12 th – 16 th September 2016
Important Dates Tuesday 19 th April – Welcome letters and usernames / passwords for issued. Self Found Placement forms have been issued. Spare forms are available. Begin requesting placements as soon as possible
Important Dates Friday 3 rd June – all Self Found placement forms MUST be returned to the school. Monday 12 th – Friday 16 th September WORK EXPERIENCE
Placements There are a limited number of placements available on Once you have your username & password you can access the site and search for a placement. You can request up to 3 placements and these are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Placements All placements offered within South Lanarkshire Council are on the workit database, including Primary Schools and Leisure Centres. You CANNOT approach a South Lanarkshire Council facility for a self placement.
Placements Please check that your placement is not listed on the workit database BEFORE you hand in a self placement form. Forms should be returned to your registration teacher and must be returned with a copy of the employers insurance certificate.
Step 1: Login page
STEP 2: applying for placements You should see your own name and school displayed on the screen in the Your account section. The Search facility allows you search for work experience vacancies. Click on this.
You can use the options on the Search page to find suitable opportunities. In order to run your search, click on the Submit button.
The screen will show a list of available work experience opportunities for that week. Click on the job title of one of the placements on your list to You see a more detailed description of the opportunity.
Job description – what you will be doing on the placement Hours – how long you will be expected to work Lunch – how long you will get for lunch and whether or not it is provided Dress code – How you will be expected to dress for the job. Additional info – any other information about what the provider requires Health and Safety – what you need to know and do to be safe while you are on the placement. You will also see a map showing you the location of the company.
If you wish to request this vacancy, scroll down the bottom of the screen to the request placement section.
You can see the opportunities you have requested by clicking on the home option in the left margin, then looking under the my requests heading.
Next Steps Write your username / password for workit into your homework diary. I also recommend you take a photo or store a note of it on to your phone. Logging into the system this week and request any placements which interest you. If you have a friend or family member who is willing to offer you a work experience placement you should contact them and let them know that you will be providing them with the relevant paperwork. Please impress on them that the paperwork needs to be completed and returned to the school very quickly so that health and safety checks can be carried out.
Dates / Deadlines Friday April 29 th 2016 – All students should have logged into Workit and requested a placement OR Pupils should have given their self placement forms to an employer to be completed. Friday 3 rd June 2016 – Self Placement forms should be returned to your registration teacher no later than this date. If you are unable to make that deadline your parent / guardian must contact Mrs Quinn by that date.