Office Productivity Software: Uses, Options, And Evolving Solutions For Public Education
What is Office Software? ● Sometimes called “productivity software.” ● Office software packages contain various tools for staff and students; allowing both parties to create professionally styled presentations, documents, reports, plans, lesson resources or course content.
Productivity Software ● Productivity office software suites are a staple in the computer world and are therefore a key ingredient in successful integration of technology into education. ● Common packages include Microsoft Office, Microsoft Works, Appleworks (or Clarisworks), and/or Corel Perfect Office (or WordPerfect).
Open Source Software Options ● Some schools implemented a switch to “Open-Source” software packages, such as or License-fee free options such as Sun Microsystem's Star Office. OpenOffice.orgStar Office ● Open-Source software can be licensed for free use on all computers. It can also be modified and re-written. ● is a complete office productivity suite. It includes all of the major components found in Microsoft Office but costs nothing. ● It allows users to read its programming codes and add to or edit them. ● Support is offered by online discussion and community groups. ● It is a “multi-platform” program and can save files in varying formats. ● This “Power Point” presentation was done using
Star Office ● Star Office includes all of the same features as, but districts can opt to pay for support and physical copies of the software.
NSBA Goals ● The key is “FREE.” The free software allows districts to divert funds to other needs. ● This helps greatly with NSB points #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.
NSBA Goals 2 ● Goals 7, 8 & 9 are helped due to OpenOffice's flexibility and online community support and updates. ● In short, a school board should love the idea.
Reeve's Pedagogy ● Most any productivity software package would have the same ratings on Reeve's pedagogy scale. ● adds slightly different pedagogical advantages which are not present in other software packages.
Reeve's Part 2 ● Accommodation of individual differences & Learner control differ from other suites. – The software can be modified. ● Cooperative learning & Cultural sensitivity play a different role as well. – The software is supported, shared, and discussed via online discussion groups.
The Future ● Low to no cost software greatly increases the chances of meeting the Goals of “Goals 2000.” ● Software supported by world-wide discussion and interaction could create a new, less financially-driven, excitement (from students!)regarding software development.
What to do? ● Investigate. Visit the Online Development Communities of and Star Office. ●
For More Info. Than You Ever Wanted Numerous resources were investigated and are included in this link (in Blackboard Drop Box). Not all were directly related, but all either had something to do with Open-Source use in education or office productivity software selection for schools.this link