Chest Xrays Christopher A. Klipstein
Chest Xrays Christopher A. Klipstein Approach vs Classic Examples
See anything abnormal?
How do CXRs work ? Send xrays at film – pass though, absorbed to various degrees, scatter Five basic radiologic densities: – Air, fat, soft tissue (fluids/muscle), calcium (bone), metal Film is a map of xray attenuation
Five basic radiologic densities
Film: map of xray attenuation
How do CXRs work ? Send xrays at film – pass though, absorbed to various degrees, scatter Five basic radiologic densities: – Air, fat, soft tissue (fluids/muscle), calcium (bone), metal Film is a map of xray attenuation
How do CXRs work ? Send xrays at film – pass though, absorbed to various degrees, scatter Five basic radiologic densities: – Air, fat, soft tissue (fluids/muscle), calcium (bone), metal Film is a map of xray attenuation See boarders between different densities Do not see boarders when density is the same
See boarders between different densities
Do not see boarders when density is the same
Do not see boarders when density is the same AND in direct contact
Silhouette sign
Do not see boarders when density is the same AND in direct contact
Important to know boarders
And anatomy
Can localize findings
Where is the infiltrate?
How do CXRs work ? Send xrays at film – pass though, absorbed to various degrees, scatter Five basic radiologic densities: – Air, fat, soft tissue (fluids/muscle), calcium (bone), metal Film is a map of xray attenuation See boarders between different densities Do not see boarders when density is the same AND in direct contact
Classic Examples Infiltrates (alveolar and interstitial) Pleural effusion Pneumothorax COPD CHF Mass/nodule
Alveolar infiltrate
Interstitial infiltrates
Pleural Effusion
Peri-Bronchial Cuffing
Interstitial Edema
Alveolar Edema
Mass (>3cm)
Is Your Brain Full ?
How do CXRs work ? Send xrays at film – pass though, absorbed to various degrees, scatter Five basic radiologic densities: – Air, fat, soft tissue (fluids/muscle), calcium (bone), metal Film is a map of xray attenuation See boarders between different densities Do not see boarders when density is the same AND in direct contact (Silhouette sign)
Classic Examples Infiltrates (alveolar and interstitial) Pleural effusion Pneumothorax COPD CHF Mass/nodule
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