ROOT AND TUBER IMPROVEMENT AND MARKETING PROGRAMME Planting Materials Multiplication and Distribution: (RTIMP) How farmers’ benefits could be enhanced.


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Presentation transcript:

ROOT AND TUBER IMPROVEMENT AND MARKETING PROGRAMME Planting Materials Multiplication and Distribution: (RTIMP) How farmers’ benefits could be enhanced through market-based commodity chains

Outline Introduction Previous investments Impact of previous investments New Challenges and Innovative Approaches New Partnerships Response to Global Food Crisis Conclusion

Basic Information on agricultural Economy of Ghana Variable/indicator2006 estimate Gross Domestic Product (GDP)$70 billion GDP per capita$3141 Agriculture GDP as % of GDP35.8 Agriculture GDP growth rate6.2 Cassava - Percent of total cropped area (second to maize 21.5%) 21.1 INTRODUCTION

Previous Investments Root and Tuber Improvement Programme IFAD/Ghana Government Root and Tuber Improvement Programme IFAD/Ghana Government a sustainable system for multiplying and distributing improved planting materials integrated pest management, including biological control, to reduce the incidence of disease and pests availability of new cropping, storage and processing technologies by strengthening adaptive research unimpeded access to new technologies for poor farmers, especially women a sustainable system for multiplying and distributing improved planting materials integrated pest management, including biological control, to reduce the incidence of disease and pests availability of new cropping, storage and processing technologies by strengthening adaptive research unimpeded access to new technologies for poor farmers, especially women

Development and deployment of cassava varieties with high genetic potential - 11 varieties released and deployed Efficient planting material multiplication system established and functioning Nation-wide Integrated Pest management programme developed and functioning Over 700,000 farmers access planting material of improved varieties Development and deployment of cassava varieties with high genetic potential - 11 varieties released and deployed Efficient planting material multiplication system established and functioning Nation-wide Integrated Pest management programme developed and functioning Over 700,000 farmers access planting material of improved varieties Impact of previous interventions

Multiplication System RTIP developed a 3-tier system: Primary multiplication site-Breeder material to Foundation (PY1)  Public Institutions (GLDB, MOFA Stations) Secondary multiplication site-Foundation to certified (PY2)-Private  Contract farmers (already growing or have knowledge in the growing of cassava)-No intercropping Tertiary multiplication site- Certified to farmers (PY3)  Small-holder farmers /farmer groups not on contract (intercropping allowed)  Implemented in 60 out of the then 110 districts in Ghana

Cassava Secondary Multiplication Field 7

Impact of previous interventions

Gangs tying cassava planting material into bundles

Annual Production (MT) 9,567,0009,638,00010,210,000 Production Available For Human Consumption (MT) 6,696,900 6,746, 600 7,147,000* Estimated National Consumption(MT) 3,255,1003,346,000 4,000,000* Surplus (MT) 3,441,8003,400,660 3,147,000* Impact of previous interventions *Projected estimates

Impact of previous interventions

“Surplus” production may  Not lead to reduced prices  Excess production can remain un- harvested (without increased demand)  Lead to depressed prices especially in rainy season

Top 10 Cassava Producing Countries, average of (FAOSTAT) (% of world Production) Impact of previous interventions

 Low capacity of processing plants  Inefficient equipment  Under-developed market (Poor Market information systems and infrastructure)  Unorganised supply lines/chain  High cost of production/low market prices/price cycles  Low capacity of processing plants  Inefficient equipment  Under-developed market (Poor Market information systems and infrastructure)  Unorganised supply lines/chain  High cost of production/low market prices/price cycles Constraints within commodity Chain

Potential for expanded utilization ProductSectorExpected demand for fresh roots (tons) High Quality Cassava FlourPlywood Industry Others (Bread, Biscuits & Snacks) 450,000 StarchesPharmaceuticals, Textile Others (Paper, Processed Foods etc) 3,000 EthanolPharmaceuticals Others (medical, beverage, scientific) 200,000 Glucose/Glucose syrupPharmaceuticals, Others; Confectionery, biscuits etc.) 4,000 Chips and pelletsAnimal feed15,000 Total663,000

Total cost: US$27.6 million IFAD loan: US$18.9 million Duration: 8 years Geographical area: National Directly benefiting: 180,000 households Current Intervention Building competitive market-based commodity chain

Current Intervention Improving access to micro-finance, business services and policy development process Upgrading and integrating smallholders and enterprises into value chains and productive networks Implementing responsible business practices in smallholders and enterprises

Current Intervention Innovative featuresChain actors to benefit Tailor made linkages through an Initiative Fund Processors, Traders, Farmers Pilot commercial planting material production and distribution Farmers and Seed Growers New varieties targeted at specific products Processors, farmers Farmer field Fora as a learning platform for increased productivity Farmers, primary processors Micro-Enterprise Fund with matching Fund Commercial processors, equipment manufacturers

Current IFAD Intervention Innovative featuresChain actors to benefit Training in manufacture, maintenance and repair of processing equipment Artisans, Processors Training and support in business management and business plan preparation Processors, Traders, Farmers Good Practice Centres as learning platform Commercial processors, primary processors Enhanced Market Information system Processors, Traders Farmers

New Partnerships Regional Cassava Processing and Marketing Initiative (RCPMI)  Market development (including overseas indigenous market for cassava products)  Development of Market information systems  Equipment identification and standardization  Training in quality management systems Private Sector Programme Implementation (Good Practice centres, market identification, commodity chain development)

New opportunities School Feeding Programme targeted support to “local” gari processors promotion of HQCF-based affordable snacks deployment of carotene-rich cassava Global Food Crises import substitution new uses potential export avenues

Response to Global Food Crises  Policy initiative on flour (HQCF) substitution  Stakeholder Consultations held, chaired by Hon Minister  Identification and selection of key processing enterprises to produce HQCF  Assessment of equipment needs  Organisation of growers

Policy to enable 10% wheat flour substitution 13 processing centres to produce approximately 39,000 tons HQCF/year at 10 tons per centre per day (300 days) New equipment required by centres higher capacity grater (2 tons/hr) and hydraulic press 300 kg capacity hammer mill with cyclone Approximately 10,000 ha required (at 15 t ha -1 ) to produce 156,000 tons/year Response to Global Food Crises

Challenges STILL Planting Harvesting Peeling

Summary Use of improved planting material and bioagents increased farmers’ yields from 7 to 12t/ha Partnership with Regional Initiative to increase synergy School feeding programme and global food crises are opportunities for enhancing the competiveness of the cassava commodity chain.

Conclusion Keep the light shining at both ends of the tunnel Donors and sponsors to support both upstream and downstream interventions