Prof S.M.Shafi & Nadim Akhtar Khan
services “a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members.” (Lynch,2003) capturepreserve “They capture and preserve the intellectual output of university communities… [and] provide a central component in reforming scholarly communication by stimulating innovation in a disaggregated publishing structure.” (Crow,2002) Institutional Repository
Articles, preprints, technical reports, working papers, conference papers, dissertations and theses, datasets, image files, audio and video files, e-books, courseware output, learning objects, faculty archives, departmental archives Both raw and cooked – finished articles and the datasets built as part of the research that leads to the article’s conclusions Potential Contents
For the Individual central archive Provide a central archive of their work impact Increase the dissemination and impact of their research CV Acts as a full CV For the Institution visibilityprestige Increases visibility and prestige Acts as an advertisement to funding sources, potential new faculty and students, etc. assets Facilitates use and reuse of assets. For Society access Provide access to the world’s research preservation Ensures long-term preservation of institutes’ academic output(Prosser,1998) Why Institutional Repositories?
OIRs enable wider global readership. Which means Which means: Improved Citation ranking. Communication. Improved long term preservation. Decreased potential plagiarism. Leading to Leading to: Professional Standing. Departmental/Institutional respect/promotion. Long term Accessibility. Ease of Access for Colleagues and Students.(SHERPA,2007) Open Access Research Key Benefits
Know your Rights Authors and Their Rights Authors and Their Rights, resources.shtml Publisher Copyright Policies & Self-Archiving Publisher Copyright Policies & Self-Archiving, Resources for Authors,
Challenges of an IR
All Continents Joining the Scenario. Europe having a maximum of 955 repositories. North America 487 Asia 371. Whole world a hub of Knowledge. ROAR(2875). OpenDOAR(2170). Oaister ARC:Across Archive Search Service. eScholarship Repository. Growth in OIRs Change is Evident
Knowledge Repository Open Network (KNoor)
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Top Community Views CommunityTotal ItemsTop Item View (>20) University of Kashmir2688 SKIMS1313 SKUAST-K942 Total49313
Once we Cultivate then we can harvest
References Lynch, C. A. ( 2003). Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure For Scholarship In The Digital Age. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 3, 2, Crow, R., SPARC (Organization), & Association of Research Libraries. (2002). The case for institutional repositories: A SPARC position paper. Washington, D.C: SPARC. David Prosser(1998). Institutional Repositories & Open Access – The Future of Scholarly Communication SHERPA,2007.Retrieved from mar-2007.pdf