Carnegie Learning Online Renewing Our Licenses
What is RAND? RAND is a credit recovery Algebra 1 Class. We received grant funding to cover the cost for the Carnegie Materials for the first two years. Currently, students that failed Algebra 1 their first year of high school are enrolled in the course.
RAND Success Rate 74% of the students enrolled in the RAND course passed the class the first semester this year. Currently, 75% of our students are passing the class for second semester.
Class Design 3 Days per week the students are in the classroom completing textbook Carnegie Learning lessons. 2 Days per week the students are in the computer lab completing the online portion of the Carnegie Learning material.
Materials Needed Consumable Student Text and Student Assignments manuals. Student Licenses for the Online Carnegie materials.
Good News! We still have 112 copies of the Carnegie Student Text and Student Assignments.
What’s Needed? We need to renew 30 licenses for the Online Carnegie materials.
The Cost: $42.00 per student license fee for one school year $5.50 as a support and maintenance fee per license $47.50 total per license $9.95 for freight $1, for all 30 licenses