Primate Evolution Primates: group of mammals which includes monkeys, apes, and humans. Characteristics similar in all primates: Opposable thumbs Binocular vision Flexible shoulders Rotating forelimbs
Primate Classification Primates are divided into two major groups: 1)Prosimians (“before apes”)- Lemurs, tarsiers (nocturnal, large eyes and excellent hearing) 2) Higher primates- monkeys, apes, and humans Lemur Tarsier
Hominids Hominids: humanlike primates that ate both meat and vegetables and walked upright on two feet
Australopithecus Discovered in South Africa in the early 1920s by Raymond Dart. Means “southern ape” Small brain cavity Humanlike jaw and teeth Raymond Dart
Australopithecus- “Lucy” In 1974, another Australopithecus was discovered by an American scientist, Donald Johanson. This one was almost complete. They named the fossil Lucy million years old Small brain Walked upright Many scientists believe all humans evolved in Africa from ancestors similar to Lucy Donald Johanson
Homo habilis In 1964, Louis, Mary, and Richard Leakey discovered another hominid in East Africa. They named this fossil Homo habilis. Means “handy man”- found simple stone tools near him million years old Very short with long arms Brain about ½ the size of modern man
Means “upright man” Lived about 1.6 million years ago Larger brain than Homo habilis (about 74% of the size of modern man) Migrated out of Africa about 1 million years ago Forehead is less sloping Teeth are smaller Used more advanced stone tools Existing Homo erectus fossils include: Java Man (1891) Peking Man (1927) Turkana Boy (1984) Java Man- Reconstruction Peking Man Turkana Boy Homo erectus
Homo sapiens Our species Means ‘wise humans’ Evolved about 300,000 years ago 2 early groups of Homo sapiens –Neanderthal –Cro-Magnon
Brains, Brains, Brains
Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis ) Short, heavy bodies Thick, massive bones Small chins Heavy brow ridges Lived in family groups in caves Hunted mammoth, deer, etc.- with stone tools Disappeared about 35,000 years ago
Interesting Facts About Neanderthals Discovered in 1856 at a limestone quarry in Germany. Scientists disagreed when trying to interpret these fossils. German scientist Rudolf Virchow examined the fossils and concluded that it was a Homo sapien with rickets, caused by a Vitamin D deficiency. When more were found with ‘rickets’- the Neanderthals were classified as a ‘sub-human’ group. He also theorized that the flattened head was due to powerful blows. In the early 1900s, after many skeletons were found, a French paleontologist determined that Neanderthals could not fully extend their legs, walked stooped over, and had his head thrust forward. This would be the popular image for about fifty years. In 1957 researchers re-examined this skeleton and concluded that Neanderthals walked upright and that the stooped posture was due to a case of arthritis.
Thoughts on Neanderthals Today More evidence from various digs have shown that Neanderthals wielded simple tools, wore body ornaments, had religious rites and ceremonies where they buried their dead. The placement of tools and food along with the deceased suggests that the Neanderthals believed in life after death. Today they are classified as totally human – Homo sapiens Neanderthal burial
Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons Neanderthal skullCro-Magnon skull About 125,000 years ago, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon humans lived at the same time in parts of Africa and Europe.
Traveling ‘Neandertals’
Recent Discoveries Paleontologists recently examined a 24,500-year-old skeleton of a young boy discovered in a shallow grave in Portugal. DNA testing suggests the child is part Neanderthal and part early modern Homo sapiens. Some scientists now believe that Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted for thousands of years long ago and may have had children together as well. The new discovery could finally resolve the question of what happened to the Neanderthals. They may have merged with modern humans (Cro-Magnons).
Homo sapiens- Out of Africa
Cro-Magnon Man Fossils have been found in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Fossils date from 40,000 to about 10,000 years ago. Lived in caves; cave paintings Made stone carvings, cared for elderly, buried their dead. Were m tall Physically similar to modern humans Considered direct ancestors of modern humans
Changes Over Time Compared to the Neandertals and other early Homo sapiens, modern humans generally have more delicate skeletons. Their skulls are more rounded and their brow ridges protrude less. They also have relatively high foreheads and pointed chins.
Evolution of Man- Time Line
Map of Fossils Found in Africa
Recent Discoveries On September 10 th, 2015 a paleoanthropologist named Lee Berger discovered Homo naledi in a South African cave that was only accessible by 80 meters of extremely narrow passages. So far 1,550 fossil fragments from 15 individuals ranging in age from newborn to elderly have been found with many more yet to be excavated. To have 1000’s of fossils of one species in one location is very rare Many questions are yet to be answered- why were there so many individuals of this one species in one remote cavern? Were they dragged there by some predator? Did they live in the cave? Could they have been trapped all at once?
Homo Naledi
Mystery ‘Hobbits’ Homo Floresiensis, dubbed “the Hobbit,” due to their tiny stature, were discovered on the island of Flores in Controversy has raged ever since as to whether they were an unknown branch of early humans or specimens of modern man deformed by disease Recent studies of skull bones shows that they were not Homo sapiens.