Jackie Ferriera CTE/Business Marketing NCHS Liz Stempien English NCHS Meghan Frazier English NCHS
Pros Used mostly for posting assignments / discussion forum Cons Similar to our CCS teacher website in functionality. Students cannot upload work to site. Not most user friendly
Pros User Friendly! Looks like Facebook Students enjoy using App for iPhone can use to grade assignments on your phone Students upload work directly to site Onsite grading Cons Need to create each semester Have to scroll through for earlier dates/assignments
PROS Links with google docs Parent access Gradebook Discussion ability Varied apps turnitin.com remind 101 Test and quiz generator Analytics tracks where students spend time, log in, etc. District approved CONS Free vs paid versions Harder to learn Not as ‘facebooky’ as Edmodo
Pros DPI Approved Online Classroom Similar to Blackboard and other online college courses Students upload work directly to site Onsite grading No need to create each semester. Can be used over and over again even by multiple teachers Wide variety of assignment options to choose from
Google Sites: Use your Google account (CCS employees have google apps account or if you have a gmail account) Go to Google Sites and set yourself up! Edmodo.com: Go to the website and set up an account! Schoology.com: Go to the website and set up an account!
LearnNC Moodle: Set up an account if you don’t have one (all CTE teachers should have one) Then go to the following page to request a course:
Science (Mark Gironda & Robyn McNally) Much like a college course Direct instruction at home Students responsible for going over presentations, readings, videos etc. at home Data driven in creating roster Equal amount of high, medium, low Immediate assessments In-class Provide instant results for instructor Google Forms, Socratic, etc. Placed into categories based on results Low students w/teacher Higher students begin more in-depth material “Pre-AP” and higher order PBLs Medium students given higher order assignments to be assessed later These can be evaluated later to determine move up/down\ Alternate “work days” with lab and discussion days Read articles; discuss Go over problems Outside labs, etc.
Social Studies (Katelyn Kmieciak) Example assignment: Document Analysis Traditional Classroom Involves a great deal of paper and time handing out materials, collecting, etc. Blended Learning Classroom Easier to facilitate Ability to look at digital copies actual sources “History is not in an actual textbook, it is in the actual sources.” Would become normal means of students acquiring information Access to proper databases makes it easier
Math (Megan Bell & NCHS Math Dept.) Assign students to groups 4-5 groups per class Use “station concept” with time blocks of minutes Station 1: Meet with teacher Q&A from previous objectives (homework, tests, quizzes) Overview of the day’s objective Station 2: Independent review Online quizzes, additional practice from previous concepts Station 3: Independent study Videos of teacher lecture or appropriate links with guided practice problems Station 4: Independent practice Study Island or similar software Whole Class: Teacher led review of day’s objective More guided instruction and/or practice if needed Final Q&A
Benefits of Blended Learning: What Does Blended Learning look like: learning-look-like-this-video-explains_13861/ learning-look-like-this-video-explains_13861/ The Basics of Blended Learning: Blended Learning Models: models/ models/
Contact information Jackie Ferreira CTE department Liz Stempien English department Meghan Frazier English department Presentation located on all three teacher websites