Introduction Problem Definition & Literature Review Main circuit References
The increasing use of power electronic equipments in a distribution network which represent nonlinear loads have caused many power quality disturbances such as harmonics pollution, unbalanced load currents, and reactive power problems. As a result poor power factor, weakening efficiency, over heating of motors and transformers, malfunction of sensitive devices etc. [1]-[4] are encountered.
Conventionally, a passive power filter which consists of passive elements is used to provide harmonic filtering as an economical and effective filtering device. However it has shortcomings such as fixed compensation performance, bulk in size and resonance troubles [5]-[9].
Important types of passive power filters and their configurations are discussed in [5]. To overcome the shortcomings of passive power filters and to mitigate the power pollution in networks caused by the nonlinear loads, an active power filter (APF) was established in around 1970s [10]-[13].
APFs are previously not implemented in power net works, because of unavailability of high speed power switching devices. Recently the power electronic development spurred the interest in IGBTs, MOS-FETs etc [11] and then APFs are developed incorporating power electronics technology to support the needs of industry.
With the development of power electronic technology, low voltage and high current switching power supply has been applied widely in production and life. Generally, there are two methods to eliminate harmonics, which are mainly passive power filter and active power filter. The former is relatively low cost, but filtering effect is far from desirability. This paper employs active power filter to suppress harmonic current of low voltage and high current(60V/500A) switching power supply.
[1] Dayi Li, Jun Tian, “A novel active power filter for the voltage-source type harmonic source”, Electrical Machines and Systems, pp , [2] Dawei Gao, Qingchun Lu, “Design and performance of an activepower filter for unbalanced loads”, Power System Technology, vol4,pp , [3] Hurng-Liahng Jou, Jinn-Chang Wu, “A novel active power filter for harmonic suppression”, Power Delivery, vol20, pp , [4] Izhar, M, Hadzer, “Performance for passive and active power filter in reducing harmonics in the distribution system”, Power and Energy Conference, pp , 2004.
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