environment, interact effectively with other managers, develop and support subordinates, and work to resolve conflicts. Decision Makers: look for new opportunities, and areas for improvement. Determine the best way to allocate resources to meet the needs of the organization. Solve problems and take corrective action but also recognize and reward success.
Increasing Management Effectiveness : Getting Work Accomplished Manager’s Job – the 4 functions of management. Management Resources : People : the most important resource. Managers determine the work to be done, and resources to get it done. Money: a budget is established for facilities, equipment, materials, and labor. Facilities: space where business will be conducted Equipment: long term goods used to produce good or service (ovens, computers, cash register). Materials: short term goods that will be replenished as needed in the production of good or service (milk, coffee cups, sugar).
Increasing Management Effectiveness : Principles of Effective Management Management Principles - are the foundation guidelines for the decisions and actions of managers. There are 6 principles: Effective Managers.. 1. Demonstrate commitment to current and future success of an organization. 2. Take responsibility for developing and implementing plans to achieve the organization’s goals. 3. Identify resources needed and ensure availability of resources. 4. Organize and coordinate the work of the organization in a way that achieves efficient and effective operations. 5. Recognize the importance of employees and balance those needs with the goals and work of the organization. 6. Monitor activities and results to identify ways organizations can improve.
Increasing Management Effectiveness : Principles of Effective Management Effective Managers are… 1. Consistent 2. Objective (don’t rush to judgement) 3. Do not act in their own self interest 4. Prepare carefully 5. Spend time to gather and review information before acting 6. Think about long term results of actions, as well as immediate results 7. Consult with other managers and employees to get new ideas and views 8. Find ways to improve their own effectiveness as well as their employees.
Effective Supervision: The supervisor’s Job Supervisors – (AKA First Level Managers) are responsible for the day to day activities of the company’s employees. Need to understand both managers and employees jobs Serve as a link management and non management employees. Implement the decisions of management Solve employee problems, present employee concerns to management. Usually selected from the most experienced and most skilled employees in an area but have little or no management training. Create a work environment that motivates employees to do their best!
Effective Supervision: The supervisor’s Job New Supervisor Adjustment – May not have the level of confidence they previously had May need to develop different working relationships with employees (subordinates – subject to the authority and control of another person) Must command respect but in a way that encourages employees to do their best
Effective Supervision: The supervisor’s Job Supervisor Effectiveness – 3 Ways The quality of the work of the supervised employees ◦If work not done well management will not be pleased The efficient use of the company’s resources ◦If resources not used efficiently profit may be lost The satisfaction of the supervisor’s employees ◦Employees are not happy with their work they may not perform well
Effective Supervision: Responsibilities of Supervisors Communicate the Goals and Directions of Management to Employees. Good managers show employees the importance of the company’s goals Help employees see how they can accomplish their own goals by helping the company to be successful.
Effective Supervision: Responsibilities of Supervisors Explain Employee Concerns and Ideas to Management. Employees must feel they are a part of the company and management values their ideas and opinions. ◦Employees will work hard for a company that is concerned about them, involves them, takes their ideas seriously.
Effective Supervision: Responsibilities of Supervisors Evaluate and Improve Employee Performance. Performance Review – a procedure that evaluates that work and accomplishment of an employee and provides feedback on performance. ◦Can be Formal or Informal – reveals the employees strengths and weaknesses. Good Supervisors must be ◦ both positive and objective ◦Discuss evaluation that contributes to an effective understanding (not conflict) ◦Provides employee recognition for employees that perform well ◦Provide help for those who are not performing well ◦Invoke discipline or even termination when serious problems occur.
Effective Supervision: Responsibilities of Supervisors Encourage Employees to Do their Best Work. Help create a comfortable atmosphere where employees enjoy their work. Employees want to feel accepted and respected. Use Resources Efficiently - Control costs by looking for ways to operate more efficiently. ◦Seek advise from employees and make suggestions to managers on how process can be improved
Effective Supervision: Managing Day to Day Activities Scheduling Work – Work schedules identify tasks to be done, employees assigned the work, and the time frame for completion. Responsible for full and part time workers. ◦Schedule too many wastes money ◦Schedule too few work does not get completed Time Management – managing work schedules to achieve maximum productivity (no time wasted).
Effective Supervision: Managing Day to Day Activities Communicating with Employees – Most often done verbally, it can be in writing as well. ◦Must be specific and clear ◦Consider time and place and best method to communicate ◦Listening is just as important in communication skills.
Effective Supervision: Managing Day to Day Activities Controlling Quality – the process of making sure work meets acceptable standards. Making sure work is done correctly the first time Reduce problems by planning work carefully, developing standards, and regularly checking quality.
Effective Supervision: Improving Supervisory Skills Improving Supervisory Skills – Understanding the need to spend less time on non-managerial activities and more time on management functions. Helping employees improve their skills usually has the effect that an employee values your support. Taking over employees work to make sure it is done correctly usually has the effect that an employee will resent that action.
Effective Supervision: Improving Supervisory Skills Improving Supervisory Skills – Formal training programs for new supervisors Work Coach – an experienced manager meets regularly with a new manager to provide feedback and advise. IF training or a work coach is not provided it is suggested a supervisor take outside courses (on line courses, read magazines) to help with understanding management functions.
Effective Supervision: Using Management Information Using Management Information Systems – computer based system that stores, organizes, and provides information about a business. Helps in developing effective plans and control business operations. Planning involves using past experience and anticipated changes. ◦What If Analysis – a systematic way to explore the consequences of specific choices using computer software. (what if we replaced old trucks with more fuel efficient trucks)
Effective Supervision: Using Management Information Business Research - gathering new information not included in MIS. Marketing Research and Product Development are the two most common areas of study. Study consumer purchasing habits, or potential profitability of a newly added product. Study H/R to learn supply/demand for labor.
Effective Supervision: Decision Making Problems and Decision Making - difficult situation requiring a solution. ◦Example) Problem – finding most effective efficient mode of shipment. ◦Possible Solutions - ship by airplane, ship, train, or truck. ◦Consider best and worst solution for anticipated results.
Effective Supervision: Decision Making Steps in Problem Solving – 1. Identify the Problem 2. List Possible Solutions 3. Analyze the Solutions 4. Select the Best Solution 1.(see graphic organizer on text page 43)
Effective Supervision: Decision Making Contingency Planning – an alternative course of action to be followed if a specific problem arises. ◦Similar to problem solving but the timing is different. Rather than waiting for a problem to emerge or a symptom to be identified, managers are proactive. Managers work to identify possible problems that may occur and develop alternative approaches that could be followed (Bill Gates operated with way with his executive team)