UDESWA UDESWA (Upscaling the Nigerian Flash Drying Experience for Sustainable Regional Trade and Income generation in West Africa) PROJECT OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES C SI R- F o o d R es ea rc h In sti tu te
BACKGROUND Efforts from within West African region to sustain agro-food production and processing have been limited by: poor post-harvest and pro poor agro-processing diversification strategies; poorly coordinated regional extension services; weak links and networks of proven commercialisable drying technologies; insufficient expertise as well as lack of institutional and human resource capacities. Postharvest losses can be curtailed through sustainable drying and value addition of commodities There is therefore the need to adopt an innovative approach in addressing this common problems
The traditional drying systems are characterized by drudgery and high processing losses as well as safety concerns
Recent efforts by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored project tagged Cassava: Adding for Africa under the leadership of the Natural Resources Institute, Kent, UK with FUNAAB, Nigeria and other partners from Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi, have resulted in efficient flash drying systems for cassava flour. The flash has higher drying efficiency, 20-23% internal rate of return and 50% fuel reduction. However, Other countries in west Africa are yet to experience this sustainable drive
OBJECTIVES The main objective of the project is to promote efficient and proven drying technologies for sustainable food security and poverty alleviation in west Africa The specific objectives include: To evolve and promote commercialisable proven drying technology adaptable to West African postharvest peculiarities and needs. To build capacity of drying equipment fabricators, SMEs and other beneficiaries. Assess economic viability of the transferred drying equipment for value added dried root and tuber products with SMEs.
1.Constraints to drying systems analysed and profitable investment options identified 1.1 Conduct scoping studies and gather baseline data on existing drying systems, capacity training gaps and needs This will involve: i. Mapping the existing drying and dried products value ii. Gender analysis during the baseline studies iii. Identifying the distribution of actors’ benefits in the drying value chain. 1.2 Develop brochures on constraints to drying systems and profitable investment options 1.3 Organize sensitization workshop on benefit of new drying systems to project beneficiaries
2. Drying technologies installed and adapted 2.1 Pilot scale testing of the flash dryer equipment to determine; fuel use efficiency, power options, drying throughput, techno-economic viability in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Benin Republic. 2.2 Organize Incubation System (contract drying facility) for selected project Beneficiaries 2.3 Development of business models and practices of such in the selected economically viable enterprises producing value added products from root and tuber crops. 2.4 Convene investment fora (Open day, exhibition) for the adoption, uptake and dissemination, of the flash dryer in the project countries.
3.Capacity of processors, fabricators and researchers enhanced 3.1 Conduct hands-on capacity building trainings for drying equipment fabricators, SME owners and factory workers in all project countries. 3.2 Training on business development services and market intelligent studies for the SMEs 4. Policy options for national and regional trade developed and promoted 4.1 Review of existing policies on postharvest systems and identify policy gaps 4.2 Develop policy options and propose to policy makers 4.3 Develop policy briefs and convey Policy dialogue meetings with stakeholders
TARGET BENEFICIARIES 1.Local and national agro-processing equipment fabricators. 2. Rural and urban root/tuber processors, mostly female household heads and women entrepreneurs, existing SMEs especially those involved in drying and value addition to crops. 3. Regional, national and local agricultural extension institutions. 4. Policy makers both at national and regional levels. 5. Young scientists/researchers within the selected countries.
For Further Enquiries Contact: Prof L.O. Sanni (Project Resource Person) Dr. A.A. Adebowale (Regional Coordinator) Dr. N.M Dziedoave (Country Coordinator, Ghana) Dr. S. N. Fomba (Country Coordinator, Sierra-Leone) Prof. A. Dansi (Country Coordinator, Benin Republic)