Automating Legacy Network Devices Jason Edelman @jedelman8
Who Am I? Jason Edelman Traditional Network Engineer Worked for Cisco, VARs, etc. CCIE 15394, VCDX-NV 167 Shifted to software and systems ~4 years ago Provide training and consulting services on network automation technologies Blog: Twitter: @jedelman8
Agenda Why Automation? Network Device Programmability Python Libraries & Ansible Modules Ansible (Red Hat) Live Demo (Ansible)
Network Device Programmability How do you connect to the device? Nexus NX-API NETCONF Arista eAPI REST APIs API du jour 15-20% of all devices?
Network Device Programmability If there is an API, use it… If not, we have old faithful…SSH 85-90% of devices Legacy or Traditional?
It’s OKAY to use SSH
Python => Ansible Python Library Description Ansible Modules Specialty/Focus napalm Multi-vendor library. Uses APIs when possible, but uses SSH (netmiko) for IOS napalm_install_config Note: there are also “get” modules Managing device configurations pyntc ntc_file_copy ntc_save_config ntc_show_command ntc_config_command ntc_reboot ntc_install_os ntc_get_facts ntc_rollback System level tasks netmiko Multi-vendor SSH client (12+ vendors) Used by napalm and ntc modules SSH client
Ansible Agentless Built-in Templating Engine YAML & Jinja2 Reports, Docs, Configs, etc. Created and easily extended in Python (or language of your choice) Gaining adoption for Network Automation
Ansible Inventory File [bldg1] b1-closet1-stack1 b1-closet2-stack2 [bldg2] b2-closet1-stack1 b2-closet2-stack2 Inventory File - inventory
Ansible Inventory File & Playbook [bldg1] b1-closet1-stack1 b1-closet2-stack2 [bldg2] b2-closet1-stack1 b2-closet2-stack2 --- - name: deploy vlan on bldg2 switches hosts: bldg2 connection: local tasks: - name: ensure VLAN 10 exists nxos_vlan: vlan_id=10 name=web_vlan host={{ inventory_hostname }} Inventory File - inventory Playbook - vlan-pb.yml EXECUTE PLAYBOOK: $ ansible-playbook –i inventory vlan-pb.yml
ntc_show_command Multi-vendor Ansible module to streamline converting raw text into JSON key/value pairs Leverages TextFSM netmiko (SSH) is used for transport by default
ntc_show_command JSON data returned
Existing IOS Templates Other vendors and OSs exist too
Sample TextFSM Template No coding Regex in TextFsM templates is all that’s needed
ntc_config_command Send configs from list or from file 12+ device types supported (SSH)
ntc_get_facts Facts returned include: uptime (string) uptime (seconds) model vendor os_version serial_number hostname fqdn vlans interfaces
ntc_save_config Save the running configuration as the startup configuration or to a file on the network device. Performs a commit on Juniper devices / copy run start on others Optionally, save the running configuration as a file to the Ansible control host.
ntc_file_copy Copy local files via SCP to network devices
ntc_rollback Create Checkpoint file and rollback to it if there is an error Insert other tasks between
LIVE DEMO Ansible Quickstart & Overview Save & Backup configs Copying files Collecting Data: inventory & ‘show’ commands Creating Reports Pushing configs (time permitting)
Slack Team Self sign up Various channels for topics such as netmiko, napalm, ansible, trigger, and for specific vendors
THANK YOU! Jason Edelman @jedelman8